Ch 187: Between Awake and Asleep - Part 1

For the second time in her life, Layla woke up in a familiar world, but she could instantly tell that this was not where she was supposed to be.

Her body felt taller and larger than she remembered, and she was also sitting on a soft sofa that felt different from the ones she was used to.

However, the most obvious giveaway that this was not Rumenia was the phone in her hand, which reflected her adult reflection.

It took Layla a few minutes to gather herself and remember what happened. But her subordinates were getting impatient and were not in the mood to let Layla rest any more than she already had.

"Boss, would you please pay attention to what we are discussing? We need your input during this raid. This is the most important raid of our lives."

The subordinate who asked this looked familiar, but Layla did not put any pressure on her mind to remember who he was.