Ch 188 : Between Awake and Asleep - Part 2

"Today, we have gathered here for the specific purpose of sacrificing our hard-earned sacrifice to the dragon god. Once we do that, we can get unlimited power and wealth from the gods.

Now, our dear god, please accept our sacrifice and grant our wishes as soon as possible."

The knife came down, and it neared Layla's heart. It aimed to pierce the female's heart and ensure her end.

But before the knife could pass through her chest, the pair of eyes opened, and the body shot up all of a sudden.

That action caused the priest who wanted to sacrifice the body to fall back and look at the reincarnated human in disbelief.

"What the heck happened? Where am I? And what am I doing here? And my voice…why does it sound this old and cranky?"

Layla compared as she rubbed her throat. It hurt her to speak up since she had not used her vocal cords for such a long time, but it also felt good to finally be awake and ready to take revenge for what happened to her.