293: Laid out a bait - Part 1

Two weeks had passed since Adam's coronation, and under his leadership, the royal family and the imperial army had begun to heal from the divisions that had plagued them. 

The days felt calmer, the city gradually returning to a semblance of peace. Citizens walked the streets with lighter steps, and the tension that had gripped the imperial palace seemed to lift.

Despite the outward tranquility, Layla remained vigilant. She had seen too many sudden reversals to trust in peace so quickly restored. "Mary," she called, her tone steady but firm, "stay sharp. 

This peace might be the perfect cover for our enemies to launch one final, desperate attack. We need to be ready for anything."

Mary nodded, understanding the gravity of Layla's words. "I'll keep an eye out. We won't let our guard down."

Meanwhile, Rossette and Raziel were on patrol, walking through the bustling streets of the capital.