11. I'll come back for you later

Summer spoke through a mouth full of salad, "Na I'm gonna let her digest what we talked about. She's a little pissed I talked to a few of her ex's saying I invaded her privacy."

I scoffed, "Coming from the girl who brags about loving men."

She immediately said, "Right."

Then we went back to eating in silence. After some time I of course cleaned up my mess from lunch, went back down to watch TV in the basement.

I heard someone enter the room behind me and was fully expecting Summer to be the person that entered. I was not expecting Kelly.

Kelly came in and sat down next to me with a harumph. I looked at her and said, "You ok."

Kelly looked at me with daggers and said, "I don't appreciate you or Summer butting into my business."

Great she's going to start a fight which is what I was trying to avoid. I still looked at her and said, "What do you expect from me Kel? You go through guys quicker than I can change my underwear. Do you have any idea how many girls I've been with? 6," I was excluding Summer because we haven't officially done the deed yet, "Count them Kel. What are you up to?"

Kelly folded her arms, "19."

I looked at her, "Exactly I'm not going through girls like they're disposable candy canes. I'm not actively looking either. You have gone through 19 guys Kel. I'm concerned. I don't want you get some disease because you can't keep a guy. I want you to find a guy and you both are happy."

Kelly kept her arms folded but I saw a tear beginning to form so I continued, "And the only way I can do that is find out what the problem is because this isn't the first time a guy has chosen another girl over you so it's obviously not them. It's you."

She still uttered, "But going to my ex's for info I could have told you. I have told you each and every time."

I spoke, "Yeah but that's from your point of view. Not theirs. I," I clarified, "we had to go to the sources. And do you know what the sources told us?"

She shook her head. I continued, "No offense Kel but you're a dead fish in bed. I'm not saying that to be mean but those are quote unquote actual words used. I have learned from not one but from 3 different sources your game needs major improvement."

A tear fell down from her eye, "And what do you expect me to do about it?"

I leaned forward, "What does dad say about working out what is the most important thing he drilled into us. What makes perfect? Without this you're shooting yourself in the foot?"

Another tear fell down her face, "Form."

I continued, "Exactly and the only way for you to get out of this rut is to work on your 'form'. Which is why I have asked Summer, your closest female friend, to help you with this."

Kelly wiped the tears from her face, "SO you two are only doing this to help me?"

I nodded, "I love you Kel like a sister. And I want to help out but I don't know where to start. Plus Summer is willing to help you. So why not accept the help and get better so you can keep a guy instead of kicking me out of bed when something bad happens."

Kelly kept her arms folded and remained silent for a little while.

After about what felt like forever, Summer walked in and gingerly walked up to Kelly, "We good?"

Kelly looked up at Summer and you could see the thoughts going through her head. Finally she sighed, "Yeah we're good Summer." She looked over at me, "And thank you for your concern Gabe." She looked back at Summer, "Is the offer for help still open?"

Summer smiled, "Of course."

Kelly smiled at her friend, "Great where do we start?"

Summer sat down next to her, "Well first we need to find out your true strengths are honey. And you have to be honest about everything."

Kelly wiped the tear from her cheek and nodded with a smile. summer smiled, "So go up to your room away from Gabe here. I'll be up there shortly and we'll start with your training."

Kelly smiled and got up. I watched her try to run off but quickly just went to a slow broken walk remembering her legs were rubber.

We watched her go. When she left Summer looked at me and smiled. She leaned in and stupid me thinking she was coming in for a kiss or something. Instead she stopped mid way, pulled my sweats and boxers down and looked down. She leaned down and kissed what was there and said, "I'll come back for you later." She pulled me back up and walked out of the room.