16. You devious bitch

She sniffled and said, "What's that?"

I looked from Summer than back to Kel, "How in the hell did you get all that hiding equipment into your room?"

She looked at me kind of confused, "What equipment?"

I spoke, "The hidden compartment in the back of your closet, the hidden drawers under your shoes, the false drawers, all the hiding spots that you have hidden around your room."

Kel wiped her chin from the tears that fell and shrugged, "Remember last year when you went to the west coast for those conventions for nearly two months?"

I nodded, "You mean when your dad took me to E3, Anime Expo, and Comic Con?"

She nodded, "Yeah that. A couple of weeks before you two left, I went to the same contractor and asked him if it was possible to do all that. Well after some plans and changes, he came while you two were gone and knocked down all the stuff inside the closet, added the false wall, built the cabinets, redid the closet to make it look fancy and added a lot of stuff. Cost me roughly nearly all the money I had saved at the time a little under $12,000."

I looked at her, "So he did all that in a couple of weeks?"

She nodded. I looked at her incredulously, "Where was mom? She didn't come with us?"

She looked at me confused, "Don't you remember she went on that all expenses paid vacay on that cruise?"

I scratched my head and vaguely remember what she was talking about. I remember last year me and the step left for two weeks because E3 and Anime Expo were pretty much back to back. Then I remembered and snapped my fingers, "That's right I forgot because the girls were at summer camp but I thought you went with her?"

She shook her head, "No I told mom I was going with Summer to," she looked over to Summer,"Where was it that you went to last year with your fam?"

Summer thought about it and remembered, "The road trip to Niagara."

Kel snapped her fingers, "Yeah that."

I looked incredulously at Kel, "So you basically lied to mom and dad on your whereabouts?"

Kel looked at me like it shouldn't surprise me, "What your mom was too excited to go on that cruise and when it turned out she was going alone she was even more excited. Dad was too focused on having fun at those conventions with you and didn't know I had skipped on the cruise. None of them checked on each other aside from the occasional text. When I got a text I just said I was having a blast with Summer and no one was the wiser. When you all got back the work was done and I spent the night with a friend until Summer got back and came home with dirty clothes that I had prepacked in the car."

Summer laughed, "You devious little bitch."

Kel bowed to Summer, "Thank you."

I thought about the whole series that took place. Dad did video chat with mom when she had signal but had resorted to texting her. He also texted Kel but I guess the texts were pretty vague. And he checked on our sisters at camp. And he only did that in between the conventions. When we were in convention mode he didn't check on anyone just recording for his channel. At nights he would upload to his channel and then crash out.

I at the moment didn't care and was pretty much doing the same. Recording for the channels. As soon as we got to the hotel I uploaded, showered, and was out.

When we got home we had the house to ourselves for roughly a day when mom and Kel got home. I had originally thought she was with mom but found out she was with Summer on her family's vacation to up North. Mom asked Kel about Summer's trip and she filled them in on everything. I guess she had photos from Summer that Summer had been sending them and never asked why Kel was not in one single picture thinking Kel had taken the photos.

So it was possible for Kel to disappear and get everything she said she had done without anyone the wiser.

When everyone was home Kel pretty much hogged the laundry machines and took a massive long fucking shower saying she needed to get the New Yorker smell out of her. I had thought her and Summer did something but come to find out it was all a ruse.

I even had to admit that she was cunning. Granted there were some holes in her plans and too many 'ifs' that if anything bad were to happen she would be in obvious shit. But it never happened.

Kel wiped the remaining tears from her face and looked at me and Summer, "So you're not mad that I did that to you?"