20. It does sort of taste like Cinnabon -R18

The girls were talking like I was no longer around other than Kel's hand on my dick.

My dick that was now slowly begin to soften but not by much. The only tell tale sign that most of my exciteness was beginning to disappear is the slow drop of pre-cum beginning to form on the tip of my penis.

I watched Summer look over at me and then down to what was forming on my dick. She smiled and looked at Kel, "Excuse me."

With that Summer pushed Kel to the side as she leaned in and looked at the pre-cum forming. She looked up at me and without looking down she slowly let out her tongue and slowly licked the head of my dick starting at the bottom and across to gather the pre-cum.

With her reward on her tongue she slowly brought in her tongue. She kept her eyes on me as the pre-cum hit her taste buds.

She smacked her lips lightly as she rolled her tongue before her eyes looked off to the right trying to figure out the taste.

Kel watched in silence as Summer licked my dick and tasted my pre-cum.

Finally after what felt like an eternity Summer looked at us who waited to see what she would do next.

Summer smiled and said, "Lightly salty with a hint of Cinnabon." She smiled, "And that was after...." she thought about the time lapse since I took the pills, "what 75 minutes?"

I shrugged and said, "Give or take yeah."

Kel looked from Summer to me and back before saying, "Wait what pills did you take Gabe?"

Summer didn't let me answer she simply answered on my behalf, "He took something to make his jizz taste good, cum a lot, and his bounce back is faster."

I spoke, "Don't forget about the lotion."

Summer snapped her fingers, "Oh yeah. Forgot about that."

Her head turned sideways before saying, "Wait I thought that was supposed to increase your horniness?"

I nodded, "It does just takes a while before it kicks in. It's also supposed to increase stamina as well."

I looked down at my dick, "As witnessed it survived two different techniques and didn't fire off."

Summer looked down and a wicked smile crossed her lips before looking up at me, "Wait was that the lotion or your normal stamina?"

I smiled, "You'll have to go again to find out."

Summer's wicked smile didn't falter.

Kel butted in, "So you're telling me Gabe's jizz is supposed to taste good."

Summer nodded and said, "Don't believe me just lightly stroke Gabe's dick I'm sure it has a lot of pre-cum still in the shaft you're holding."

Kel looked over to realize that her hand indeed was still grasping my dick even though Summer had pushed her aside to lick my dick of it's hypnotic fluid. Some how Kel had moved back and re-grasped my dick like it was her comfy blanket that she couldn't let go of.

I watched as a war played in her eyes and her facial expressions displayed multiple expressions and emotions before she watched her hand mysteriously grip ever so slightly and lift milking my dick until a faint drop of pre-cum slowly form at the tip of my dick.

Kel watched as her hand go up and up making the clear viscous liquid become larger and larger until it threatened that it was too much to be held by the simple opening at the tip of my dick.

And without warning Kel leaned in and licked the large blob of the tip of my dick.

At first she gave a disgusted look. Both in surprise she actually licked the pre-cum off my dick though she had admitted that all the previous times she tasted a guys dick liquid taste disgusting. And from the fact that she had actually licked it off me...her step-brother.

She lightly smacked her lips like she was trying to decide what was invading her taste buds.

Then she blinked and she mouthed, "It does sort of taste like Cinnabon."

Summer laughed, "Right."

Kel looked from Summer to me, "But how?"

I shrugged, "Just some supplement that Muschi makes."

Kel continued to smack her lips before stating, "If I knew about this product I would have had more guys take this product so I could actually enjoy going down on a guy."

I blinked, "So you don't like going down on guys?"

Kel shook her head.

I blinked again, "But what about all those times you boasted to me you're THE head queen?"

Kel bowed her head and said, "I just didn't want you to think that I was inexperienced."

I blinked more and said, "Why would you want me to think you're inexperienced?"

I watched her actually blush as her head continued to be bowed down, "Because...I don't know."

She looked up at me, "Are you mad?"

I smiled and shook my head, "No."

I brought my hand down to Kel's face and lightly lifted on her chin bringing her attention from whatever she was looking at to me.

Eventually Kel looked at me and I finally spoke, "You don't have to play a big game or do anything to impress me. I just want you to be you and be honest. Nothing more nothing less. Do you understand?"

Kel thought about my words before she nodded.

I smiled at her, "Good now you can either let go of my dick or go back to what you were doing."