27. Comfy house, comfy master room

Summer spoke, "But why?"

I looked down on the two girls, "No offense I reek of body odor after working out earlier and now sex. Plus this room reeks of ass and sex."

Kel sniffed, "I don't smell anything?"

I laughed, "That's because your still riding the orgasm high. As soon as it wears off you'll smell it."

I got up and walked over to the pile of clothes retrieving what was mine. I looked at the girls, "Besides mom and dad will be home tomorrow. It'll be good to air this room out before they get home."

With that I walked out.

I got upstairs to my room throwing my clothes into my dirty waste chute that was near my door that disposed all dirty clothes to the basement where the washer and dryer were located.

A lovely installation when the house was being remodeled.

Granted only my room and Kel's room had the laundry chute. The joined bathroom on the second floor had a chute in it for the girls. And mom and dads master bathroom had a laundry chute connection.

All chutes led to the same location.....the laundry room in the basement on the other side of the entertainment room.

Dad wanted to install a sauna or something across from the entertainment room but mom won out getting a laundry room instead of it being in the garage where it was originally located.

So dad got his way with the addition for their studio which had a sauna and that worked out after a rough workout.

And mom got her way with the master bathroom. Well technically mom got her way with the master closet. Both got their shared idea on the master bathroom which was loads better than mine and Kel's shared bathroom.

I grabbed a towel, some new clean clothes mainly boxers basketball shorts and a geek shirt, and my toiletries which was my man soap that dad got me hooked on, man shampoo from the same company and my loofah.

I then trekked to the second floor where mom and dads room was going into their master bathroom.

They weren't home so I doubt they would actually mind.

God do I love my parents master bathroom. They really went all out when they did all the remodeling to the house like they did.

I distinctly remember during the remodel it constantly sucked.

One week we wouldn't have hot water because that was being replaced.

Another week we had to wear shoes because the carpet was being ripped up and changed to the bamboo wood flooring and heated tile on every room. The bathrooms got the heating tiles and the rest of the house had the bamboo wood flooring.

For two weeks we didn't have heating or cooling because they changed out the units for cooling/heating and re-doing the ducting.

Then came changing out the insulation and getting energy efficient windows and doors.

I looked back and lightly chuckled thinking we really gutted the place and pretty much rebuilt from the ground up almost.

I remember dad saying he got the place for a steal nearly pennies on the dollar for the land and the house.

During the remodel it definitely put a strain on ALL of our relationships to where mom and dad were going to couples counseling so their marriage wouldn't be ruined. But they survived. Kel and I, and the girls of course, actually went to therapy because of the remodel and the fact we were at each other's throats which in turn straining mom and dad.

But after everything was done we pretty much pulled together to become a family. We still jab at each other for things done during the remodel.

Like Kel in her infinite wisdom left a bra, which I bet no longer fits, in one of the walls when they replaced the insulation and redid the dry wall.

Or dad accidentally left a beer in the wall during the same time.

Or the girls spray painted their names before the bamboo flooring went in.

Or I carved my name in some of the boards during the attic changeover.

Or mom leaving a pair of panties in one of lights fixtures when the closet was remodeled.

I think all of us did something during the remodel so it felt like home at the time.

I laughed as I walked into mom and dads master bathroom. I flipped on the light and turned on the digital thermostat for the floor bringing it up to a nice 85% degrees. Not hot enough to cook my bare feet but enough to where it was noticeable and comfy.

I walked over to the massive shower that was completely open on the sides. On the wall to enter the shower I turned on the digital shower. Switched the power washer option activating the 20 shower head system. Put the power at medium so the water doesn't power wash off my skin. Changed the shower to half most half normal. Then brought up the temperate to a reasonable temperature after feeling the heat a couple of times.

Then I stepped in.