119: Revenge

Tonight's the night.

Tonight I'm going to pay that bitch back for teasing me.

My son is away and has been for the last couple of days.

My husband left this morning for business. He was off to find investors in our current business ventures.

The girl's are asleep.

And all my preparations are in place.

Yesterday all my package's came in and I was delightfully happy.

Granted everything I had ordered was shipped to our studio so my husband wasn't the wiser. Though I had to hide my order's using my personal credit card so Jason doesn't know my more personal items.

The Muschi order sure I put on our credit card those order's are always easy to explain and Jason kind of expects them.

But the odd ball order I had to use my personal credit.

One might ask why I sent them to our studio? Easy most packages that come in are usually items we usually put in our videos for our sponsors.

And Jason stopped opening them long ago so I was free and clear to have them shipped there and no one would know.

What felt like forever ago I ordered some items from Muschi because a certain female decided it would be a good idea to tease her own fucking mother.

Well not HER mom but someone she looked to as her mother.

I still can't believe that bitch did that to me.

Which in turn caused my little shopping spree.

And I'll admit I may have gone overboard.

But my new item I ordered I simply had to try first to make sure it fell in line with my idea to exact my revenge.

Lilith's elixir.

I simply had to try it and OH MY GOD!!!!!

It still makes me wet thinking about it.

This lovely item is the devil incarnate mixed with the item I'm holding in my hands will be Kelly's demise and pure torture.

It's going to be perfect.

I guess I should explain what Lilith's elixir does. It's a simple liquid when applied to one's pussy sends it into overdrive for the better lack of terms.

The elixir showed up along with a slew of other items I ordered to help Gabe. And refresh my own stock of inventory.

I immediately read the directions which was simple enough take metal dropper out, apply a few drops either on or inside the vaginal opening and effects should be instantaneous. Affects will last 24-36 hrs.

There was other instructions like if applied to a man results will be instantaneous and will transfer affects if a guy puts his dick in a girl affects will transfer to female.

Along with if consumed affects will last longer.

I took the dropper out applied some to myself and within half an hr I was fucking foam mouthed horny.

If this is what it did to me and I applied it to my pussy I was afraid what it might do if I consumed it.

Would it lower my inhibitions completely if I consumed it?

I shook at the thought.

All I know is Jason loved it as I raped him several times. So much so when I was done with him he was firing dust out of his dick.

And combining it with my pussy balls 2.0 holy fuck....it's been over 24 hrs and I can't get enough dick.

If I'm honest I still want dick. But I'm too faithful to do anything about it.

Then when Jason told me he had a business trip this morning saying he'd be gone for a few days or more is when I planned out my revenge. And why not I had time to kill now.

So after I dropped Jason off at the airport is when I made my preparations.

I made a nice dinner for the girl's. I had to wait until my actual daughter's were asleep. I may or may not have slipped some sleeping pills into Kelly's food to guarantee that my plan goes off without a hitch.

I just checked on the girl's they were sound asleep. I'm just thankful my daughter's like their father are heavy fucking sleepers.

But let's go over the details to make sure I didn't forget anything.

Security cameras...check.

Lilith's elixir...check.

Pussy ball 2.0...check.

My extra item...check.

Kelly dosed.....double check.

I know I know what I'm about to do isn't exactly motherly.

But this bitch brought it on herself.


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