Chapter 1: REBIRTH

" Come one, Whorl!"

" Hey, Stop being annoying and be ready when it comes out!"

" Oi Oi, don't forget if a word of this got out, it'll make us a laugh of the town for days to come."

Three childish voices filled echoes from a distance. One thing clear is that those three little voices all have rowdy attitudes after all, they don't really have sense of responsibility as the reality they live in somewhat formed a perspective where status and class classified them as being above everyone else.

Hearing them from the high vantage point imbued their tone with differing humour given that he stood on a platform with high structure. The boy in topic gazed down at the bottom of the wall and gestured an 'OK' sign to the prime colored trio.

Thinking to himself for a moment, the boy wonder 'Genetics is really a wonderful thing that exists today because those natural hair colors doesn't only involve just a simple dye o artificial colors but a very subtle touch of genetic makeup or in this case, a lineage factor.'

Jumping down from one stories to the next, the boy reach his goal which is a sophisticated hung windows that leads to a brewery factory. Fitting his small body through the gap, he squeezes inside until his flexible body eventually touch a solid surface.

'Phew' relaxing for a moment, the boy glances around him and check for any signs of the custodian but didn't find anyone. Since he was sure that the plan was working, he got up and slowly moved towards a chamber below the stairs. After giving a look of the schematics of the building, he noticed a slight change in the smell just as he was about to touch the doorknob.

Giving a suspicious look around him one more time, he gingerly opened the door and what appeared in his eyes almost stunned him right out of his mind.

"Gah, Rokuji, ….hiccups…you're late. We've been here earlier and …hiccups…drunk all the special spirits Steward Ling brewed. Hehe"

A pink haired girl spoke in between hiccups as if she doesn't mind being caught red handed sneaking inside one of the special brewing factory and drinking the spirits that should've been reserved for later events.

"Yes, I can notice that as well. " he replied resely."

" Hmm, since Princess Reiju got here much earlier. Do you mind if Rokuji just come and pick some spirits and get going after all, Rokuji have something else to do? " The boy scratch his pale silver hair and politely spoke to this young girl with his monotone voice in third person.

"Oh, Well…hiccup…if you first answer a question of mine. I'll let you go…hiccups. " Reiju's pink little mouth turn up like a stalking bug after sensing a potential prey.

Rokuji's inner thought fills the gaps in his mind trying to figure out what is her agenda. Her eyes indicate she must've had some sort of findings about their unique 'birth' conditions.

"Rokuji would answer if it is in his capabilities, Princess Reiju. " he replied in the same monotone voice.

Reiju furrowed her swriling eyebrows and then turn her head beside her where Rokuji found a purple haired girl lay out on the table like a dead fish. He even see a drool forming a small patch on her cheek but he didn't mind the mess she made to herself since he's currently facing his own.

"How can you both similarly have this much similarities, I mean you and Chichi. However, this consistency makes me think that there are some wierd phenomenons involving your birth that doesn't involve genetic miracles without defects. For example, your memories. Both of your brain activity has a very specific wavelength during your sleep right after your 'birth'." Reiju commented on and on about their supposed 'birth'. Her question makes an obvious point since even he didn't fully grasp the concept of traversal into a fantasy-filled reality where superhuman beings are not shackled by the limits of their species.

Her main goal was to solve the uniqueness of their miracle 'birth' in order to achieve a scientific breakthrough on the basis of scientific evidence necessitating a new branch of genetic research that focuses primarily upon spiritual connections between lineage factors to chaos. From what their tutor tells them durin one of their lessons, Chaos is the amalgamation of complex soul properties that may contain a Logos of wills that hasn't yet been touched by science.

Rokuji is a little startled since the topic she was talking about is a little advanced for her age. Is she expecting a independent genetic organism that just started living for several months to come up with an answer.

'She's too drunk for her own good. Let's just dodge it with typical rhetorical questions.'

" I'm not without defects, Princess… but aren't brain supposedly in a state where it doesn't sleep so is it just because I dream when sleeping. Am I wierd for dreaming?" Rokuji responds in one breath without any impatience in his voice.

The defects that was mentioned were the inequality between the purple haired girl and the silver haired boy. Looking at her messy hair, both Reiju and Rokuji glances downwards and saw 5 whorls on top of her head. Reiju reaches down and combs the messy hair with her delicate fingers with soft expression.

'Is she really just dreaming?' She quietly thought.

"I'm not talking about that. I'm just saying, after months and months of trying and failing, finding and working nonstop, even after observing every little detail your body have. It still doesn't explain the fluke. They just need a new angle to look at. " It seems her drunkenness makes her comfortable enough to reveal some of their Father's secrets due her soft spot for the purple haired girl like a caring big sister.

Her voice becomes lower as the drinks taking effect after all this is a special spirits brewed personally by their father's steward for such occasions. Their body naturally rejects the effects of normal alcohols so this spirits is more likely a private product of their family.

Rokuji chose the right timing and steps forward and reach for the few bottles of spirits Reiju and Gochiji haven't opened yet. He then follows his trace back out and sneak back to the same place he came from.

However, from whatever reason his whims hope to achieve he slows his steps and open his mouth " Maybe, you're looking too hard, maybe an epiphany would help, or maybe let the nature take its course, Princess. "

'Playing God, creating and altering biological factors. Engineering an artificial organism without the essential elements that makes a soul. Trying to control natural evolution for the sake of Kingdom of Science.' That's the best description for their supposed 'father'. He silently thought.

Afterwards, Rokuji didn't wait for a reply as he goes back the same way he came from and once again squeeze his body through the window as nimble as a cat.

Not long later, he reach the high platform where it all started.

" Princes, here's your spirits. "

After calling out for the three, he heard them complains endlessly about his lateness but he just ignored them because they are well…kids in his eyes. It's not long until the triplets quiet down after drinking their spirits. While they lost their attention on him, Rokuji decides to leave the premise quietly.

They are fully capable of getting the drinks themselves but instead chose to let Rokuji get it for them.

Their reason being it's of importance to train their future lieutenant as a good follower who'll be able to execute commands.

After several minutes of jumping and running, Rokuji reaches the edge of the surface of his new accommodations.

'A second chance at life, huh. How many people would sell their soul for this opportunity. It's supposed I should just be grateful for the chance.' He quietly murmurs to himself as the sun sets on the horizon as he sat right on the edge like a daredevil. It's been almost every day he comes here since waking up on this body months ago and this old habit of mine to just reminisce of the old distant life but a life nonetheless.

When someone look down or anywhere at all, all they would see is an endless ocean. No matter how daunting a human's self glorification reaching the apex predator status in his old world is, it can't be compared to the vastness and immense worth he's feeling right now as he gazes at the world with raw apathy for the future.


Step Step Step Step

Quick footsteps echoes through the hall as scientists alike made their way to the laboratorium to examine the latest Project their King concurrently holds high regard. Murmurs and small talks inadvertently breaks the tension in their heart as they awaits the King's presence before they begin their official visitation to the subjects.

One of the scientist spoke quietly in order to give his unladen thoughts in fear of being reprimanded for over-sharing their private conversations. " Speculation has increased over the past few weeks and many already believe that the Project Archetype, the King personally regarded as higher priority than his Project Raid Suits has more well established military and political purpose for the objectives of the whole Germa Kingdom."

As they low key praise their King Judge, another one responded by saying " Let them have their speculations, it's not our job to convince them. You're probably right that there are still some voices that contradict the King's wishes. Especially, now that the World Government is issuing a new proposition to co-joint ventures regarding Project Archetype to develop myriad of clones from other tribes through natural or artificial means."

" That's a load of nonsense. The World Government won't allow anywhom to get equal treatment as them uless you sold yourself like Dr. Vegapunk. They view themselves as the highest priority above all. That even the smartest man in the world is just another established figure in their arsenals of power."

"It's still better to let our King decide this, it's not our place to judge. " another old scientist hushed those who have seen and heard everything in this circle. At his old age, he considered only one thing is consistent in history and that is the World Government's power scale. Their immense influence, wealth, and power are incomparable to the like of their Kingdom which still relies on warring other nations for profit and fundamental economic interests.

The Germa Kingdom is a militaristic nation that joined the World Government as one of the more than 170 affiliated kingdoms that gathers every few years in Revery. As the World Government gives the freedom to govern their own country to its own aristocratic rulers for any of its affiliated nation, it allows them control and manipulate the battlefield through the use of force using Navy, Government Officials and even the unethical Cipher Pols.

They would be under the protection of the banner of World Government. As long as they continue to pay their taxes as Heavenly Tribute to the Celestial Dragons.

Many Kingdoms remain on this cycle for hundreds of years and the WG controls them using the organisation below it while hiding behind the corrupt justice system and military forces of the marines.

As the scientists finished their small conversation in a collective circle, they heard the footsteps of familiar man with its eccentric strides. Moments later, Vinsmoke Judge, the King of Germa Kingdom calmly looked at them them following behind him to the laboratorium to examine his invaluable possessions. He walks into the vats filled with medical fluids one after another contaning small humanoid organisms with unique traits and distinctive features.

One such characteristic is a red scaly skin, gills, fins, and the obvious murloch traits that makes him from the tribe that thrive in waters where oceans is their dominant habitat.

Another is the distinctive furry tail which attaches itself to a boy with cyan hair with long canine teeth protruding itself from his mouth as the scientists regarded him as cyan Fox-Human hybrid.

Then there is the abnormally large size of a child that occupies the entire pool of vats of medical fluids. It is already as big as an adult human as a kid.

Further down, a purple haired girl that looks exactly like a normal human girl. She's an exact replica of his eldest daughter besides the hair and eyebrows.

Lastly, this one's peculiar tribal origins highlighted their surprising appearance. Pale silver-blonde hair, ears that has a pointy edge, and sharp fangs similar to those of predatory nature.

The latter two he has high hopes for shall be the silver-blonde haired boy and the purple haired girl which exhibits brain activities.

In another day, he shall see if an egg really motioned its arrival to the world as an unprecedented marvel. Many times, Judge would watch them twitch their body like an unborn child in their mother's belly.


The scientific phenomena of genetic modification and lineage factor.

At the beginning, many martial artists favoured the strength and status of spiritual willpower than a scientific prowess. Those who were engaging in debates without enough individual prowess were immediately provoked to prove which has bigger might.

Judge disengaged himself to this brutes as he believe in power of science and its advantages in this world at the current era.

Vinsmoke Judge walks out of the laboratory after the time for observation concludes. He has many responsibilities such as affirming many details about the nature behind this Project, Events that constitute a major potential impact for the Germa Kingdom, He also facilitates another important project in regards to the undocumented Tribe he discovered or rather, rediscovered during their voyage in the Northernmost Region of North Blue.

Through an old journal he found at the Royal Library when his Steward required his permission to create a new copy of old manuscripts and books — How he initially found it interesting that there is an undocumented Tribe out there in the coldest region of North Blue, surviving through primitive lifestyles such as hunting, ice fishing, and isolating itself from other human influences. These tribesmen lives in secluded snow mountainside,the chilly conditions and icy waters did not bother them. They have this unique constitution where they can control their blood flow and body heat through breathing they learned after generations of living there —Eventually, this became natural quirks to their tribes that they even thrive there than any other creatures and animals.

'Hmm'. Inside his private office, Judge reads intently through the content of the journal written by the First King of Germa, King Jeutcherlan Magnaem Areis.

'The Tribe of the North were named by Magnaem Areis as the Ghul Tribe. He believe them to be the offshoot descendants of an ancient race in the longstanding history.'

Vinsmoke Judge continues to read as he kept making comments to himself. ' What does he mean Undocumented? Unknown? Erased? and how many millennia before they were forgotten and can only be seen as legend and mythology. The Immortal Race of the Myth!'

As he back reads every pages, he was fascinated by the colorful descriptions of the journal about the world's mysteries and His own speculative theories that's bordering fiction which is both entertaining and disturbing. How many races in history were forgotten or erased that maybe even the WG knows little about. This fuels Vinsmoke Judge to find more about this special races that King Magnaem Areis described the as violent as an angered Ogres, the as despicable and sly as Imp, and the as unrestrained and liberating as the Dancers. These races have become a myth in this world as even for him, its his first time learning about their descriptive nature.

What was more both fascinating and unusual was his understanding of the Ghul Tribe like he lived with them personally but how can a normal human finds the harsh conditions of the Northernmost Region of North Blue.

It was written in the journal that a Ghul tribesman only belong to the North, their cold habitat is their home as well as their life. Judge disagreed with this at first but the findings of his case today became his last trial, which involves the tribesmen he captured and brought from that cold region to the warmer waters. The Ghul Tribesmen refuse the food intake, their bodies rejecting the compounds of nutrients they injects, and even their sanity were slowly deteriorating as is written in the journal like a forewarning.

As if it's not enough, most of these Ghul Tribesmen broke out of their binding in spite of dismemberment or even death just to randomly create a havoc in the lab and attacks many of his scientists and devour their remains. Their behavior reminds them of the guttural nature of monsters that feed on blood and flesh of fellow humans like its printed in their genetics to eat and die for that sole purpose.

The number of subjected Ghul Tribesmen are slowly dwinling in numbers but no matter, Vinsmoke Judge has one last thing to bank on. Its their innate ability to reject chemicals by purging them with as much hostile force from their own special antibodies.

If he somehow manages to uncover this secret, he can easily create a chemical compound which eliminates competition by having a sole source of self healing antibodies that combats viral infections, biological decaying agents and even the answers to slowing down old age.

Closing the journal and putting it into a secret compartment. Vinsmoke Judge straightened up reminding himself that his Germa Kingdom shall once again raise its name as the highest power in all of North Blue and this vision is already being shape into conceivable reality as his ambitions were getting closer and closer.

Knock Knock

"Your Grace, your presence is important for Project Archetype in the Laboratorium."

His steward, Ling came to report to him in urgent but respectful manner like any officers who serve under him.

Judge nodded and walked out of the office to see what happened for him to see personally as steward Ling recapped to him in detail on the way. When he arrived at the lab, many scientist shows excitement and eager expectation, he already had an idea of what really is going on but refrain from immediately coming to conclusions.

"Your Grace, as you can imagine, that same two subjects you predicted in this upcoming days would be waking up but this is much sooner than expected." The old scientist shows a toothy grin as the flaterring air from him exudes a sense of anticipation.

"I can see that" Vinsmoke Judge replied without looking back as his continued strides eventually reach both vats side by side. Their unfocused eyes, the foggy perceptions just by looking at their expressions. Hollow and dim, as if their souls had no idea how to look at the world through the small window on their eyes.

"Get them immediately out of the vat, prepare a room for both of them, keep them at the same room. I want to continue observing them after they woke up once again. " Vinsmoke Judge instructed the multiple orders at once.

Getting both children into a comfortable place, Judge watches them sleep. Like a father who wants his children to become great, he saw those two as a great family addition that would simply benefit Germa Kingdom and almost no downside.

'Better not jinx it.' He then leaves the laboratorium premise and goes to find his sons and daughters training with the Military Instructors of Germa. He smiles happily thinking the days are being generous to him after discarding the ill-fated duckling among his flock.