Chapter 2: Vinsmoke Rokuji

CHa! Ha! Ha!

Hu! Ack! Hu!

Rokuji's inner thoughts swiftly fades with the wind as the moment of distractions knock him out of his feet. He sense the steps of a solid footing closing on his battered body. It stops just as he opens his eyes to look up from the ground as he sees a soldier with dark sunglasses standing with his arms crossed while staring down at him.

"Prince Lieutenant Rokuji, this is your 65th deafeat in Kendo Exercise. Your Grace, The King is watching you so be sure to get up quickly and give a closing salute. " After that, the soldier step back after speaking in low voice. It is clear that this is his duty as the Royal Kendo Instructor for the prince.

Rokuji slowly stood up and patted the dust off his clothes before walking to the opponent who defeated him. The salute is an etiquette show for aristocratic people that a duel must be abide within the rules on both sides. Since the opposition is just another soldier from the army, Rokuji is not required to give a formal salute so he performs the basic salute and leave the premises.

'Phew. I've been on this world for a few months now so I'm starting to get used to the environment but this rigid mind of mine just isn't cooperating.' This world, Rokuji has some similarities to many fictitious story.

'A world where the limitations of physical existence is judged by the willingness to impose his strength upon the reality, breaking pass the physical barrier of human limitations.' Rokuji read that line from a book in the Royal Library during one of his private time.

He likes reading books and learning more about his new environment.

One of the writer and philosopher that interests him currently is Magnaem Areis. He is said to be a King, Intellectually Gifted Tactician, Innovator, Adventurer and a great Writer.

As if on cue, the name resounded through the hall he's walking into.

"Magnaem Areis! What do you know? This…could this be a envisaged from hundreds of years ago, You'd know this would happen when we took them here."

Talking to himself, Vinsmoke Judge frustrated with the fact that the situation he facilitates in experimental trials still remains stagnant despite his various efforts and attempts to resolve the issues regarding the Ghul tribesmen whose now dying one after another.

Rokuji was a little startled when Vinsmoke Judge turns his way and walked forward. Seeing the tall man who named him and tied his life to his goals on this lifetime walk towards him with grim expression, Rokuji couldn't help but have some worry in his heart.

"After your done with your rests today, take a time to drop by my office later." Vinsmoke Judge then passed through the bowing silver haired boy after talking without waiting for a response.

Rokuji just opted to stay silent and receive the command. He's not a kid who asks many questions and doesn't really care since this isn't his first time being summoned to his office. Most of the times, it's to make sure his studies aren't sub standard. He gave a lecture about the history of Germa and its grandeur, gives a speech about how it is just a matter of when that Germa Kingdom shall come back to the top as the North Blue's true glory.

Rokuji sigh after understanding that this is just a tactic to indoctrinate young minds into following the same pattern, it's all about the same path as the predecessor that matters. The same system of feudalistic thinking, the world is still stuck on class society for centuries.

Nevertheless, he's not really in the position to make a change or poke these ideals.

He's just an old soul stuck inside a pre-pubescent boy.

As his minds wander, his feet brought him to a corner of a Library with a bag of food and drinks since he's not at his own familiar place. He is smart enough to remember to remind the cooking staff on his Castlean Boat to keep reserving him a bunch of takeout snacks, which eased his mood considerably after undergoing some intolerable maltreatment when the rowdy trio caught his shadow.

He prefers eating his food alone instead of sitting down with a bunch of pre-pubescent kids with habits of being a pain in the neck. The red, blue and green triplets is such examples of unruly behavior of children with no sense of consideration towards others at all.

Making up his mind not to cross their path unless they specifically look for him, Rokuji is relieving the peace and quiet of the current setting.

Opening a book, title [King Of Wonders] by Magnaem Areis himself.

It's such a bold self-confidence thing to write about the great things you do and the reliance of self-portrayed autobiography.

It was filled with interesting stories, themes that will gather attention especially from readers with the spirit of freedom. The book depicted island nations in the North Blue that took part during Germa's 66 days of colonial reign and becoming the sole Hegemonic Empire of North Blue. They gather massive armies, prepared an astounding array of military equipments as ships and vessels toured the North Blue just to try exhausting Jeutcherlan Magnaem Areis' forces to futility.

Germa's Magnaem Areis is a genius tactician whose ability to create opportunities inside great endeavours still is unmatched by many Kings to this date. The endurance of his capabilities lasts 66 days before it falls to another tale of betrayal.

Although, there are some inconsistencies between the author's thoughts and his actions right after his fall — as if this is a revised autobiography re-written by someone else. Magnaem Areis forthwith lost his ambitions in a single year with a series of unfortunate circumstances that slowly forced his Empire to crack under tremendous odds of its fate.

Picking another book, titled [Lineage Strain Archetype] by Magnaem Areis.

Another excellent read, it's a magnificent piece of literature written as a fictional narrative about a chronicle of tribalistic society where Rokuji believes as Magnaem Areis' wayward journey throughout his lifetime to other parts of the world to learn different social values, cultures and structural principles with little to no significant systemic impact. It also hide a sense of mystical identity to many undocumented tribes he mentioned. The only inapt undermining quality is the lack of any detailed knowledge but rely purely on his own speculation.

Yet, the most intriguing title that caught his eyes is right in his hands [ LOGOS And CHAOS] by Magnaem Areis.

Furthermore, it's the first topic of souls and spirits he found in the Royal Library.

Most of the books he found were about the world historical events to know the timeline of his 'birth'. Another is about the world structures, which is a way more detailed and descriptive as well as associated with politics as Steward Ling personally teaches this in the lecture hall.

This entire time as he read intently and carefully notes the importance of this particular book, a librarian interrupted his zone of focus by tapping him on the shoulder lightly.

" Prince Rokuji, sire you are being summoned by your Father, His Excellency at his office. " The librarian spoke calmly as Rokuji raise his head to look at the clock and realised the time. It's been over four hours since he was told to stop by his Father's office.

Nodding to the librarian. Rokuji put down the Book on the table and walked off with swift gaits as the librarian puts the books back to their original location.

After a few turns and stairs, Rokuji calmly stood in front of a large wooden door. He knocks a few times and then heard the permissible voice from the inside.

" Father…" There is no hint of awkwardness in his voice as he called a man father even though there aren't much large gap in their seniority but only he's aware of that.

"From now on, every morning you'll be required to take a psychometric test and physical examination at my laboratorium. Acquittal will take you through all this with appropriate care and treatment. You must acknowledge that undergoing this procedure can enhance your overall quality. Do you understand?"

'It seems there is no second voice in his decision.'

"Yes, Father." The same monotone voice he's used to came out of his mouth.

"Rokuji, you're a Vinsmoke. The future of our Germa, this is a manifest destiny. You'll soon be fitted with prototype Raid Suit, I'm sure you'll find some fascination with this new technology like your siblings. You'll be able to serve well as a Royal Lieutenant for the Germa Kingdom."

Vinsmoke Judge soften his words as if convincing the archetypal child of his that his own ambitions is as impressive as new innovations for the whole of humankind.

Rokuji couldn't help but scoff at this notion. He felt cold in his heart, he has full understanding of the situation he'll face when he steps inside that laboratory every day. He is not ignorant about the human experiments, technological progress and militaristic services of the Germa.

As a subject of Project Archetype, no matter how high the status he currently holds. There are no guarantees that he'll be completely safe from being dissected and forced into submission for experimentations. In fact, it doesn't matter at any point that he's position would change being a prince of the Kingdom of Science — he's a subject and a product of science.

His very own genetic code has a special connection with Ghul Tribe. He may have special treatments due to his special constitution but it still exists as a blueprint formula for the miracle drug.

Even so with Judge's focus solely on uncovering the secrets behind Ghul Tribesmen innate resilience. His work consistently advances slowly into revelations of special antibodies compatible to human cellular structures. He just needs an angle for breakthrough to prove his theory of antibody code transmission to create an ideal drug.

A great candidate for an elixir that could potentially sublime with Lineage Factor that would allow his children total immunity to damages, high tolerances to dangerous substances and diseases, complete removal of pain receptors, increased in martial prowess application, and lack of adequate emphatic function such as fear and sadness.

Rokuji was also aware that even though he understands this emphatic emotions as subjective response to human feelings. He lacks the sensation to express this unfelt emotions.

He lived a life of frugality, minimalism, self reliance and distant sentimentality. His long life of selfishness dintanced himself from the worldly compassion.

On that extent, the attitude of his life never seemed to change. He's just another unusual figure who has memories of another life living on the behest of others. The rigid outlook on life drained his sympathy for himself.

Days goes by, everything is tranquil at the macros level.

Inside one of the laboratorium being facilitated by the King of Germa Kingdom, being inaccessible to even most high level citizens. Vinsmoke Judge observed as a silver-blonde hair young boy injected with multiple substances inside a medical vat while connected to various medical instruments for monitoring his condition.

"Ensure the subject's vital, triple the dosage of hjoarfrost fluid, get medical equipment on stand by and continue observing his mental state." Vinsmoke Judge barked the orders one after another but not a hint of filial responsibility in his voice.

"Yes, your Grace!"

Several highest level members of Germa Kingdom promptly turned to their respective duties and performed the task in just a few moments. This had been done multiple times just this week, the subject inside the medicinal vat subsequently underwent a thorough review beforehand for Ghul constitutions' special antibodies.

Regardless of whether the results were substantiate or detrimental, for the science department, this is just another angle for their research.

Rokuji's analysis shows little correlation with the Ghul Physiology and their innate constitution. Instead of having vibrant hues of skin of Ghul Tribesmen due to their incredible blood circulation, Rokuji developed a pale white skin that if directly exposed to sunlight would create a reaction to his skin they termed Amelanetonic.

It is a skin condition which react to sunlight in the form of ink-like blood vessels on the surface of the skin.

The specific antibodies they were looking for never appears in Rokuji's body. The dosage decreased in order to observe chemical reactions but as the symptoms caused a severe psychological decline that slowly corrodes his brain to nigh-dangerous state.

This is why Judge specially placed a psychometric test for him to judge the extent of the substances they infused inside Rokuji that would circulate through his bloodstream and affect his brain function.


During this entire process, Rokuji was not the only one undergoing a medical procedure.

Princess Lieutenant Gochiji Vinsmoke also had been in and out of the laboratorium. She witnessed firsthand how disturbing the scene was when she observed beside Reiju when they visited him one time. They were immediately escorted by their Father's soldiers just as they arrived.

Both of them had been interacting with Rokuji since their 'birth'.

Like the younger brother he is, he's mostly being picked on by Ichiji, Niji and Yonji. It's also this time when Reiju would reprimand them for being harsh and mean to Rokuji while he just quietly take the lead to de-escalate the situation using his monotone voice like a matured child.

Reiju and Gochiji always seem to be fond of Rokuji, specially in lecture sessions since Rokuji would listen intently, absorbing knowledge and adapting to their surroundings in just a few weeks. Reiju also gives pointers to both of them about the importance of aristocracy towards the Germa Kingdom as well as many other important topics.

When her thoughts reach here, Gochiji suddenly remembers Reiju mentioning their 'birth defects' concerning their subjectivity to Project Archetype. She knows she must be vulnerable because of her hidden past, and she has to find clues about her supposed 'rebirth'. As if on cue, the old scientist examining her leaves the room to get a result from her blood and bone marrow analysis.

The old scientist didn't discover any hidden agendas in the Princess Lieutenant so she left her in the room witout worry.

Her physiology was fascinating to witness in his words. Her flexibility and amazonioan anatomy helped him understand the uniqueness of the Daughters Island. The Kuja Tribewomen had special constitutions to a relatively high margin of birthing only females, this can be attributed to their gender specific characteristics. Their warrior-like upbringing formulates their genetic makeup considerably bringing up an evolutionary basis to their own offspring's biological traits.

Gochji even had the talent to display a shift her internal organs at will during martial arts exercise. To dislocate bones at will and reattach them without much effort, even repositioning of internal organs and shifting them to another location in the midst of combat is feasible.

Her eyes wander around the room as she tries to figure out something that would give light to her curiosity.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

The old scientist still hasn't come back so she skillfully rummage around as if she already locates whatever she's looking for. Skimming quickly through the paper, the old scientist had a hobby of journaling his work in summary at the end of every project he's involved. A good source of information and not waste any time.

Gochiji eventually found out her purpose. Her eyes found themselves staring down at the words written in delicate letters, {LOGOS of Humans, DEVILS of Devil Fruit, CHAOS VOID: Jeutcherlan Magnaem Areis}

Step Step Step

Her mind came back to her body as she readjusted everything she moved to its fine place as she already memorised everything placed in the room in just under three minutes.

While walking out of the room, Gochiji immediately started looking for the Books written by Magnaem Areis. However, she only found a short journal titled [ LOGOS and CHAOS] by Magnaem Areis.

Her eyes dilated when reading the part about; The amalgamation of a realm home to spiritual entities, conscious avatars and soul anima, CHAOS VOID.

The sea of souls visualised only by a powerful Mind Eye. Origins of consciousness, the avatar of willpower and the essence of life that constitutes the formation of LOGOS.

Her mind experiences a slight tingle sensation that she can't ignore and the unsettling world changing point of view.