Chapter 6: Sparring Contest

Rokuji steps out of room with a new outfit. The Prototype Raid Suits just fits right on his pubescent body. The white lining over the edge of the suit blend superbly with the silver light-armor.

As he steps out, Gochiji also steps out with her Prototype Raid Suit on. Her purple theme coding match her whole aesthetic since her hair color enhanced her adorable face.

"Rokuji, you cheat. You didn't even say anything before leaving or should I say escaping. " Gochiji's expression is so pinch-able from cuteness so he just did that. It's not like she can do anything about it.

Rokuji proceeds to pinch her adorable cheeks while she was protesting. Behind them, Reiju also comes out with her personalised Prototype Raid Suit.

Witnessing Rokuji pinching Gochiji's cheek, Reiju fought the urge to do the same.

Its very unusual for Rokuji to show this side of him but it reveals itself from time to time, he's not always all rigid and monotonous as he acts. Due to the trials and test Rokuji endured as well as the intense training he underwent this several weeks, he was slightly taller than Gochiji. Since, even though Reiju is the eldest and three years older, she was shorter than her age and even Ichiji and the others are catching up. Gochiji who has her genetic makeup was also shorter than average when compared to the naturally slim Rokuji.

Gochiji seeing Reiju, immediately ask for help "Reiju, Helwp me…"

"Hey, Rokuji, stop it you'll pull her cheeks off now. It'll ruin her adorable face if that happen."

Reiju, the saviour rescued Gochiji as she look at Rokuji's silver outfit. His back and shoulder is a bit bulky, he also wears reinforced boots with air burst pockets in its heels. He also wears a round goggles around his neck unlike Niji's sharp style. He was also missing the fashion cape but custom-tailored with its own personalised white hood underneath his tailored Cloak.

Afterwards, Gochiji recovered and shows off her Raid Suit awkwardly as Reiju and Rokuji simultaneously judge hers. Her Prototype Raid Suit is the most simple, the simplicity is enough to make other think that their father saved efforts when making hers.

"Look, look. I can do this.." Gochiji moved rapidly as though she almost weight barely a few kilograms of mass. The Raid Suit can manipulate her mass, can stick to the walls and immune to most physical damage. She also has a couple of weapon, a steal wire connected to a hook, a hand pistol and a twin dagger to her legs.

Reiju on the other hand, shows off her graceful lithe body. A prototype Raid Suit that specialises on dealing with toxins and poisons and other harmful chemicals. Along with her personalised custom-built musket.

While the three of them busied themselves with their Raid Suits. The trio of Ichiji, Niji and Yonji had a three-way combat, Yonji attacks Niji, but Niji was faster and could dodge all swings of Yonji while formulating a plan to deal with Ichiji's lazer beam gun.

Thankfully, he just target the part where there are thicker reinforced armors.

Yonji, frustrated he can't hit Niji with his movements enhanced by the Raid Suit, chose different target.

Taking a throwing stance, Yonji chuck his retractable war hammer head towards the unsuspecting Ichiji.


Seeing the target was thrown back, crashing to the deck. Yonji celebrated his small victory while Niji just stand still, surprise by his sneaky shot.

"Yoohoo, did you see that. You didn't expect that didn't you, Ichiji!!?" Yonji gave a laugh before turning back to Niji.

Retrieving his warhammer head back to him with the connecting chain, Yonji prepared for another bout with Niji.

Just as the tension between the two exchange began, Ichiji stood up with no sign of injury, He grabbed his pistols and holsted it to his side.

"Yonji, Niji, stop before you cause any more damage. This is just a sparring, Yonji. Why the heck would you throw that heavy thing at someone's face!?" Ichiji's agitated voice rang outloud.

Nonetheless, he wasn't really concerned about the damage but he was butt hurt due to the unexpected hidden weapon of Yonji's attack.

"Hahaha! You are butt hurt. Ichiji, you're supposed to be alert to those unsuspecting situations since you have range advantage." Niji, with his quick-wit immediately understood his brother's plight.

Like what Niji said, Ichiji's carelessness hit him hard since he prided himself as understanding the board of game battles to ward off any mistakes.

The three of them just stood there arguing and laughing, while three more newcomers walks towards them with their gears in place. Rokuji and Gochiji both stood on each of Reiju's sides. The three newcomers all have their respective weapons in their person, with Gochiji's pistol and daggers, Reiju's custom-built musket and Rokuji's personal cutlass and additional pistol at his side.

Hearing their footsteps, the three brothers simultaneously turn their heads and saw the other party in their Prototype Raid Suits gears.

"Let's spar, everyone!" Yonji's loud exclamation greeted them with a grin.

"This is really a perfect opportunity to test our skills and make some adjustments for the Raid Suits." Niji's excitement also express a certain point.

"Nicely said, this should familiarise us before the mission begins. What about duel sparring first?" Ichiji suggested a matching contest between two individuals.

Reiju gave a smile since she also wanted to spend time together as a family bonding but they are still the future combatants of the Germa so training and fighting will be their foremost priority.

"That would be acceptable, so who goes first? Any volunteers?"

Everyone quiet down, being the first to fight would require them to show their hidden abilities during the fight to get a point in rounds.

"I would go first! But there's need to be a wager this time to add thrill, HeHe."

There will always be some brave people who'll take the initiative and Yonji is one of them.

"Ha!? A bet…. eh but we don't have anything else except our gears." Gochiji awkwardly patted her body to look for pockets in case she find something to wager.

"He doesn't mean that wager, Chichi." Reiju calls for her attention. "What he means is just for the thrill so the wager must be something else he gets during the contest."

Gochiji thought for a moment and glanced at Rokuji's face then said quietly "Hey, Rokuji it seems you've been targeted by Yonji. Would you accept his demands? That would be a bit…"

Rokuji didn't respond to her instead, he proceeded towards the other party who clearly intending to challenge him at the get go. His same monotone response aim for Yonji's provocation.

"I will spar with you on the condition that I wage there shall be restriction to the rules, weapon use only." Rokuji declared without hesitation as though Yonji's martial prowess doesn't faze him like in the past.

"Good, that's just what I like. But don't blame me if you miss the mission because you're still recuperating." Yonji gave a boisterous smile as the two of them begins their contest in the center stage of the deck.

The Frigates they sailing on was entirely different from their usual Germa Kingdom's Snail Ships. Since they have to sail on time, they need fast and reliable mode transport and the Snail Ships are durable and accommodating but slow.

Concurrently, the frigates they're aboard is a modified version to match the commanding fleet of Germa Kingdoms Navy.

Yonji brought his warhammer as he swung it a few times with a provocative style, he was sort of novice at trying to use intimidation tactics and get into his opponent's head.

Rokuji temporarily lost in his daydreams just as the battle is about to begin. He was absolutely aware of the levels between him and Yonji. He willingly took the bait and proclaimed himself as the challenge contender but he also knew that a youngster like Yonji would focus more on the outcome of the challenge than the psychological aspect of the contest.

"Don't beat him too hard, Yonji. We also wanted to spar against him, this is just a matter of learning and exchanging skills." Ichiji's levelheaded voice reminded them that this is just a simple spar and nothing more.

He wasn't underestimating Rokuji's capabilities, he's just unaware of the extent of his true nature as well as his change after undergoing extensive physical and mental evaluation and experiments.

Niji also notice as more soldiers and sailors on the deck to watch the sparring matches.

"Will he be alright, Reiju? Should we have done something?" Gochiji still worries about Rokuji's fate as she saw him dazedly taking a standard sword stance.

"He'll be fine, trust him." Reiju can also see that this is nothing more than a sparring contest and Yonji would not violate the rules for a bit of triumph.


Rokuji weave through the deck with his cutlass while Yonji stands like a wall readying for a counter. Rokuji move in to strike a faint and Yonji took it as he swung his warhammer but Rokuji already dodge to the side intending to slash at Yonji's underside.

Yonji didn't panic as he had anticipated the sneak attacks since Rokuji is much weaker than him and mostly rely on striking weak points with agility. Disarming himself, he let go of the handle of his weapon and use that arm and swing it back to Rokuji with force.

Sensing the faint sound of airblast coming at his face, Rokuji bent over and use his leg strength to roll over in the distance.

Sliding down the floor, Rokuji immediately look for Yonji who is now airborne, pouncing on him with his fist striking his face. Fortunately, he wears a goggles so the damage was mitigated to some degree.

Taking off the goggles, Rokuji pressed forward with his swordsmanship as Yonji dodge even though sword strikes coming from normal attacks would only scratch the surface of his skin, its still a point.


After dozens of exchanges, Rokuji eventually managed to get a point while Yonji grabbed his warhammer. He traded a slash to get his weapon and now Yonji is ready to end the contest.

Rokuji breath in between their clashes as his arms starts getting numb from parrying Yonji's hammer strikes. It's already a hundred clash in just a few minutes but Yonji is relishing the chance to subdue him with basic strength. He wasn't even using a named skill as he called it, but Rokuji is already out of strength from the continuous bashing.


He was hit squarely on the chest by the hammer and he laid there, admitting his loss. The only consolation he had was the fact the he didn't sustain serious injuries since the Prototype Raid Suit have good defensive capabilities. Rokuji stayed there for a few moments before sheathing his cutlass and sitting at the sidelines.

The soldiers cheers as Yonji celebrated his victory, he didn't even break a sweat as his martial prowess clearly showcased his popularity to the soldiers.

"A win is a win, Yonji come back here. We'll change the challenger this time. Niji, should you go do the honor or should I?" Ichiji calls back Yonji to their side as Niji prepares for the second match.

Reiju stepped forward this time.

She knows Niji's personality and with his agility and dynamic style of fighting, if Gochiji fought him in the starting rounds, she may not lose in just a simple manner.

The two contenders exchanged blows and punches without any hesitation, their fight being broadcasted to other ships. Reiju is superior in tactical combat and positioning whilst Niji rely on his natural fighting instincts and sneak blows after blows that Reiju couldn't dodge.

The defensive play of Reiju started getting into Niji's melee attacks, whilst his offensive attacks bore him no significant impact as the fighters can last longer than Yonji and Rokuji's duel.

Seeing the opposing contender waiting for his next moves, Niji slyly activates his electric knuckle-duster and his Prototype Raid Suit enhances his speed to another level.

"Take this!"

Watching her brother being so predictable, Reiju smiles gracefully and took out her custom-built musket and fired to a direction Niji was moving. The gunshot landed on Niji's legs but didn't cause any damage as his unstoppable attack aim straight to Reiju's face, his electric knucke-duster would sure do damage if it landed but Reiju just took out a piece of device and push a button.



Niji's body jolt in shock. His body fell down on the deck with a thud. Reiju match his eye line with hers and shows him the device.

"This is Tazer Bullet, a remote nerve-shock transmitter. The bullet I just shot you just now is a piece of tech with neddle-thin metal attached to it that would pierce through your impenetrable skin and reach your nerves, this transmitter will remotely control the pulse rate of the shock you feel."

Reiju said in contentment after defeating Niji in one shot. She gain one win while Gochiji admire her custom-built musket as Niji is still reeling from shock. They may have modified superhuman exoskeleton but the nerves were still a fragile thing inside their body.

Ichiji then went to the stage and Gochiji simultaneously follows.

The third confrontation began without suspense. Ichiji's gun-blazing shot failed to penetrate Gochiji's defense. She either fired her own pistol or parry the lazer-based bullets of Ichiji with her new daggers while dodging thew few beams in finesse.

Yet eventually one of them would clinch the victory, Ichiji wins with Gochiji's admittance of defeat since she can't get near Ichiji and her bullets are limited compared to his energy-based bullets. She also has no offensive abilities except for backstabbing and sneak attacks.

That concludes the first round of the sparring contest.