Chapter 7: Encounter




Inside one of the training rooms of Frigate 11, a silver-blonde haired youngster exhales a white mists as his body contorted in response to his breathing method.

His body begins exuding a bellowing sensation of intense pressure even though he's just swinging his wooden sword while breathing with tempo.

In his mind, Rokuji can sense the sound of his heartbeat, the feeling of blood flowing through his veins, the muscles contorting in pain and fatigue, the sensations from the air brushing off his skin. He can sense all of them just by breathing, although they all seem synced and methodical, it still ingratiate his mind that there is inconsistency in him that he couldn't comprehend.

He can't quite grasp what form of discipline he must have to determine the abnormality of his physique. Project Archetype is a subtle practice of genetic testing of hybrid traits of human subspecies, which modified into genetic variants for Lineage Strains Factor.

Throughout the process when he goes through recovery period during the tests of his psychotherapy, he was informed of his conditions and the state when he undergo the experiment. His brain function were slightly affected due to the overdosage of unknown substances.

This may be a large factor which trigger a psychic phenomena on his brain activity which manifested a stronger mental response to his physiology.

The 'rebirth' effect also affected him greatly. During his time in CHAOS browsing his past lifetime of memories, he found himself in a state of stagnation and depressive compulsion, that caused his deteriorating mind and body.

However, as he began accepting the fact he was now in new world and given a another opportunity at life, the conditions of these image of him from then slowly blur and form a foggy memory. In this new body, he has the ability to repair his old soul as it's his last chance to mend it with perseverance.


Opening his eyes, Rokuji took the surrounding air that form a vale of mist. Wiping himself of his sweat, he tried relaxing his muscles as the tension and oxygen flowing through his bloodstream melted the fatigue of his body.

Draping on his tailored cloak, he walks away from the room to find food at the dining hall. He has required a abundance of food for himself since his training also includes physically taxing and only nutrients from the food can alleviate his needs for recovery period.

In order to get the soldiers and sailors' unfettered supports, Reiju convinced them to dine together with them. The trio brothers initially complain but witnessing her prestige and stature among the soldiers and sailors from the three Frigates, the three crave the same esteem and confidence so they themselves voluntarily learn how to listen to her words.

During their subsequent sparring contest upon a week of nonstop training, Rokuji fought Niji and Ichiji respectively, both defeating him with no difficulty.

Furthermore, when he was matched with Reiju. She forced him to use his Prototype Raid Suit's capabilities, the bulky armor of his back and shoulder turned out to be a gliding wings with built-in propulsion systems.

He was then uniformly called as the Silver Scout due to its capability to fly and perform reconnaissance missions from the air. It's not a proper military air combat equipment since the wings are lightweight and the winds are unpredictable in the seas but it's incredibly effective during reconnaissance and ambush raids.

Knowing him as the first named Raid Suit Fighter, didn't impress the trio but hearing the appropriate name of Scout Silver, the others also come up with their respective namesakes.

Reiju's namesakes shall be a code word she'd prefer to use during their mercenary missions, Poison Pink.

Ichiji's bright red hair and his lazer-based weapon ought him to be code named as, Sparking Red.

Niji's reliance on speed along with his dynamic quirkiness makes his electrifying character earn him easily the sarcastic epithet of Electric Blue.

Yonji's reliability to his own energetic spirit combine with his unnatural power, and his provocative style labelling him the personage hoisting gears by the sailors themselves, Winch Green.

While others were more interested in matching it with their respective styles and personalities, the last but not the least Vinsmoke Princess awkwardly waited for everyone to quiet down before taking a moment of reflection to the namesake she chooses for herself.

Gochiji awkwardly wait for remarks from her siblings, however the first one who reacted to her code name is the silver-blonde hair boy who ruffled her hair as she reacted like a timid house cat.

The code name Gochiji chose gain Reiju's eyes, Sleeper Purple.


Days goes by.

The sailors spent their time on the cabin, either playing cards to relieve their boredom or continue their regular activities of cleaning the deck, repairing the damage equipments due to sudden storms, and maintaining the optimal conditions of some of the larger equipments of the Frigates.

However, unlike those lower ranking members of Germa Kingdom, the elite officers have the duties and responsibilities to conduct a thorough daily reports for the Kingdom. This elites were part of the loyal soldiers who had served as clone soldiers, they are dedicated to their commanding officers which are the Vinsmoke family.

Concurrently, these elites involve themselves on the education and training of their future commanders. Some of these cloned soldiers have distinctive appearances and roles, Type WB - Woman Balance is regulated to personally serve and guard the Princesses during their time in their respective Frigates. Type MR - Man Reach is primarily serving as the Head security personnel for the two princess.

Type MH - Man Heavy is currently working as the main Instructor for the three princes.

They spend their days aboard the deck and training with sailors and other regular cloned soldiers.

Type MS - Man Strong consequently found himself tutoring Prince Lieutenant Rokuji in one on one courses about martial arts. Whilst Type MSP - Man Speed serve as the officer that commands the Frigate 11 and communicates with Germa Kingdom's asset at Frussia Kingdom.

The Frussia Kingdom is a non-affiliated nation in North Blue. They've been established hundreds of years ago and had once belonged as an affiliated country to the World Government but were expelled after failing to provide heveanly tribute to the Celestial Dragons decades ago. The taxes they collect from the common people were divided over many hands, most of which were pocketed by officials from aristocratic families and even the monarchy of that time have little say in this since the kingdom functioned with them to board their legitimacy as rightful rulers of Frussia Kingdom.

Unfortunately, the whole Kingdom is currently in shambles as revolts from common people started a spark of resistance against the aristocracy and corrupt regime of Frussia Monarchy. The Germa Kingdom acquired a work through mercenary dealing from their assets inside the aristocratic circles.

The rebellion hasn't yet to come to a full blown warring struggle. The pent up violence the common people inflicted to Frussia's Military Base and Naval Forces personnels is considerably worsening the overall crisis since there are already some backed handed manipulation occurring in the dark.

Inside a training area, Rokuji barefoot and barehanded moves with clear precision and strength on each offensive form. The martial arts Instructor in front of him has a dark sunglasses and grey T-shirt along with a pair of cargo pants and boots.

Type MS - Man Strong observed intently, through his dark sunglasses, he wasn't surprised by Rokuji's capacity to learn the martial arts quickly. His way of fighting is an unorthodox approach of combat, its a ruthless technique that fuse wild instinct and underhanded aggression against any opposing force.

Knee kicking, neck chopping, eye gouging, groin stabbing and even psychological tactics.

Rokuji slowly understand the principles behind the martial techniques. The act of violently throwing attacks even against weaker opponents somewhat undermines the true potential of the martial arts.

Yet, in the midst of life and death battle, these martial arts would present themselves when a desperate man is cornered.


Hundreds of nautical miles away from Germa's three massive frigates, a large pirate vessel sailed through the vast North Sea.

The boisterous sea bandits merrily caroused over the massive cargo ship they recently acquired from a merchant shipping company going to Frussia Kingdom. The cargo holds thousands of new weapons, muskets, pistols, cannons and even bombs.

They also contain various types of ammunition and components for building large cannons previously owned by a Marine Base in North Blue.

The large crew of Mortar Pirates, infamous for their heavy artillery attacks against naval ships of mercenaries, independent marine forces and even a handful of marine bases.

The notoriety of the pirate crew has earned them a collective bounty of 149 million berries. This was captained by a talented cannoneer, Old Artry. He is an old school artillery serviceman with unknown origins except he once serve a marine base before becoming a pirate.

With a substantial bounty of 70 million berries on his head as a veteran pirate captain, he cruise the waters of the North Blue with a pirate battleship, a main vessel he calls Grand Father'. He is

The second in command of the Mortar Pirates is Hedrake, the Eldest son of Old Artry, named after his physical appearance which is muscular and unusually wide proportions. He also has some infamy in the North as the 'Bullhead' with a bounty of 36 million berries.

The third in command of the Mortar Pirates is the youngest officer of their notorious crew. With a whopping bounty of 43 million berries on his head alone, 'Longshot' Redsen, the grandson of Old Artry, and the son of Hedrake. He is a talented artilleryman whose passion for cannon operations surpasses those of his father and grandfather.

The Mortar Pirates currently have additional subordinate pirate crews which all operate as Old Artry's cannon legion.

Concurrently, their main destination will lead them to their special hideout in another day.

For now, they will have party in their decks before they replenish their supplies in the coming days.


On the deck of the Frigate 11, Rokuji moves in tandem with the sailors in battle stances.

There is no glamour or aesthetics to their actions. Except, they uniformly move with grit and determination.

The whole purpose of the battle stances is disciplines and tenacity, they move in accordance to their Martial Art Instructor, Type MS - Man Strong. He also trains alongside them and had been doing the battle stances for a half a day without any rest.

If there is someone as tenacious as him, it is the one just beside him. The boy with silver-blonde hair were currently moving in unison with Type MS.

His head is wrapped in wet bandana soaked from his own sweat, Rokuji is naturally introverted and seldom spoke aloud about his thoughts and Type MS understood this after weeks of voyage and tutoring.

Having a Royal Lieutenant and Prince of the Germa Kingdom as his disciple, Type MS was content enough to provide him with any answers to his questions and willing to perform his duty as a source of martial knowledge for his future commander.

Type MS is a loyal soldier of Germa Kingdom that participated in cloning procedures. His identity was changed but his loyalty remains, he dedicated himself for the Kingdom and would not hesitate to give his life to Vinsmoke family.

The Types were an elite squad Vinsmoke Judge assigned to serve and protect Vinsmoke Princesses and Princes.

*Ring. *Ring.

*Ring. *Ring.

The Frigates cruise the water for the whole noon when suddenly, a scout on crow's nest immediately rang the bell with specific signals of bells.


It's an indication of sighting a Pirate Ship on the horizon, the sailors quickly get into their respective position as the soldiers move to arm themselves.

The Pirate battleship reveals itself along with their numbers of crewmens at the deck. The jolly roger on black canvas were revealed to that of Germa's total of three Frigates. The pirates have one main vessel the same size as the Frigate 11 but they also have a medium-sized commercial ship in tow.

Frigate 11 could contest with the main vessel of the Pirate Crew but Frigate 12 and 13 would suffer serious losses just to contain these pirates crews as they are the notorious pirates of Mortar Pirates, which were known for their legions of cannoneer.

Since the Germa was currently on the way toward an important mission in another couple of days, they don't need a direct confrontation with these veteran sea bandits.

The Type MSP immediately issued a command to change course in order to circumvent the threat of the pirates from direct confrontation.

Their strategy was to see if the pirates have the intentions to initiate attacks against them.

As the Frigates and Pirate Vessels approached one another, Rokuji and the rest of the the common sailors recognised jolly roger flag on the pirates black canvas. It was a skull with crossbones but there was a large hole in the middle of the skull head almost taking out the entire head.

Rokuji recognises this pirates as their notoriety spread throughout the North Blue, which prides themselves with cannons and artillery. The tension between two opposing naval vessels cause a spark in the air as Germa Kingdom were also feared and renowned for their powerful military presence and technological capabilities.


Both vessels passed through without incident as the silence on both sides' decks released a tense atmosphere.

Half an hour passed quickly as the two vessels began drifting apart that only their masts and massive hulls were visible.

Just as Rokuji was releasing a sigh. He notice the air changing rapidly, his eyes turning to look at Frigate 13 which accomodate the three of Ichiji, Niji and Yonji which were arguing why they just let the pirates pass through without showcasing them Germa Kingdom's might.

Reiju and Gochiji also noticed the trio's commotion while being in the Frigate 12.

Just as the cold breeze blew the massive sails of the Frigates, there was a sudden boom distances away.

Frowning, Rokuji tried observing whether it was a cannon shot from Mortar Pirates in the distance and what it's target. At that moment, Rokuji exchanged eye contact with Type MS as if both had sensed the feeling of bad premonition simultaneously, or atleast one of them.


This sense of dread in the air even made Rokuji broke a sweat, just as he was about to pinpoint the exact intent of the premonition, his body was pushed back by someone with strong arms.


The sound of his head hitting the metal rail and something from the sky falling to a….


Rokuji's quickly turn his head and saw a headless man lying on a pool of blood right beside him. He immediately recognised the man's identity base on his body, it was the same tutor who unreservedly took him into account despite his status while teaching him various martial knowledge and skills of martial art.

'This…did an attack came from thousands of miles distance?' Rokuji couldn't wrap his head around someone with this capability to fire a cannon and kill a target without seeing within a distance of regular sight prowess.

Minutes passes by as he remains unmoved.

As the wind carried a scent of blood, Rokuji had a tingling sensation from his body that he couldn't pinpoint where. As he stayed on the deck, there were no more cannon shots as the pirate ships can now only be seen properly with a telescope.

The scent of death and blood torment him from the inside. Walking towards Type MS' dead body, he brave the sailors and soldiers who pay respect to the Instructor with a white cloth to cover his body.


Lowering his body, the silver haired youngster who hasn't felt empathy for a long time still perform a simple condolence ceremony. His hands reach for cold arm of Type MS and placed it on his chest.

He's aware that as a cloned soldier, Type MS is just one of many clones. It is also possible to revive him through another cloning, but this is just a replica of him. He will no longer be that same person, the man who push him away from certain death is just another cold body.

He leaves the premises right away without seeing how they will handle his dead body. The scent of death and blood still clung on his clothes as the air around him makes it unbearable to breath.

He knows he doesn't feel empathy to the dead, or even sadness that he died for him, or that he fears because of the dreading sensation.

He's increasingly becoming aware that it is not just because of his unique constitution, yet he's still uncertain.

He proceeds to shower to get rid of the smell as the water flows onto his pale skin, the youngster slowly recovers from that tingling sensation and his breathing starts going back to normalcy.

His mind found a determination to justify a revenge that must be fulfilled.


"Mortar Pirates. 'Longshot' Redsen!"