Chapter 8: Entrapment

The three Frigates of Germa Kingdom resumed operations as they sailed the North Sea. Returning to calm and quiet as the first casualty diverged them from just cruising to mercenary work to voyaging for military action.

The Frussia Kingdom is just one day away, from the location of Germa Headquarters to Frussia Kingdom, it took them almost a month of sailing without stopping for replenishment as they have abundant supplies in their respective Frigates. Each Frigates needs 100-200 sailors and non-combatants servicemen and women to function to peak tasks.

Along with cloned soldier consisting of 300 personnel who divides into 30 squads with ten soldiers per squadron.

Due to the long voyage, many of them already lost their excitement and enthusiasm. They only just want to step on a stable ground and have fun in the taverns with beer and women after their missions were concluded.

Rokuji is also one of them, except the beer and women part. He wants to step on a stable surface of dirt and rocks, it's going to be his first time going out to other Island. It's been several months since his 'rebirth' but it's the first time he genuinely feels comfortably lighthearted.

Away from Kingdom of Science, far from scientists' watchful eyes. Farther from Vinsmoke Judge's expectations and obsession.

He inhaled the sea breeze, its almost a month of the air of the ocean. His sense of smell would slowly deteriorates if he stays one more month in this condition.

Rokuji stood atop the crow's nest to spend his time alone daydreaming. This is also just one of the three crow's nest so he wouldn't be a hindrance to real scouts and eye liners.

As his mind wanders through the time spent on the nest, he could recounts many names of the sailors and soldiers. Most sailors aren't clones so they have names and real personalities, Rokuji converse with them from time to time, getting to their stories and some knowledge about this world he still isn't aware of.

Most of them are refugees from other countries who took Germa's recruitment process and pass the test to become a citizen of Germa Kingdom. This also constitutes their willingness to serve in military for a few years in contract.

Many also have families who migrated with them and now live a good life, there are also some cloned soldier who have marital relationships with normal humans. The difference between cloned soldiers and normal humans is their designation.

Cloned soldier have Types and specialised units which designated most of them as official Military Officers.

WB SP 1 - Woman Balance Security Personnel 1 is a proper designation.

MS FC 10 - Man Strong First Combatant 10. Numbers is just another form of designation due to their respective roles and squads.

MSP CO 99 - Man Speed Command Officer 99 is also just designation for Military Officers with special authority.

These designations will partition themselves from each service during a mercenary deployment. Germa Kingdom is a Nation of Science so cloned soldier and normal soldier having offspring is not uncommon, its also a way to generate loyal subjects for the next generation.




A deafening wave of red sirens rattled the silver-blonde haired youngster from his daydreaming as many sailors immediately quieted down to listen to the large broadcast snail below the crow's nest. Rokuji got used to this unique form of communication as the invention of smartphone technology got overlooked because of this special creatures.

This special snails just need a way more complex maintenance than a typical electronics, you must feed it, spend time teaching it frequency connectivity and must not stress it to death.

Rokuji listens attentively while remaining calm. He was already briefed about the upcoming announcement on a recent discussion, they along with other types officers and the royal family members were included in this meetings.

The alert system remains silent for a moment then a voice were heard from its mouth, its the same for other Frigates.

"Announcements, the headquarters received an important message from the asset in Frussia Kingdom. A entrapment from enemy forces would meet us on the way to the Frussia Archipelago, these were to take advantage of our fatigue from long voyage and prevent us from going to the Main Island. Arm yourselves, prepare for naval action, a war is imminent!!"

There is a strong consensus among the upper echelons from both Kingdoms that a conspirator of an unknown party is controlling the situation of Frussia Kingdom's rebellions.

It's still unknown if it is the Revolutionary Army's responsibility or someone else yet. But the fact remains that the Germa Kingdom's arrival was anticipated by the other party and they are sailing right into their entrapment.

The voice is familiar to him as he's well informed of the commanding officers of the Frigates.

Frigate 11 is commanded by MSP CO - Man Speed Command Officer. Frigate 12 is commanded by WB SP - Woman Balance Security Personnel and lastly, the Frigate 13 is commanded by MB RC - Man Balance Reserve Captain.

Preparation must be completed before any approaching vessels found in sight. They must be prepared for confrontation with unfavourable conditions, the waters of beyond Frussia Archipelago is an area where a typhoon is constantly being sighted recently.

The arrival of Germa Frigates seems to indicate a new conflict between the aristocrats and monarchy against the common people. So the unknown mastermind will use the exhausted Germa soldiers and sailors from their long voyage to be sent a well placed trap.

Rokuji finished putting on his Prototype Raid Suit, sheathed the well maintained cutlass, and the pistol on his holster on his side with several ammunition. He doesn't need the tailored cloak but it will help against the weather conditions, he puts on the cloak and placed repaired goggles on his head for readily accessibility.

When he got out to look outside, he sees many cloned soldiers donning their version of Military Class Raid Suits. Composed of gray shirt and black trouser, a white mask with a headphone that functions as short range communications, as well as arsenals of hot weapons; weapons - musket, pistol, belt of ammunitions. Along with cold weapons such as blades and daggers and other various device of weaponry.

He also notice his siblings' presense on their Frigates, donning their respective Prototype Raid Suits and greeted them with a silent smile.

This could be said their first conflict outside of their home where they would participate in fighting against well prepared enemies. Its a good chance that they would face pirates who licks blood for a living. Veteran Bandits with high bounty with plenty of notoriety would probably be interested in their wealth and technology since the Germa Kingdom's Frigates has many valuable resources such as weapons, ammunition, and even the Frigates itself is a treasure trove that would interest many.


"Enemies Approaching!"

"Enemies Approaching!"

"Multiple Pirate Ships detected!"

"Multiple Pirate Ships detected!"

Rokuji climb the Crow's nest and saw a fleet after fleet of pirate ships. Four large pirate vessels matching that of Germa's three Frigates leads the fleets of ships.

Their jolly rogers were fully unfurled by the stormy winds.

'Big Sister Pirates.'

'Wulf Pirates.'

These two pirate vessels also have recently recruited several small and medium sized pirate crews for this expedition.

These two pirate crews have infamy not varying from Mortar Pirates. Big Sister is a large woman with a reputation to kidnapping beautiful men and women to be her playthings. Her infamy consist of pillaging, killing, arson and provoking naval ships of Affiliated World Government Country.

Whilst Wulf Pirates is a major player in merchant shipping business. Their high risk, high return moto earn them the title of wolf in a sheep's clothing. When Captain Wulf decides to became a pirate, many colleagues lament his lack for being driven by his former occupation in shipping business but he is insistent of expanding his reach through the use of the new reputation as a pirate.

The subordinate fleet behind them also have some small ships with relatively anonymity due to them either being weak and opportunistic newcomers. From his rough estimate, the whole bounty when all of them combined along with their subordinates'. Their names earned a whopping 166 million berries, Big sister alone has a sole bounty on her head of 59 million berries with her subordinates averaging over 6 million berries for elite level pirates with profession.

Wulf of Wulf Pirates had a 47 million berries, while his subordinates had only 5 million berries for elite pirates who rely solely for him to do all the work without the recognition.

Roku saw from his telescopic goggles that Big Sister crewmen were being rowdy in their ship their hands in the air as though praising the enormous woman's 'graceful' figure.

While the Wulf Pirates surround himself in the center while readying to deploy as many subordinates as possible to encircle and immediately snatch a Frigate from the Germa without heavy damages.

If its the whole Germa Kingdom, they might be aftaid but now, it's just a calf cruising the dangerous waters of North Sea, alone and vulnerable from undaunted hunters.

Obviously, they wouldn't let go of the chance to acquire the treasures of these Frigates. It's highly likely loaded with technology and secrets anyone interested would be willing to pay the appropriate price.

The Types Officers were smart enough not to let the pirates have the direct control of the moments of confrontation. They issued orders upon orders, navigating through a way out of the entrapment. Sailors work twice as hard from normal days whereas the Cloned Soldiers do the manning of the Frigates' artilleries with rigid patience.

All hands on deck, sails unfurled and the helm often rolls around the choppy waves as the chasing begins. Windstorms arrive in unexpected directions, the Frigates bounce off the water surface as the pirate fleets inch closer with fervent speed. The winds favour the pirates as they have lighter weight which gives them the impression of an experienced naval adversary from the standpoint of non-combatants.

Rokuji sense the rainstorm on the horizon as the Frigates edged towards them. The pirate fleet slowed down visibly when they saw their prey wanting to take the naval control off their favor.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three massive cannons bombardment immediately followed by the pirates' intense assault. The storms on the coast didn't frighten them as another large pirate force reinforce the tightening entrapment.

The pirate fleets consist of several small and medium size ships captained by small-timer pirates. They are small powers that succumbed to greed for material resources by the enticement of Big Sister Pirates and Wulf Pirates promise to cut them a portion of the loot.


Inside largest cabin of Big Aunt — Big Sister's personal ship, a large woman half dressed is being delicately serve by barely clothed beautiful men and women. Her large stature double the standard size of normal humans drank from a large glass bowl containing red wine.

"Aye, Captain! They've been having their hands busy for some time now." A pirate with appropriate attire reported with gusto.

"Those bastards just arrive like an eager rogue, who did they think they are!?"

The glass bowl were thrown away as the informant tried to calm her down by saying

"Captain, please calm down. There is still time for us to select our target, there are three frigates, one for each us."

"Your right, Mole Eye. I couldn't take them all for myself at the beginning, so I should just wait for the opportunity to tear them apart when they least expect. I'm so glad I'm not as stupid as you people, all face no brains." Big Sister gave a fervent laugh as she enjoy the expressions of her good-looking servants.

Afterwards, she dressed up in royal blue robes, an attire that's mostly worn by Royal Navies of a Kingdom. Sh also carries a personal weapon of choice, a large iron chains with a wrecking ball at the end of it as she got ready to engage in bloody sea warfare.

At the other side of the pirate fleet, Captain Wulf from Wulf Pirates held a Den Den Mushi with one hand as he converse with the person on the other end in a light tone. "Of course, Old Altry. The Big Sister Pirates and these small fries will be on the forefront when we attack, you'll just have to aim right for it to happen and we can divide our loots for ourselve then. Right, right, right!"


Hanging up the snail transponder, Captain Wulf grin as he gazes at the stormcloud in the distance. His step by step approach of piracy has earn him among his inner circles the epithet of 'A wolf in sheeps clothing'.

He eyed the distant storm and the desperate Germa Frigates, what interest him is the scientific advancement of Germa Technologies and he plans to acquire them all for himself and leave the other two big pirates and their fleets to the fate of this particular storm.

The Mortar Pirates initiation of the sea warfare gave the pirates the necessary momentum for encircling the Frigates. They bombarded the massive hulls of the ships with cannonball, the effect were considerable but the Frigates didn't just remain silent, the clone soldiers and sailors counter with their own artillery shells.

The naval conflict surged into a fierce sea battle, cannonballs and shells destroyed smaller pirate ships, their occupants falling unto the depths of the ocean. The larger vessels confront each Frigates with hooks and mesh rope ladders for close contact battles.

Since the Frigates almost doubling the size of these medium-sized pirate ships and towering over the small pirate ships, they had to climb through various ways.

Muskets and sword clashes resounded through the rain, blood were spilled as guts and limbs littered the deck with thick scent of death.

Clone Soldiers are clearly superior, both in equipment and combat gear. Their squadron formations slowly trickle out the invading forces.

Moreover, these units were just the first dozens of squadrons as many more remained to bombard the pirate fleet with artillery fire.

Unfortunately, Mortar Pirates precipitated a large casualties among the Germa soldiers. Their precise aim of cannon fire almost devastated Frigate 11, the deck were bestrew with mutilated bodies of soldiers and pirates alike.

The Types Officers were also hindered by the lack of surveillance footage since the snail died under the cannon balls coming from Mortar Pirates. Germa soldiers were forced to take cover as the Mortar Pirates slowed down their bombarding to lessen the damage of the Frigate they planned to ensnare.

Type MSP CO form a new battle group to counter Mortar Pirates incessant invasion.

The pirates' fleet of subordinates continues to pour their manpower with the intent to kill every soldiers and sailors on their path. The blood thickens the scent of death, but the Cloned Soldiers have the willingness to muster their strength to serve their duties to their utmost ability.

Type MSP CO lead the battlefield to confront the pirates on board, the whole Frigate 11 was helmed by another group to sail straight to the Mortar Pirates with no qualm.

The sailors manned the artillery to focus firing on Grand Father Pirate Vessel. Both Vessels were almost matching in size whereby the Frigate has an advantage of being higher.

They then took the initiative to split up with the other two Frigates. The breaking of formation were notified by the other two so they also decided to take over the control of the naval conflict.



Frigate 12 clashed directly with Big Sister's Big Aunt, damaging both hulls and killing a few pirates and sailors on both sides.

Meanwhile, Frigate 13 chased the subjectively smaller pirate ship of Wulf Pirates as they leave the vicinity towards the edge in suppressed windstorms.

In the midst of all this chaos and bloodshed. A silver haired boy sat down on the crow's nest in silent breath.