Chapter 9: Revenge

North Blue | Frussia Archipelago

Meanwhile, a youngster aimed ahead the musket with calm breath.


A pirate fell down with a bullethole on his head.


Rokuji suppress down his deteriorating mental state to a degree. The scent of blood thickens the sensation of anguish of his physical condition. His eyes bloodshot, lips cracked, and his cloak is soaked with rainwater.

Rokuji wasn't even aware of how inhuman he looks like, the blood-curdling sight in his vision overwhelms his ability to judge the details of the battle. The wind blows chilly air, as the scent of death permeates his senses.

If he just looked over the distant sky, he'll see a dark shadow hovering stationary over a small island.

Rokuji's current mental state were reaching a point of meltdown. No matter how much physical alteration he was subjected through, how many psychometric trials he underwent or whatever actual treatment of discarding a particular human emotions out of a humans through genetic modification — he's still a soul of two separate worlds who live two completely different lives.

A soul of old values encompassed by the luxuries of modern social and moral values, an old coward whose lifestyle restricted his spiritual principles to a narrow set of beliefs.

Looking at the microcosm situation with his own eyes, he realised that it's just a world of unfortunate times led astray by certain events that gone out of control.

He understood the importance of strength in this world, the severity of power plays and the corruption of the said statements. The pirates' conviction to the freedom they believe they rightfully possess is just a stupendous desires of selfishness that descent to human degeneracy.


Grand Father | Mortar Pirates

A young man wearing a tricorn with dark red bandanna under it, a dark coat to block the rain and a blue trouser that holstered a pistol were fervently displaying a sense leadership as he shouted commands to his Mortar pirates crewmen.

'Longshot' Redsen watch the ginormous Germa Frigate with ardent enthusiasm. His body trembling in excitement as it moves toward their face without any concern.

"Forget about boarding the blockhouses, leave that to seamonkeys. We're going to fight them on our terms, aye!?" Redsen turned his head to his crew, as they responded immediately.

"Aye, Aye, Captain!"


A sound of horn errupted as the seamonkeys Redsen mentioned is just a group of agile climbers that crawled through the cannon holes of the Frigate.



The engagement of blood were initiated by 'Bullhead' Hedrake. His active gung-ho breached the squadrons of Germa soldiers with powerful physical force but was eventually met by a Type MH - Man Heavy Soldier.

The two engaged in grappling struggle against each other's strengths, they were left alone by both sides' forces as the Mortar Pirates and Germa Soldiers fought tooth and nail, and sword against blade whilst gunpowder scattered in the windy rain.

This time the invading forces were lead by an elite officer, MSP CO - Man Speed Commanding Officer.

Redsen recognises authority and aimed his gun at the opponent. His sights were quickly shifted to pistol range, which he then triggered a series of gunshots within a short moment.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Man Speed move aside and some of the bullets pierce the bulletproof cape he's wearing wheras his eyes behind the dark sunglasses bore down at Redsen's face. Both move instantaneously, Redsen fired multiple shots but no more bullets hit the target.

Redsen is not only a prodigy as artillery gunner but also in marksmanship, however his opponent's natural speed and equipment can even counter bullet attacks from ordinary pistols.

It's not long before Man Speed closed in and a sword strike forced its way to Redsen's many crewmen. They were there specifically to take action whenever a Germa Soldier got closed enough to Redsen.



Man Speed staggers as bullet wound appeared at his stomach, the bleeding isn't enough to take him down. But it is a fatal gunshot wound since the bullet penetrated his armor.

The culprit received Redsen's eye contact, 'Thanks to you, Grandfather.'

Redsen proceeded to aim his new weapon, a short rifle he previously slung at his back. He then fired a single shot but was parried by the opponent's blade due to close range. Jumping back and aiming once again but this time with his signature reloading flintflock with Mortar jolly roger's stamped on the handle.



Spark! Bam!

Redsen stepped back, alarmed by a bullet clashing right in front of his eyes. He looks for his grandfather who stared somewhere, the personal pistol in his old hand then aimed at some blockhouse of Frigate 11 and fired another shot that way.


After shooting a sure fire at his target even though the rain and worsening weather had been somewhat bleak he's still confident in his skills. Old Artry put his pistol down, he is old now that's why he would let his grandson, Redsen lead the crew in his stead. He'll inherit the crew and the ship while Old Artry will retire and finish his hobby, the continental monstrosity.


Redsen unexpectedly let out a painful howl as gun shot in his shoulder startled Old Artry in his step.

As a grandfather, Old Artry genuinely cared about his closest family. He stared at the same blockhouse again before shouting to the crewmen beside him to help his grandson.

As they move to Redsen's place, Old Artry calculated the odds against a shootout with the same culprit who's targeting his grandson.

However, Man Speed moved with determination and cleave his way through towards Redsen's bleeding figure with bloody wound in his stomach.

Slash! Slash! Slash!*

Thud. Thud. Thud.*

Every slash took one life of a pirate, but its also a fair exchange as Man Speed lost his momentum and eventually succumbing to his deteriorating physical state due to the losses of blood. His sword was only able to move forward with no momentum to cleave another body.

Redsen aims his flintlock one more time and pull the trigger.


The bullet pierced Man Speed Commanding Officer straight into his neck, blood poured out as his dead body fell face down.


Redsen almost give out a laugh, having almost dying a moment ago. However, before he can even twitch his face for a smile a gunshot appeared in between his eyebrows.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Man Speed cease moving as his breathing stopped due to the accumulation of injuries he sustained, his body sieved by bullets by the grieving Old Artry.


Old Artry lost the strength of his knees as he almost stumbled after seeing what's left around of his crewmen. His eyes saw the massacre his men were being put through, he was losing his will to fight anymore. He realised he might have bitten something he couldn't chew anymore.

Old Artry witnessed his grandson die from a gunshot fired somewhere along the higher blockhouse of Frigate 11. Whilst his son, Hedrake got decapitated by multiple Man Heavy Cloned Soldiers who then immediately took care of the remaining pirates.

These clone soldiers don't function with pride and honor, they exist to serve their duty and complete their mission whatever necessary.

Hedrakes head were thrown in the air to intimidate the Mortar Pirates to admit defeat and lower their weapons.

Old Artry quickly took control of his crew onelast time before shouting loudly with a dying command "Death by the sea and death of the enemy!!"



"Death By The Sea And Death Of The Enemies!!"

Boom! Boom!

This concluded with the Mortar Pirates last effort to die together with the opposing forces, some still chose to risk surviving in the sea and jump out and take chance with fate.

The Grand Father lost the battle but Old Artry has one last attempt to drag the whole Frigate with him to the bottom of the ocean.

Old Altry moved with unexpected strong gaits towards the end of the upper cabin as he strides towards a humongous barrel of a cannon, his Continental Cannon. He movement not hindered by his age. The reason he let his grandson lead the Mortar Pirates instead of his son is because of his old age as well as the incompetence of his own son who doesn't have his talent and temperament.

Old Artry heard various footsteps from the deck and reaching his location in but a moment, but the entire time he listened to the footsteps he was having a strong urge to just activate the weapon right then and there.

The humongous barrel of the cannon is supposed to be his best weapon to fight against Marine Headquarters' large Frigates.

He hasn't yet given it a formal name since its supposed to be used by his grandson but now this unfinished weapon could only be used once, he decided to call it Continental Cannon.

This one time shot would result in the destruction of Grand Father and the Germa Frigate's massive hulls, taking with them hundreds of life to the bottom of the sea.

*Step. Step. Step*

As he waits for the right opportunity, he also calculated the time and position of the Germa Frigate in his head in order to make the last chance count. Germa soldiers poured into the cabin where Old Artry kept the Continental Cannon as he pulled hard and the cannon activated with defeaning explosion.




A massive cannonball struck the Hulls of both ships in a single outburst. The wave of flames and wind blast came after the detonation, the eruption of strong gusts of winds and flames bolster the already unstable sea currents.


Frigate 11 | Moments Before the Disater



A burst of heavy hail of ice and thunderstorms highlighted the unusual natural phenomenon happening on the sea beyond Frussia Archipelago before it disappear onto the sky altogether. Followed by deafening thunderclaps echoing across the surface of the sea.

Vinsmoke Rokuji release a heavy breathing, looking at the sky with bloodshot eyes. The ongoing sea battle no longer appears distant and disgusting, his mind adapts to the changes as he breakthroughs the comfort zone of his own conscience.

The world is full of wonder and chaos, valor is due only to those whose valiance is determined through willpower.

The price to gain some semblance of peace is to forfeit some form of value.

To accept and conform to the fate until a certain point of stability becomes part of reality.

A significant strength is a must, the illusion of freedom can only be overcome by overwhelming strength.

Noting the worsening weather, he immediately pulls out a small transponder snail. However, the snail was unable to receive his instruction after being cramp in his pocket for long while. It's tiny head refuse to come out of its shell no matter how hard he shake it.

The cooperation of the transpoder snail is required in order for one to use it for communication, but seeing the weather he wonders if the unique frequency the snails used to communicate between long distances is still possible in this kind of climate environment.

He intends to inform people with command of the ship to keep an attention to the weather forecast. The Frigate 12 are currently battling the Big Sister Pirates whilst the Frigate 13 are unable to connect through some sort of communication via the short range communication network of the Military Class Raid Suits or via normal transponder snail radio.

Rokuji glanced down and found agile pirates climbing the blackhouses leading to the cabins where non-combatant servicemen and sailors evacuated during the bloodbath.

Remembering their stories and their normal lives, he knows he could do something about this seamonkeys whose clearly targeting these folks.

Rokuji did not keep watching their movements,these seamonkeys have clear vision and knows who and where to look for.

Rokuji jumped down from the crow's nest and gracefully activated the Raid Suits glider.

Currently, the Prototype Raid Suit can only function as well-designed armor. Due to bad weather, he couldn't use the sky as advantage and also because he wasn't well-trained in flying yet.

Pirates and Soldiers clashed over and over again as though their stamina were infinite, pirates has their orders and desires while Germa soldier has their duties and commands. Both sides have no intention of stepping back so Rokuji weave through the chaos, his short stature helped him in this case.

He stepped onto the lower cabin and noticed the bloodshed but didn't stop until he reached the evacuation zone where non-combatants flocked as some sailors with courage chose to fight the insurgents of seamonkeys to their death just to protect the helpless.

The quantity of non-combatants overwhelms the pirate seamonkeys but their experience in combat overwhelms the sailors as they slaughter their way through the weak-willed normal servicemen and women.

Rokuji unsheathed his cutlass and confronted one seamonkey, he was a lanky youth with sunken eyes holding a bloody saber. Not giving him any time to react after seeing him, a youngster younger than he was overpowering him in a single slash.

He may be strong enough to combat elite cloned soldiers and cleave a path of blood with these sea bandits, but he's still weak that he is resorting to killing than simply subduing this young pirates.

He's still not sure if this is the appropriate sayings of strong against the weak and weak against the strong.

Rokuji already acknowledged his weakness, if he's powerful enough he can spare them a life albeit a life of misery of losing a limb or two. Currently, he isn't strong enough to fight against experienced adult who licks blood for a living with the mindset of holding back to subjue the opponents.

He is thereby forced to kill his way throughly and shower with blood of his victims.

The scent of blood pervades his body with maelstrom of sensation. His body crave a taste but the sheer absurdity of licking his victim's blood and the pleasure of murdering somebody with enjoyment is a sign of lunacy.

His old soul might be morally broken but his mind is still sound and well to think rationally.

Taking out the last seamonkey, he noticed that they are all youths and young people who chose banditry.

An unfortunate fate that they met at this condition but there is no doubt that they had the chance to experience the pleasure of pillaging and raping and once they reach that point it's almost impossible to give it up.

The non combatants and sailors profusely thanked him for saving their lives, he tried ignoring the blood on his body but there are still many of those he saved were terrified of his appearance and his recent bloodbath.

Walking towards the blockhouse which swerve towards the Mortal Pirates' main vessel, clashing against its hull along with thunderous howls of waves. The small and medium-sized pirates fleet left one by one in order to take a break from the bloody siege as the sea currents swallowed some wrecked ships already.

The weather is turning into a worsening disaster, the smart ones were leaving without looking back. The people swept by the storm that fall down to the ocean never came back up again.

Observing the Mortar Pirates on their main vessels being routed and killed in efficient operation of the Germa Soldiers, the Types Officers make their way through massacre. Germa Soldiers were a mercenary force that experienced naval operations all their lives all over North Sea and over the other seas.

Recognising a couple of familiar faces he once saw on a wanted posters during the voyage, 'Bullhead' Hedrake with a bounty of 26 million berries, 'Longshot' Redsen with 33 million berries rewards for his head.

Borrowing the musket from a sailor, Rokuji calmed his breathing and sat down. He relax his muscle by taking a comfortable sniping position.

He saw a perfect opportunity to take the target's life without clamour. A target he must exterminate himself for the sake of revenge.

Aiming with precision, he veered from the Man Speed Commanding Officer who shall be the bait in order to get a clean shot. He patiently waited for the target to refrain from moving erratically, and only when the target stopped to aim his own gun.


He ignore the fact that someone was protecting his target, he just aim and fired.


Spark! Bam!

An astonishing event happened as his bullet were hit midair by another bullet. He attributed this incident to coincidence since he couldn't see an old man holding a pistol staring at him.

While he's unaware of the danger of being shot by a veteran marksman, his finger traced the trigger of the musket after reloading, he aim one more time.


With a twitch of his finger, a bullet pierced the target's shoulder as the wind affected the bullet slightly at the last second.



A bullet pierced his temple, causing him to fall sideways.



Losing his composure, he subconsciously gave a cry for help.

The sailors began crowding him, not knowing what to do. Some panic and tried moving him, causing him more pain but one sailor quickly rushed back to get some help.

As a non-combatant servicewoman who works at medical department, she's a qualified nurse and as she's with the other evacuee, she heard her husband's voice from short distance.

She stayed at a her same location even after the seamonkeys came and attacked them because she doesn't want to leave her husband alone who was a sailor among the other evacuees who chose to fight desperately with the sea bandits.

She was brought by her husband to take a look at the Prince Lieutenant Rokuji who's in critical need of medical attention.

The nurse immediately takes a look at the wound, since he can still speak, its not as bad as it looks. A shot to the head is a fatal injury, she carefully checks if the bullet is stuck to his skull but were surprise there were only fragments that indicated no bullet penetration and the bleeding should stop once bandaged.

Fortunately, Rokuji has the Prototype Raid Suit to thank for. The special fabric of the hood as well as the straps of the goggles protected him from certain danger as well as the stormy weather conditions.Old Artry even used a pistol so the bullet already lost some of its momentum from its initial impact.

Recovering from the vertigo, Rokuji waits for the female nurse to finish bandaging his head.

Snatching back the musket, he takes a deep breath and lay on his front in prone sniping position again. The basic lessons of marksmanship was a curriculum subject for Germa Kingdom's servicemen, Rokuji learn the basic skills of sniping and shooting with stationary targets.

It's not a complicated subject since most of its requirements were met by him, firm strength to hold a sniper rifle, alignment of sight and visual image of the target, calm disposition, and physical awareness. Rokuji has more interest in this activity initially right after the historical academic and the royal library than swordsmanship and martial arts training.

Watching Rokuji position himself in sniping technique while still seriously wounded, the sailors who know him since he spend time to listen to their stories were in awe at his small back but remained silent.

The Vinsmoke Family are the Commanders of the Military Department of the Germa Kingdom and having loyal subjects looking upon their leaders with respect is the duty of the Vinsmoke Royal Family.

One breath.

Three breath.

Twelve breath.

Twentieth breath.

The sailors watched in silence as Rokuji's remaining open eye stare into the scope as his hands stop trembling for a moment before he pulls the trigger.


Revenge has been serve! A bullet pierced between the eyebrows of Redsen as his red bandanna soaked in his own blood.

Rokuji plop down right after that shot, the nurse's husband who personally rushed to get his wife to assist Rokuji with his wound pick him up and carried him.

They tried finding a location to put him to a safer spot for immediate medical care as the battle is just getting underway for conclusion.



Just as they put him down, a deafening sound of explosions echoed across the sea. The location of the detonation was the Grand Father vessel as it hit the Frigate with a burst of enormous cannon ball as both vessels slowly drifted apart.

The tumultuous ocean current swallowed the Pirate Vessel and sank it under those massive waves.

The following detonations of wind burst and waves of flames resulted in the volatile situation of the sea currents.

Before they can get out of their trepidation, sea water surges inside the damaged Frigate. It began tilting under the influence of the hurricane and stormy seas, the nurse and her husband along with other sailors protected Rokuji from being haul off the ship but the Frigate is quickly sinking. Seeing as they have no chance of escaping as the vessel began overturning, the sailor grabbed Rokuji and strapped him to his back with a rope while firmly holding his wife's hand.

The disaster killed dozens of non combatants by the minutes, knocking them from their places and causing people to fly off to their death. Many of them are already in despair, crying and begging for a god to rescue them through miracle or end their suffering fast.

The sailor and the nurse persevered and climb through whatever obstacles they encounter, trying to find a path upward and eventually reaching the deck.

The husband and wife held hands as Rokuji remained unconscious throughout the time.

The deck was in barren conditions, waves after waves eashed the remaining survivors.

"Honey, look!" The female nurse pointed to a wrecked wooden cupola.

Letting go of his hand, the female nurse immediately took a dash to inspect the wooden cupola for a salvageable floating piece of boat since life boats weren't available in the vicinity. Her face beamed up seeing the good condition of the cupola, since the Frigate is already sinking they were in desperate need of a floating vessel to contain them.

She looked at her husband with glee, but just as she was about to open her mouth, she saw a falling object right up to her husband.


Just as the sailor were about to say something, he saw his wife rushing towards him and pushed him out of her way.



The storm wind splashed his face with cold rainwater. As he open his eyes, his wife's face visibly shifted from her beautiful smile to an agonised expression. Pain and sadness engulf his body, he walks slowly and gently held his dying wife's hand.

Silence deafened his ears. As rainfall continued to pour into their silhouette with no indication of dying down at anytime.

*Pitter Patter*

His wife pushes him out of the harms way, the weather worsened and the ship were already unsalvageable. The wooden structure holding the mast fell down and strikes their path, his wife took the damage and suffer from her injuries.

He held her face and gazed into her eyes and now, she is dying her body unable to sustain herself from staying conscious. Before her consciousness could completely fades, she said in quiet voice "Honey, save …the …young prince…... and ..our son… still waiting …out there."

A tear fell from her eye as the light dimmed from them, the sailor cried out with a choke as he slowly closed her eyes. Her last words rang again in his ears, he kissed her cheek and smiled " Wait for me, my love. Our son, will he be waiting for us, you say?"

He stood up and released the ropes from him and tied Rokuji in the pole on the center of the cupola. Then he waited in the storm before saying something in the air.

"Son, your dad and mom will now be with you"

He lost his mind in his memory as he reminisced his happiest moments with his wife and son, before it all changed to an simple fever.

'A doctor huh? You admire them yet we couldn't even find one when you needs them the most.'

He once admired the works of doctors and even dreamed of being one, yet he could only watch as both his son and wife died in his arms helplessly in need of doctor's help.

He gave a mirthful smile with tears building up in his eyes.

Then he can only hope that the cupola wouldn't sink along the Frigate 11 and its hundreds of operators.

He sat down besides his dead wife who was already turning cold but he still took it with tenderness.



The Frigate 11 slowly got swallowed by the waves along with many other survivors who's lives were to fate.

In the midst of this stormy weather, A single wooden structure ride the waves like a tenacious leaf on a storm, drifting to nowhere.