Eternal Sleep

Kenji floated in an infinite calm, surrounded by a profound stillness that seemed to transcend time. The serenity was overwhelming, a cosmic embrace that liberated him from the constraints of reality. He found a rare opportunity to reflect deeply without distractions in this tranquil void, free from light and direction. Time was irrelevant, and the usual noise of life was absent. Kenji felt a profound sense of peace, content to exist in this serene sanctuary.

Kenji was enveloped in a profound peace as he sank deeper into the abyss. Nothing could intrude upon his serenity except for the persistent ringing of the alarm beside his bed. Slowly, he opened his eyes and sighed.

"It was just a dream again."

Kenji stared at the wall, sighed, and reached out his left arm to turn off the blaring alarm. He got up from bed, scratched his long hair, and went to his desktop.

Kenji grabbed the mouse with his right arm, swiftly moved it, and powered on the monitor. His eyes fixed on the Japanese candlestick steadily ascending towards a green vertical line.

Kenji gazed at the vertical line before him, noticing that the candlestick was almost touching the line, only about ten pips away from his initial take profit. He had held onto this position for several days, maybe weeks or months, and it was finally nearing his target zone. Despite the large numbers he was observing, Kenji appeared unfazed and content with what he saw, ultimately deciding to close the trade.

Kenji moved the mouse to the cancel button without a second thought and immediately cancelled the trade. It was a successful trade that resulted in a huge amount, but he didn't even show euphoria in his expression.

"What time is it?" he thought to himself.

Rolling his chair backwards to look at the alarm clock, he switched it off. It was 6:20. Then, he got up from his chair and headed straight to the exit door of his room. Passing the staircase, Kenji got to the living room. There wasn't a trace of living things except for him.

Kenji stays alone in an old Japanese house. A cosy kitchen opens up to a lonely living room. The kitchen has polished wooden cabinets and neatly arranged dishes, blending with the living space. A small, dark wood table sits at the centre of the living room, surrounded by soft floor cushions. Paper lanterns gently illuminate the room, casting a warm, inviting glow. Traditional artwork and shoji screens add a touch of elegance, making the space feel serene and thoughtfully arranged.

After looking around for a while, Kenji went straight to the kitchen to grab an old black pot covered with red cloth. With a cup in his right arm, he went directly to the house's exit.

As Kenji stepped outside his house, a stunning view of Tokyo sprawled ahead of him. The city glittered under the sun, with skyscrapers shining brightly and the Tokyo Tower and Skytree piercing the horizon. As dusk descended, the city transformed into a sea of shimmering lights, reflecting off Tokyo Bay and creating a breathtaking, illuminated tapestry.

Kenji went further away from his house veranda to the middle, still looking expressionless. He looked to the left and saw a big white oak tree with healthy, nutrient-filled leaves. Next to it, there was a gravestone with Japanese writing on it.

"Renzo Mochizuki"

Seeing his grandfather's grave, he smiled slightly and walked closer. He opened the old pot, and a robust wine aroma came out. It was an ancient Jinshin Wine that his grandfather always loved to drink in the morning. He poured a little into the cup and then onto the gravestone, poured another cup for himself, and took a drink.

"He would have sent my head flying if he saw me drinking this," Kenji thought to himself.

He smiled even more as he dropped the wine and cup on top of the gravestone, then turned and retraced his steps back to where he had come from.

Kenji started with a Hip Flexor Stretch, kneeling on one knee and pushing his hips forward. After 20-30 seconds, he switched sides.

Kenji did the Butterfly Stretch by sitting with his feet together and knees bent outward. He pressed his knees towards the floor, leaned forward, and held the stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Kenji expertly moved into the Seated Forward Bend. With legs extended and back straight, he reached confidently towards his toes, holding the stretch for a precise 20-30 seconds to maximize flexibility

under the baggy T-black shirt he was on. His body was well-built and robust. He had a few cuts on the back and left rib sides; after different stretches, he went straight to have us bathe.

While in the bathroom, the hot shower touched his white skin, and his long, black hair, which cascaded smoothly to his shoulders, became wet. His vibrant red eyes, a hallmark of the Mochizuki family, gleamed with intensity. His slim, Muscular, and well-defined physique reflects years of rigorous training from a young age—proof that the Mochizuki family does not tolerate weakness.

After taking a bath, he brushed his teeth and went straight outside. His uniform was ready and prepared for Monday, the first week of school after the summer break.

While dressing, Kenji could remember how most of his peers were busy enjoying the holidays, going to the beach, parties, and other events,

Kenji has never been very social. He focuses on developing himself and is comfortable being alone. Kenji wore his uniform: a dark suit, black tie, and white shirt. His face remained expressionless as he looked at himself in the mirror in his room. After a while, he angrily removed the tie and seemed happier with his appearance.

Kenji made toast and tea for breakfast and then started preparing to leave.

Kenji has the wealth to buy himself a luxury car or anything he desires, but he prefers his grandfather's bike. With the bike, he left home, closing the gate with a key card. He rode off to school at 7:10 sharp.

Kenji left his home and pedalled on his bike, heading to school. As the sun set from the west, its warm glow illuminated his pale white skin, casting a soft light across his features. The wind picked up, tousling his long black hair and streaming it back toward the breeze.

Having descended from a mountainside, he soon approached a steep hill. As he sped down, the rush of wind and the momentum from the top gave him a thrilling edge. Surrounded only by trees and grasses, with no houses in sight, Kenji skillfully manoeuvred his bike quickly, harnessing the speed to his advantage.

As he continued his descent, the city gradually appeared, its urban landscape emerging from the serene, natural surroundings.

As Kenji entered the city, a vibrant, bustling scene was displayed to him. The cityscape unfolded before him, strikingly contrasting the tranquil countryside he had just left. Skyscrapers, neon signs, and lively streets painted a graphic and beautiful picture.

He continued pedalling toward his destination, observing the crowds around him. People strolled along the sidewalks with their partners, pets, and colleagues, each seemingly driven by a purpose and reason to embrace the day.

Kenji glanced at the lively interactions and diverse faces but couldn't shake the feeling of detachment. While others appeared to have clear motivations and reasons to rise daily, Kenji struggled to find purpose amidst the city's relentless energy.

As Kenji arrived at the bus station on time, 8:00 sharp, a blue bus pulled in with a soft rumble. He swiftly parked his bicycle at the back of the bus and stepped inside. The old bus driver looked up with a warm smile and remarked, "Always on time." Kenji returned the gesture with a nod and paid the fare before heading for a seat.

He selected a spot in the back near the right window and placed his bag beside him. With only a few passengers on board, Kenji pulled out a very old headset model, plugged it into his phone, and started playing his favourite song. Leaning back, he relaxed, letting the familiar tunes accompany him as the bus journeyed towards his destination.

Upon reaching his destination, Kenji disembarked from the bus and retrieved his bicycle. As the bus drove away and gradually faded from view, he turned in the opposite direction, continuing forward with his school bag and bike. The wind had become calmer, creating a more serene atmosphere.

Ahead, a grand gate came into view, its imposing and elegant design. The gate looked brand new and expensive, with a gold rose emblem at its centre—a symbol that matched the emblem on Kenji's suit. As he approached the gate, the air filled with the distinct scent of luxury.

The sounds of high-end vehicles—luxury cars and roaring sports cars—filled the space, accompanied by the chatter of students in identical uniforms to Kenji's. The bustling activity and the luxury of the surroundings contrasted sharply with the quiet journey he had just completed.