The old world

The scene was vibrant and energetic, with each student exuding a polished, affluent aura. Their bright, clear skin hinted at their privileged backgrounds, as it was clear that only the wealthy attended this prestigious school, Rose High—where scholarships were unheard of, and only the elite were admitted. The school is a pinnacle of luxury and innovation. Its sleek, glass-enclosed buildings harmonized with tranquil Japanese gardens, creating a serene yet dynamic environment for elite students. It is renowned as the best in Tokyo.

Inside, classrooms are equipped with cutting-edge technology, including interactive whiteboards and virtual reality systems. Students thrived in luxury dormitories with panoramic city views and top-notch amenities.

The sports complex boasted an Olympic-sized pool, a state-of-the-art gym, and fields for various sports, while specialized centres offered training in golf, archery, and martial arts. For the adventurous, climbing walls and zip lines added excitement, with excursions to nearby mountains for hiking and kayaking. 

There are so many things to mention about Rose High. All that can be said is that it was the dream school that every kid in the 24th century wanted to attend, but not for Kenji; his father forced him to participate.

Since his grandfather's death, Kenji felt the crushing pressure of his father's overwhelming expectations. He often thought to himself, 

"Well, this is the last months, and all this will be over," clinging to the hope that soon he'd be free from the relentless demands.

Students, enveloped in the scent of expensive perfumes, chatted animatedly about their summer vacations as they entered the school. Despite the lively atmosphere, Kenji seemed to blend into the background, unnoticed among the crowd.

Navigating through the crowd, Kenji reached the designated bike area, where he parked his bicycle. As the only student with a bike, he didn't need to chain it; in this affluent environment, what he cherished most—a bike passed down from his grandfather—was considered mere scrap.

As Kenji was about to leave his bike and head to class, the roar of a speeding sports car caught his attention. The sound was so thunderous that it pierced through even the music on his headset. The Energized students quickly moved aside to clear a path for the incoming vehicle.

A striking red car slid into view, executing a precise right-hand drift before stopping in the school's designated parking area. The crowd of students marvelled at the display.

"Wow, look at that drifting... that's pro-level," one student exclaimed.

"That's not even the real deal," another replied, eyes wide. "Check out that car—it's the unreleased Apex Fury model. How did he get his hands on it?"

"Probably because the Ota family owns 60% of the company shares," another said

"Apex Fury C10, I heard there are only 8 of does in the world." another side.

"The Hell! A student exclaimed that C9 just came out, and now there's already a new model.

"Seems you are lagging a lot, bro", a student said with a smile. 

As the crowd buzzed with excitement, the driver of the red Lamborghini emerged, and it was none other than Akio Ota. His bright, luminous skin and striking gold eyes drew attention. His hair, a rough gold hue, glinted in the sunlight, adding to his commanding presence. Standing six feet tall—just like Kenji—Akio exuded an effortless air of confidence.

Today, Akio wasn't in the usual suit. Instead, he wore a crisp white T-shirt casually styled with a loosely draped tie. His perfectly tailored and impeccably clean trousers and polished, high-end shoes showcased his taste for luxury, even in a more relaxed outfit. 

Akio was known for his nonconformist approach to the school's dress code. He opted to express himself in his way. He moved with effortless grace, making it clear that he followed his own rules, regardless of the formality expected by others.

As Akio stepped out of the car, a student from the parking lot joked, "With the way you drive, I think I'll be attending your funeral soon."

Akio turned with a friendly smile and replied. 

"I'm an Ota; we don't die easily," Akio said with a confident smile as he closed the door of his luxurious car. He then turned and walked over to meet his friends, his casual yet assured demeanour remaining unchanged.

The group exchanged warm greetings and hugs, their laughter and chatter filling the air. As they headed in the same direction, their conversation flowed effortlessly, their camaraderie evident in the easy way they interacted.

The students around them cast admiring glances at Akio, their eyes reflecting a mix of envy and longing. His effortless charisma and stylish demeanour drew attention from those nearby, making it clear that he was the centre of admiration.

But the attention quickly shifted from Akio as another luxury vehicle arrived at the school. This time, it was a sleek Noble Aristocrat, its high-end design and exclusivity drawing immediate admiration from the crowd. The arrival of the new car eclipsed Akio's presence as students' eyes and murmurs focused on the latest display of opulence.

As the Noble Aristocrat parked, the symbol "K" beside the door handles made it clear to every student with a social media presence that this was the car of the Kings. Immediately, the kings drew attention to the arrival of Kato King and his sister, Sara King, who stepped out with an air of effortless grace.

Kato King emerged, a striking figure with bright red hair and a slim, athletic build. Standing at six feet tall, he had an air of understated confidence. His sharp features and piercing eyes gave him a commanding presence, even with his lean frame.

Following him was his sister, Sara King, often called the "Goddess of Trend." Slightly shorter than her brother, Sara's figure was alluring and elegant. Her lighter red hair cascaded in soft waves, complementing her radiant, medium-toned complexion. Her full, red lips and attractive features drew admiration from those around her. Sara's figure was well-defined, with a chic, fashionable flair that set trends rather than followed them. Her aura of sophistication and poise made her one of the most captivating figures in their school.

The arrival of the Kings surprised the school; seeing such prominent figures on the first day of resumption was unprecedented. Students buzzed excitedly, chatting animatedly and snapping photos of Kato and Sara as they walked towards the school gates, their presence causing a stir of admiration and curiosity.

Amid the commotion, Kenji remained detached. He gave only a fleeting glance towards the Kings, his expression indifferent, and then continued into the school building, unaffected by the spectacle unfolding around him.

The sound of another car drew Kenji's attention as it pulled up to the school gate. Out stepped an elegant young man, around 18 years old, with striking red eyes and a refined demeanour. Ryu Mochizuki is slightly shorter than Kenji but exudes a compelling presence.

As Ryu approached the school, Sara King, who had been heading in his direction, lit up with excitement. Without hesitation, she hugged him tightly, her joy unabashed and her body pressing close to his. 

"Oh, my darling Ryu, you also came!" she exclaimed, her face beaming with curiosity and happiness. 

"Have you missed me?" Her expression was a mix of delight and eagerness; she was thrilled to see him.

Kenji glanced at Ryu from a distance, taking in the scene of Sara's enthusiastic greeting. He observed the interaction for a moment, his expression unreadable. With a final look, Kenji turned and continued into the school building, his focus shifting away from the unfolding drama outside.

A few energetic students moved with infectious enthusiasm inside the bustling school building. In the crowded hallways, their chatter and laughter echoed off the walls. A group of friends clustered around, their voices a harmonious cacophony as they eagerly discussed their latest project, bouncing ideas off one another with excited gestures. Nearby, another student zipped by, darting between groups of friends with a lively skip in his step, a wide grin plastered on his face as he raced to his next class.

Amidst this vibrant chaos, Kenji moved like a ghost, his presence barely noticeable against the backdrop of animated students. While the elevators, often reserved for the more affluent, hummed with the occasional ascent and descent, Kenji preferred the simplicity of the stairs. Though only two stories high, the building seemed to stretch endlessly in his mind as he navigated the quiet, worn steps. The staircase was a serene contrast to the lively halls—his only company was the soft echo of his footsteps against the walls.

Kenji's deliberate choice to avoid the elevators spoke volumes about his character. With each steady step, he embraced a sense of calm and independence. As he reached the upper floor, he finally emerged into the bustling upper hallway, where the chatter of students seemed a world away. His demeanour reflected someone who preferred to move with intention and purpose rather than rushing through life.

When Kenji arrived at his class, the door was already open, revealing one of the best classrooms in the school. The room was bathed in natural light, thanks to its glass walls that offered a sweeping view of Rose High's sprawling sports facilities. Each desk is positioned separately to provide ample room and privacy. The minimalist design and the expansive view made the classroom feel modern and serene.

As Kenji stepped into the bustling classroom, he couldn't help but notice the precise arrangement of desks, neatly forming five rows and ten columns to accommodate the fifty students. The room buzzed with activity as students of varying wealth and status occupied their respective spaces—some engaged in lively conversations while others reclined in solitude or dozed off. Despite the curious glances from his peers, Kenji remained resolute as he made his way to the back of the room, taking his seat with unwavering composure.

Dropping his bag beside his seat, Kenji removed his headset, stowed it away, and pulled out a book he had been reading for quite some time.

As the classroom began to fill up, Ryo, Akio, Sara, and Kato entered each heading to their usual spots. Sara, always close to Ryo, had her left arm linked with his and her chest pressed against his arm—a familiar sight since their early days at Rose High, a bond that had only grown stronger.

Ryo took the second seat at the beginning of the fifth row, not at the back, where Kenji was already seated. Sara, aiming to sit near Ryo, headed for the fourth row but found that a shy student had already occupied the seat next to him. This student, clearly uncomfortable with attention, tried to make himself as small as possible.

With a serious expression, Sara approached the student, her presence looming large and intimidating. The student's face flushed with fear as he glanced up at Sara, visibly shrinking under her intense gaze. Sara's determined approach left no room for hesitation as she prepared to assert her place in the classroom.

Without saying a word, Sara's intimidating presence was enough to make the shy student quickly vacate the seat. Sara took the now-empty spot with a satisfied smile and settled beside Ryo. She immediately began chatting happily with him, her earlier stern demeanour melting away as she engaged in lively conversation.

While Kenji read his book, he glanced around the increasingly lively classroom. With summer break ending, the room buzzed with energy as students eagerly shared their exciting plans and stories to impress their friends.

Amidst the chatter, Kenji noticed something unusual: a student in the corner of the room was reading the same book as he was. This discovery surprised him, as he had never seen this student show much interest in books.

Kenji continued observing the student, who was deeply engrossed in the book Kenji was reading. The student's behaviour struck Kenji as odd; he seemed unusually focused on the text, frequently glancing sideways at Kenji's row, particularly at the seat directly in front of Ryo's. The intensity of the student's attention made Kenji curious, as it was clear that the book held a significant fascination for him.

Noticing the student's intense focus and curious glances, Kenji couldn't help but smile. "You're still trying," he thought to himself, a wry sense of amusement in his heart.