Humans at their peak

It was as if they couldn't believe their eyes. What they saw couldn't be explained. No scientist could give a reason for such a thing to exist. What emerged couldn't be seen clearly from the distance, but they saw part of it through channel 9.

The head was three times bigger than the head of an Aeroplan. Its curved body was covered in shimmering black scales that glinted like polished obsidian in the light. Its eyes were strikingly golden, glowing with wisdom and intensity, exuding an otherworldly aura.

The monstrous figure emerged from the blinding light. Its first sight was a helicopter hovering nearby. Without hesitation, it took a bite from the chopper, which exploded in a fiery blast. Miraculously, the explosion did not harm.

Channel 9 went blank, leaving everyone in shock. Kenji's classmates were left speechless, disbelief etched on their faces as they processed the chaos unfolding before them.

"What the hell is that thing?" Sara said, trembling.

Everyone, including Mr. Kim, turned to the source of the commotion.

The students in other classes were experiencing the same shocking sight. They could hardly believe their eyes as more monstrous figures emerged—some small, others average-sized like the first, and some towering above skyscrapers. Flying creatures of unknown origin filled the sky. The vibrant city Kenji had just passed moments ago was now engulfed in flames, and the cloud was red. 

They all stood there, paralysed, unable to do anything but watch what was unfolding.

After a moment, a student spotted the national defence forces heading toward the rampaging monsters. Jets and helicopters, armed to the teeth, raced into battle to defend their nation. Some students in the other class showed excitement upon seeing this, as they believed in what Tokyo's defences are capable of. But within seconds, they were wiped out, swallowed by the chaos of destruction.

It wasn't a fight; it was like ants crushed under an elephant's foot. The defence force was obliterated instantly, powerless against the monstrous onslaught.

The sight instilled terror in the students' hearts. Some wet their pants, while others fell to the ground, unable to control their shaking legs. Panic surged as fear took hold, leaving them paralysed in horror.

["purge completed, initialising game."]

["mission upload."]

One # Survive

the main scenario: survive for five days.

Difficulty level: F

reward: 100 mana stone

upon failing death.

The massive monsters retreated into the blinding light, leaving the students in a state of sheer fear as they surveyed the destruction. Panic coursed through them, each grappling with the reality of the chaos unfolding.

At that moment, Kenji realised the old world was gone. Humanity no longer had the privilege of dictating the rules. The only way forward was to survive—adapt or perish.

The bright light at the school field suddenly changes colour from dull light to bright blue.

"Something is coming," Kenji murmured, a sense of foreboding settling over him. Nobody seemed to have noticed yet.

A massive leg emerged from the bright light, its rough green skin glistening with muscle. Gradually, more of the figure appeared—towering about nine feet tall, muscular, and wielding a colossal axe in its right arm. Carnivorous fangs jutted from its mouth, adding to its Terrifying presence.

The cloak was crafted from a single, imposing wolf skin, its fur thick and matted. Scars crisscrossed the fabric, each mark telling a tale of fierce battles fought and won. The edges were tattered, suggesting it had weathered many literal and metaphorical storms. It exuded an aura of strength and resilience, as if the spirit of the wolf still lingered within, ready to defend its wearer in times of need. 

["F grade high tier orc as appeared."]

[ F grade High tier orc as declared your area its territory] 

["You are in F-grade high-level orc territory."]

The monstrous figure loomed over the Rose High School building, casting an ominous shadow as it surveyed its surroundings. Its massive form seemed to ripple with dark energy, and just as it pointed towards the school, a horde of more miniature figures emerged from the shadows. 

The creatures stood between four and five feet tall, their mottled green skin covered in ugly bumps. They wielded rusty, barely functional weapons—some jagged knives, others crude clubs. Their armour was a mismatched collection of corroded metal and tattered cloth, offering little protection. Despite their disjointed shuffling gait, a grim determination radiated from them, ready to pounce at any moment.

The goblins were bald, their yellowed teeth gleaming as they snarled menacingly. 

With yellow eyes glinted with malice and sclera as dark as the void, they seemed to take in every detail of the school, their yellowed teeth bared in menacing grins. An unsettling sense of chaos hung in the air as they began to advance, ready to unleash whatever intentions they harboured upon the unsuspecting building. The tension crackled like static, and it was clear that something terrifying was about to unfold.

["F grade low tier goblin as spurned."]

We are seeing short heads of the monster's approach. 

"Where are the school defenses?" a student said.

Just as he said, two soldiers came from behind the school building, identifying the intruders weren't human; they opened fire immediately. The bullet hit the goblins, but it did not affect them.

["can't use modern weapons on creatures."]

The warning kept popping up in front of them, each screen flashing red with urgent messages.

 As they realised their guns were useless, they stopped firing and wanted to retreat, but it was too late as the goblins had already gotten closer. The goblins swung their rusty weapons, killing one of the soldiers on the spot. The Goblins attacked the other soldier on the leg; he fell to the ground. Before being beaten up with several clubs filled with spikes, he screamed out while facing a tall building.

"get to the Sanctum." 

That was the last thing he could say before his end came, beaten up by several clubs, a painful way to go.

One female student huddled on the floor, scared out of her wits as she witnessed the terrifying scene unfold for the first time. 

"Mama will save me," she whispered, repeating it like a mantra. 

The words were a fragile comfort in the face of overwhelming fear. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she clutched her knees tightly, desperate for a glimmer of hope.

"Everyone hurry, get to the Sanctum," Mr Kim said 

Kenji's class turned away from the window, ready to head to safety. But just as they took a step, they froze. Seeing the goblins through the glass was one thing; encountering one up close was another entirely. The creature's menacing grin and yellowed teeth sent chills down their spines, and the reality of their situation sank in.

The girl on the floor, scared shitless, noticed the fear in our classmates' eyes as they all took a step backwards. It was as if they had seen something unreal. Her heart raced as she watched them freeze, paralysed by the sight of the goblins lurking behind her. She could feel their hot breath and hear the low growls and the smell of thick blood.

 She turned her back with tears, and before she could even react, a club filled with spikes had already hit her head.

She fell to the ground, pouring out her head. Seeing this, Kenji's classmates screamed and bolted for the door. Roses High classes have two extra doors. As some students scrambled to escape, other goblins burst in, their yellowed teeth gleaming in the dim light. Panic erupted as the first attacks landed, and the hallway quickly filled with cries and chaos.

The sanctuary was on the ground floor, so everyone instinctively rushed downward. Some students darted straight for the elevator, pressing the button with urgency. The doors seemed to take an eternity to open, and goblin growls grew louder behind them, fueling their desperation as they awaited a way out.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Open!" a student from another class shouted, frantically jabbing the elevator button. Panic twisted his voice as the goblin growls grew louder, and the doors stubbornly refused to open.

Hope surged as the elevator doors gradually opened. He'd never felt such excitement over something so mundane. But behind him, some students were already being picked off, one by one, acting as a shield. With a racing heart, he stepped inside, only for his head to be split open by an axe. 

They were goblins inside, and student bodies lying around sucked in blood. The students sprinted away in a different direction from the elevator.

"the stairs," Kenji said to himself. 

He dashed right toward his Favorite stairway. Amid the chaos, he jumped over bodies and dodged goblins, moving quickly to avoid detection. On his way, he saw students using each other as shields to prevent the goblin's blades, abandoning their close companions in a desperate bid to survive.

"This is human instinct at its peak," he thought.

Reaching his destination, he found the stairway door closed. Kenji quickened his pace, using his shoulder to crash through the door. Once inside, he pressed on, racing downward with urgency.

"Why?" Kenji asked himself.

"Why am I pushing myself so hard?"

Kenji felt strange; he had nothing to live for and nothing he cherished, yet the instinct to survive took control. He couldn't comprehend the feeling.

Getting to the first floor, Kenji noticed a female student opening the ground floor door and trying to run upward, but before she could even step on the stairs, she got shot from the back, an arrow right in the middle of her back.

She looked up and saw Kenji on the first floor heading downwards. 

"Help me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kenji looked at her.

"This is no time for heroism," he thought to himself.

 Kenji can't even guarantee his Survival; helping someone with a fatal injury felt foolish to him.

"I'm sorry," he said.

Kenji instantly changed direction, opening the first-floor door to take another route.

Some students ran past him to the left as he entered the first floor. Kenji glanced over and saw goblins coming, armed with close-combat weapons. Realising the goblin noticed him, Kenji quickly followed their path.

The road was narrow, barely wide enough for four students to run side by side. As they pushed forward, a female student fell behind, her breaths coming in quick gasps. Sweat glistened on her forehead; the three ahead didn't glance back or show concern.

Kenji had already caught up to them.

"They are small, and their speed is incredible. "Kenji said, observing the goblins chase them. 

"at this rate, she won't make it," he said to a female student running alongside them. 

Her speed gradually dropped, each step feeling heavier than the last. Her breaths came in deep, laboured gasps, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

In just a few seconds, she was already apart from the group. She looked back, seeing the goblins were getting closer. 

"I have to survive," she whispered repeatedly, drawing on every ounce of energy she could muster. Each word felt like a mantra, fueling her resolve to keep moving.

It all happened suddenly. An arrow whizzed past the female student, shattering the glass beside her and striking her neck. The time she seemed to freeze as she felt a sharp pain followed by a warm rush. She drops down on the ground, choking on her blood.