
Kato wasn't alone in the room; Jin and a few other prominent students from his circle stood nearby, their expressions a mix of concern and readiness. They could sense the tension crackling in the air.

At the back, Ryu remained a quiet observer. His keen eyes scanned the scene, taking in every detail. He watched, calculating the best moment to intervene.

"What's the meaning of this?" Kato's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, demanding answers as he faced Kenji with an unwavering glare.

The weight of his words hung in the air, challenging Kenji to respond.

Kenji showed no sign of response or concern. His cold gaze was fixed on Nabi, intent on finishing what he had started.

Amid his agony, Nabi's heart raced as Kato's voice pierced through the haze of pain. It sounded like a lifeline—a beacon of hope amid the darkness that Kenji embodied, who was poised to take his life. 

"he tried to rape Mari, and I tried to stop him", Nabi shouted, channelling every ounce of strength he had left, his voice booming with intensity as he fought against the pain that gripped him.

Kenji used his right leg to bash Nabi's face, pressing his face further inside the wall.

Nabi's vision blurred as the impact rattled through him, sending a wave of pain coursing through his body, and he instantly lost consciousness.

Kato's annoyance twisted into a fierce resolve as he watched Kenji's indifference. The earlier feelings of unworthiness ignited a fire within him. 

"Jin!" Kato called, his voice sharp and urgent. 

Without hesitation, Jin surged forward, his muscles coiling with determination. The air crackled with tension as he aimed to strike Kenji, the weight of Kato's frustration propelling him forward. Kato's heart raced, a mix of anger and anticipation coursing through him as he watched Jin close the distance, ready to confront the indifference that had pushed him to this breaking point.

Jin's punch rocketed forward, a heavy swing that seemed to carve through the air, but Kenji was quick. He evaded the blow with a deft sidestep to the right, his movements fluid and calculated. As Jin's fist whiffed past, Kenji's hand rose, gripping the blade with intent. 

The glint of metal caught the light as he prepared to swing, aiming for Jin's hand with a precise, lethal grace. The tension in the air crackled, a moment suspended in time where fury met skill, and the stakes grew higher. Kato watched, breathless, as the confrontation escalated, each action a dance of instinct and resolve.

Just as Kenji prepared to strike, a new threat caught his attention. He sensed it before he saw it: a small, luminous blue sphere, no larger than a tennis ball, hurtling toward him. Though its speed wasn't extraordinary, an intuitive sense of danger washed over him, urging him to evade. 

With a swift pivot, Kenji abandoned the attack on Jin, narrowly dodging the glowing orb. It whizzed past him and collided with the wall behind, the impact resonating through the room like a cannon blast. The force was shocking, creating a gaping hole four times the ball's size. Dust and debris cascaded around the impact site, leaving Kenji stunned as he processed the unexpected turn of events. Kato's heart raced, caught between the chaos of the fight and the sudden eruption of power. 

"Who might that be?" murmured the onlookers, their eyes fixed on the source of the blue ball. Emerging from the shadows, Akio wore a sly smile, satisfaction evident. He had made the shot with precision, but beneath that confident exterior, he struggled to catch his breath, the exertion weighing on him.

Kato felt a surge of confidence, buoyed by the realisation that he now had allies. Jin, Akio, Remi, and himself formed a formidable front against Kenji, who stood alone, the odds stacked against him.

"Do you think you can take us on?" Kato called out, his voice ringing with pride. 

"I don't see you making it out of this," Kato added.

They encircled Kenji, keeping a wary distance while exuding determination. Tension crackled in the air as they prepared to face whatever Kenji had left, their collective resolve solidifying in the face of uncertainty.

Kenji's cold gaze swept over them, a steely resolve in his red eyes that seemed to pierce through the tension. He felt the threat closing in, his instincts screaming that his life was at risk. He took a fighting stance with a sudden shift, his body poised and ready.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Akio replied, his smile unwavering, masking any hint of concern.

Kenji's left foot spread more comprehensively than his right, and his body relaxed yet coiled like a spring. He bent slightly, a stray lock of hair falling over one eye, creating a striking, almost ominous aura. Only Ryu, observing from the sidelines, recognised the stance—a familiar pose that spoke of years of training and unyielding determination.

"I think it's time I show off my skills too," Remi thought, a spark of ambition igniting as he prepared to be the first to strike. 

His heart raced with excitement and trepidation. He was eager to prove himself against the formidable Kenji, unaware of the depths of his experience and strength. The atmosphere thickened with anticipation, each side bracing for the clash about to unfold.

Immediately, Remi moved, instinctively sensing the danger that lurked just beyond reach. An unsettling awareness washed over him, a primal instinct warning that getting too close could spell disaster. He could feel the weight of the moment, the tension thickening in the air, and he wasn't alone in his apprehension.

Despite their numerical advantage, the others shared a similar unease. Each of them felt the oppressive aura emanating from Kenji, a silent threat that kept them at bay. The looming presence of the lone fighter was more intimidating than they had anticipated, and even as they circled him, a hesitance crept into their movements. 

Kato, Jin, and Akio exchanged wary glances, their bravado faltering as they realised the odds didn't guarantee victory. They were outnumbering Kenji, but the palpable tension made it clear: this confrontation could spiral into chaos instantly.

Despite the unease gnawing at him, Kato decided to step forward, driven by a mix of determination and the weight of expectation. The eyes of his allies were on him, a silent pressure that urged him to assert his confidence. They wanted to see strength, to witness someone take charge in the face of danger, and Kato craved that validation.

As he advanced, he felt the intensity of Kenji's gaze locking onto him, a challenge that sent a thrill through his veins. Kato squared his shoulders, pushing aside the creeping doubt. He couldn't afford to show weakness—not now, not with so many eyes on him. 

"Let's end this," he declared, his voice steady despite the tumult. The atmosphere shifted, charged with anticipation, as Kato prepared to make his move, ready to prove he could stand tall despite overwhelming odds.

"Stop!" Ryu called out, stepping forward with an authority that halted everyone in their tracks. His voice cut through the tension like a knife, and the sudden shift caught the attention of all present.

Everyone froze, their gazes shifting to Ryu as he moved into the centre of the standoff. The unexpected intervention was shocking, especially to those who had only ever seen him as a quiet observer, preferring to stay in the background. 

"The person who likes staying on the sidelines is interfering," Ryu continued, his eyes narrowing as he faced Kenji. The statement hung in the air, provoking murmurs among the students watching the scene unfold. Some looked on in disbelief, while others were curious about what Ryu intended to do.

Kato's resolve wavered as he processed Ryu's words, unsure of the implications. Ryu's presence transformed the dynamic, adding a layer of unpredictability to an already tense situation. The atmosphere charged, and the outcome felt even more uncertain with Ryu stepping into the fray.

"If you're eager to fight, I think you should all take the battle to the goblins above instead of being in here raising swords at each other. We're humans, not insects hiding in holes for safety," Ryu said with a smile, his words leaving a sharp sting in everyone's pride.

"We already tried that," Kato shot back, his tone laced with anger.

"Getting Kenji away from Nabi should have been the goal, not trying to fight him right now without being clear about the full situation," Ryu said, glancing at Kato with concern and frustration.

"The situation was clear enough. Kenji tried to silence Nabi from speaking the truth," Kato insisted, determination etched on his face.

"I've known Kenji for years, and this isn't something I could ever see him doing in a lifetime," Ryu replied, his voice steady but edged with doubt.

"In times like this, people change. You've been defending Kenji a lot, Ryu. Are you sure this isn't personal judgment?" Kato pressed, his accusation hanging in the air.

Ryu fell silent momentarily, gazing at Kato, weighing his words carefully. The tension between them was palpable, a clash of loyalty and doubt that threatened to fracture their alliance. Ryu understood Kato's concerns but couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Kenji's actions than met the eye.

"I'm trying to save your life. Stop being a fool, Kato," Ryu thought, his gaze piercing deeply into Kato's eyes. The weight of his concern hung heavy in the air between them. Ryu knew Kato's path could lead to dire consequences, and the moment's urgency pressed on him like a vice.

He could see the determination in Kato's expression, but it was mixed with a stubbornness that worried him. Ryu wanted to shake him out of this fixation on confrontation, to make him see that understanding the whole picture was crucial. But the words remained unspoken, trapped in the tension of the standoff. 

"Then let's treat Nabi and lock Kenji in a room. We can wait for the victim's answers—how about that?" Ryu proposed, his gaze shifting to the unconscious Mari. The urgency in his voice reflected his desire to de-escalate the situation and prioritise understanding over conflict.

Kato's eyes narrowed as he considered Ryu's suggestion. It was a practical approach that could bring clarity to the chaos. 

"Fair enough," Kato replied, a hint of reluctant acceptance in his voice.

Ryu turned his attention to Kenji, who, sensing the shift in the dynamic, slowly dropped his attack stance. The tension in his body eased, and he showed signs of compliance. It was a cautious gesture, indicating he was willing to cooperate—at least for now.

"Let's focus on treating Nabi first," Ryu said, directing the group's attention. "We need to make sure he's okay before anything else."

The others nodded, a collective understanding forming. With Kenji momentarily subdued, they could shift their focus to helping Nabi, hoping that answers would come soon and they could unravel the tangled web of confusion surrounding them all.

"Kenji has to drop his weapon," Kato firmly told Ryu. "It would be foolish to leave a potential criminal with a weapon."

Kato glanced at Kenji, who, showing signs of compliance, nodded as Jin approached him. Reluctantly, Kenji handed over his blade. Jin and Remi then escorted him toward a room, the students blocking the door parting to let them through. Whispers followed in their wake, murmurs suggesting Kenji was the culprit, but he ignored them, keeping his focus ahead. Kato watched, sensing the determination in Kenji's posture—contradicting the accusations thrown around.

"Why are you protecting him?" Kato asked Ryu as he moved to exit the room.

Ryu paused, casting Kato a glance. "You seem to be mistaken. I'm not protecting him; I'm protecting you from him," he said, then turned and left.

Kato was stunned, the weight of Ryu's words hitting him hard. He had always known Ryu to be serious, someone who didn't joke about important matters. Ryu's guidance had been essential for him to govern the sanctum properly, and the fact that Ryu held Kenji in such high regard felt like a betrayal. Anger and hurt surged within him, a whirlwind of emotions that confused and frustrated him.