
Kenji was led into a dimly lit room, shadows clinging to the walls like whispers of past secrets. Jin and Remi flanked him, their glances sharp with caution and suspicion. As the heavy door creaked shut behind him, the sound echoed in the stillness, a finality that made Kenji's heart race. He could almost taste the stale air, thick with tension.

He scanned the room, noting the starkness that mirrored his previous quarters. The cold, clinical arrangement of the space felt familiar yet distant.

Kenji focused on the calm conversation beyond the door as the lock clicked into place, sealing him inside. His heightened senses kicked in, and he could hear every word as if it were spoken directly into his ear. 

"Make sure no one comes in or out," Jin said. Their cautious tones suggested a brewing storm outside, a world filled with uncertainty and danger.

He settled onto the narrow bed, the springs creaking beneath him. Kenji leaned back, his gaze fixed on the ceiling, where shadows danced in the dim light. Thoughts swirled in his mind, each one messy and heavy. This wasn't how he had imagined spending his day. Saving Mari hadn't been part of his plan, but somehow, amidst the chaos, he found a strange sense of purpose.

Nabi was a good test subject for gauging his strength and understanding the differences in everyone's system attributes. Kenji's life had always been filled with training. From a young age, his grandfather had taught him various combat techniques, instilling a deep understanding of fighting. For Kenji, honing his combat traits felt natural—it was simply part of his identity.

The strength Kenji utilised shocked him. According to his analysis, he had already broken the boundaries of what humans can accomplish; Kenji navigated the system as he sought further information. 

"A human at their peak can allocate 7 to 10 points to each capability," Kenji thought as he lay on the bed, navigating the system. "Specific attributes depend on their uniqueness, characteristics, and personality."

Player Info

Name: Kenji Mochizuki

Level: 3

Class: Novice

Yin: Locked


Agility: 16/16

Strength: 17/17

Stamina: 15/15

Intelligence: 13/13

Unique Skills: Adapt, Heightened Senses

Accumulated point awaiting distribution: 7

His stats were high. For most, this would feel like an accomplishment, a reason to feel superior. But not for Kenji. He couldn't shake the memory of Akio's earlier attack—a light blue ball of energy that packed immense power.

"That can only mean his yin energy was unlocked from the start, giving him a significant advantage," Kenji thought, unease creeping in.

Despite his battle experience and skill, facing opponents with unlocked yin energy would be challenging. 

"If Akio can do that, I wonder what Ryu can do now?" Kenji pondered, an image of Ryu flashing in his mind.

"I can't underestimate my surroundings," he reminded himself, determination settling in.

Kenji clicked the yin icon, eager for more information. A soothing female voice filled the room:

["Yin: The foundation of all energy."]

He listened intently as the voice continued,

["Yin energy serves several purposes. It is the source of inner strength and calm, allowing individuals to tap into their true potential. This energy is not just a resource; it embodies balance and harmony."]

The voice paused, then explained further, 

["The yin evolves to the three main sources of energy after user breaks to level ten"]

["There are three types of energy: Aura, Mana, and Blessing."]

["- Aura manifests your inner power, enhancing your presence and influence. It can grant you minor defensive abilities and heighten your senses; the aura is the most destructive energy, mostly red nature, and it is used in warrior class."]

["-Mana represents a more active form of energy, enabling you to manipulate the world around you. It is essential for casting spells and unleashing powerful attacks, and it is the used energy by mage and mage warrior class"]

["Blessing: is the pinnacle of energy, granting extraordinary abilities and divine favour. It can have significant effects on yourself and your allies; it is used by spirit class."]

Kenji absorbed the information, feeling a mix of excitement and concern. Understanding yin energy and its potential was crucial for his growth, especially with the challenges he would face.

"Anyone who can't feel yin energy is screwed," Kenji thought; he knew that understanding and harnessing this energy could make all the difference in a fight. Without it, he would be severely disadvantaged against those who had already unlocked their potential. The stakes were higher than ever.

Kenji paused, shifting his focus away from the system and turning inward. The world he once knew was gone, transformed beyond recognition. Wealth and power had shifted, and society's forces had changed drastically. Yet one principle remained unaltered: "The strong survive, while the weak perish." The difference now lies in personal choice and determination.

For the first time in a year, Kenji felt a tremor of fear—a sensation he never thought he could experience. Memories of loss flooded his mind, shadows of his mother and grandfather looming large. He had spent so long contemplating the abyss, the idea of death lingering at the edges of his thoughts. But now, when faced with the spectre of mortality, he embraced life fiercely.

This realisation left him confused, caught between the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future. He wrestled with his emotions, grappling with fear and sorrow, yet a flicker of happiness ignited him amidst it all. With its dangers and challenges, the new world brought a renewed sense of purpose. Each moment was infused with meaning, forcing him to confront the unknown head-on.

In that tumultuous space, Kenji discovered a strange sense of freedom. Embracing uncertainty, he felt more alive than he had in years. With all its unpredictability, this new chapter beckoned him to rise, adapt, and fight for a future worth living.

In that moment, clarity washed over Kenji. He felt a renewed sense of purpose and a burning goal: to push beyond his limits and explore the system's gifts. He envisioned expanding the boundaries of humanity, reaching for a power that felt almost mythical—a golden ideal that shimmered just out of reach. 

Yet, deep down, he wondered if this pursuit could lead him to eternal peace. The thought intrigued him, driving him forward.

Failure didn't frighten him; he understood it was a part of the journey. All he could do was his best, pouring his heart and soul into every challenge. With determination fueling his spirit, Kenji was ready to embrace whatever lay ahead, eager to uncover his true potential.

Suddenly, Kenji heard footsteps approaching, the sound growing louder as someone moved in his direction. With a practised ear, he recognised the distinctive rhythm of the person's walk. The locked door creaked open, revealing Kato.

Kato stepped inside, his gaze locking on Kenji. 

"Seeing you here, I take it you've already discovered what happened?" Kenji asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Never took you for the hero type," Kato said, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"It wasn't my intention," Kenji replied, reclining on the bed, his demeanour relaxed.

Kato hesitated before continuing, "What do you think about—"

"Not interested in petty political power shit," Kenji interrupted, his tone sharp and dismissive.

The air between them grew tense momentarily, Kenji's resolve clear. Kato raised an eyebrow, surprised but not offended, as he stepped back, sensing Kenji's determination.

"Then you're not with us," Kato said, turning his back and heading for the exit. Just before he left the room, he added,

 "Due to the necessary information we need, we'll have to keep you here." He glanced back at Kenji but found him already fast asleep.

As Kato left, the door clicked shut behind him, locking it in place. Kenji opened his eyes, a flicker of understanding washing over him—he grasped the weight of Kato's words.

Outside, Jin greeted Kato, who leaned casually against the wall, arms crossed. "What did he say?" Jin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think it's quite obvious," Kato replied as they walked down the narrow hallway, the atmosphere thick with tension.

"What do you plan to do?" Jin inquired.

"Since he doesn't want to cooperate, we must apply pressure. If he still refuses, he will be eliminated," Kato stated, his voice cold and determined.

Hours passed, and although it felt like morning, the darkness still lingered. Eventually, a few students entered Kenji's room and escorted him to the dining hall.

As he stepped inside, all eyes turned to him, each student giving a different look. With his heightened senses, Kenji caught snippets of whispered conversations.

"Is he the one who did that to Nabi?" one student murmured.

"What kind of monster is he?" another whispered.

"From what I heard, if it weren't for Kato, Kenji would have killed Nabi yesterday," someone else remarked.

"What the hell?" another voice chimed in.

"Does he think he's the law or—"

Many students had varying opinions, their judgments coloured by old-world perspectives. They clung to the outdated notions of law and order ingrained deeply within them. But Kenji paid little attention to their murmurs. He knew that in this new reality, survival was all that mattered.

Mari stood amidst a crowd of female students, their comforting whispers and gentle touches surrounding her. Kenji caught a glimpse of her, and as their eyes met, she quickly looked away, avoiding his gaze.

Turning his attention elsewhere, Kenji noticed Kato, who seemed to command the entire dining hall's attention. Beside him knelt Nabi, his injured hands wrapped in bandages, the remnants of their earlier confrontation evident in his pained expression.

In a quiet corner of the dining hall, Ryu watched intently, Amaya beside him, her eyes scanning the scene as everything unfolded. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and Kenji could sense that this was just the beginning of a brewing storm.