Path to SS Class

Time felt as if it was going by faster and faster each day but I knew that it was because of all the training. I've started to come up with new skills each day but it'll take time to master them all one by one.

S class skill, Divine storm. (A combination of wind and icicles formed to be used as blades can rain from the skies upon enemies or from the users hands towards the direction they're facing.)

I used a bit of the power from the goddess and combined it with some ancient knowledge I had learned about ice magic. This skill is one that could come in handy down the road against multiple enemies at a time.

SS class skill, Divine Transformation. (Allows the user to harness borrowed power from the goddess to enhance physical capabilities.)

This skill is still a work in progress since it's pretty intense trying to use this power as something more but I'm getting closer with it by the day. Being able to fully utilize her power in a physical form will make me quite powerful.

It could have some side effects if I'm not careful though since I'm not a god myself.

S Class skill, Reforge. (Allows the user to enhances or change certain aspects of a weapon or armor piece.)

A basic skill turned into an S class by various methods of infusion from different elements that I learned to use. It took a long time to master but I'm getting the hang of it and I remember using this a long time ago.

The final skill I developed took a lot of energy to get to work but if this goes well I can possibly utilize the same power as a demon.

SS class skill, Teleport. (Allows the user to teleport within a certain radius.)

The ability to teleport like a demon is something I couldn't imagine being able to do before but now I can. Back then I used immense amounts of focus and power to enhance my speed but it was nothing like teleporting.

All of these skills will take some fine tuning to make perfect but I look forward to testing them all out in battle. Sorakami can't witness some of these skills right now though since I'm not sure how to hold back with any of them yet.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Mai asks as she enters the room.

I've not talked with Mai much lately because of the progress I've been making on these skills but now is the perfect time.

"I'm doing good. It's not looking so bad right now." Haru responds with a positive tone in his voice.

While Haru has been getting stronger, the outside world has been changing with each passing day. Heroes have started to fight against the demons once more as the war has started.

Lena and her group of heroes made it to the army in the south, beginning their long fight against them. The King Astaltes has summoned heroes from another world to assist but failed to realize that they'd need some guidance.

During this time the demon lord has sent out her new generals, captains, and has even gotten information out to her own left and right hands.

The second war against the demons has started with Haru and the others in the temple clueless about any of it.

Each kingdom has been gearing up for the incoming demon attacks with heroes at each of their disposals. These heroes were known as the third group since the second group was on another continent while the first group was still missing.

"I haven't seen Sorakami yet today. Think he went out?" Mai asks with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Maybe. Why, what's up?" Haru responds back with his own question.

Mai had one of the scrolls in her hand and was starting to show the concern with her expressions now as well.

"This scroll mentions more than just the demons for the cause of a war. Something that's set to come after the second war." Mai says while reading the scroll again.

"I mean these are all just possibilities, not reality." Haru replies while taking a seat.

The training room felt pretty empty, even though the two of them were there talking. But it didn't take long for Sorakami to enter the room after Mai had read the scroll to Haru.

"Seems I was right after all. We don't have much time left anymore though, war has broken out." Sorakami mentions while walking past Mai.

"It was bound to happen at one point or another." Haru speaks up while taking a look down at his sword.

I knew that it wouldn't take her long to prepare her armies for the full fledged was that she was planning. I didn't anticipate killing a woman but I guess it won't make much of a difference.

The demon lord is still the demon lord either way. Amaterasu gave me a way to become stronger as well so I might as well use it to my advantage.

These skills will take time to get to where I need them but I'm more than ready to get back out there.

"Based on everything I've experienced during our fights, I'd say you're just about there. I'll see you out there." Sorakami says while walking past Haru to grab his weapons.

Before Haru could even say another word he was gone. Sorakami moved fast enough that Haru couldn't even see him grab his weapons before disappearing.

I guess this means it's back to the two of us after everything that just happened but I'm not surprised. He was always a lone wolf just like me so I was shocked that he even stayed around as long as he did.

"Take the other scrolls with us. Leave that one here for him with a translated message attached." Haru instructs while standing up.

Crack. Crack. Haru cracks his knuckles and stretches before leaving the room.

It was nice to see an old friend at least.