War has arrived, Training has come to an end.

Mai and Haru left the temple and began to travel once more, wondering if it would lead them to Sorakami once again.

"Where exactly are we going to go?" Mai asks with a bit of curiosity in her voice.

"Towards the Rose Kingdom. If the demons were to strike anywhere first, that's be the place." Haru answers as he begins to lead the way.

With that said, the two of them began to head for the Rose Kingdom which was in the Western side of the continent. It was one of the first kingdoms to fall under attack from the demons in the first war for its resources.

The rose kingdom is very well known for their master work armor that they've been doing for years. Using all different materials and enhancing them to be better than your average armor.

Though they still lack extremely powerful materials, they make up for it with some of the enchantments and smithing.

(Four days of traveling go by.) Still quite far from the Rose Kingdom.

The fields around them were filled with various flowers and gave it a more positive look compared to everything they've seen. Trees with orange and red leaves painted the surroundings they walked in and left a beautiful mark on the area itself.

"Are we even close?" Mai questions with a bit of a tired tone in her voice.

"Yeah, just got to keep going." Haru answers as he walks.

We've rested on and off but I can understand how tiring all of this can be. Stopping for too long will cause a whole lot of issues though so we need to keep going.

Being able to prevent death is my main objective here, especially if it'll bring me closer to finding my target. Maybe even she could be the way fo me to lift this damn curse already.

Continuing to travel through the beautiful fields of flowers they could feel the wind blew past them, the leaves rustling in the trees, and a sort of peacefulness filled the air.

This didn't persuade them that no danger was around but it was a nice feeling to have after everything that's happened.

"Before I remembered anything, why didn't you just tell me you were a hero?" Mai asks with a bit of a curious tone in her voice.

"Anyone can claim to be a hero, that's why our achievements exist in the first place." Haru responds with an annoyed tone in his voice.

Those very achievements were taken from me by a demon and I'll make sure to pay it back tenfold. This power will definitely make a difference in everything that I plan to do against her.

To think that she's bring about the second war with us is insane but I guess she's got to make her father proud. Things could've been different, maybe even peaceful if she would've left it all alone.

But I think it's about time to bury the demons for good so they no longer consider attacking us again. Her death will say that enough is enough.

"I mean that makes a lot of sense. Maybe it would've made me remember sooner though." Mai says with a bit of sadness in her voice.

I don't really feel like responding to that right now but it's not always going to be easy. If explaining everything gave people the memory of me back I'd already have started doing it.

Haru and Mai continue onwards until the reach a small town, it's only a day or so more until they reach the Rose Kingdom. But now they stopped at the town of iana.

The town wasn't as big as some of the other ones they've been to but painted a beautiful picture of what the rose kingdom would be like. It was well maintained, the buildings seem to have more of a refreshing look as if they were rebuilt, stone was more refined and had carvings of the rose kingdom insignia on them.

It truly was a town that was proud to be part of the rose kingdoms territory. People filled the streets and they even had a market event of sorts going on.

"This place is lively." Mai mentions while looking around.

"It's normal for this town. They don't look at the negative of things, which must be nice." Haru responds while observing everything.

I haven't been to this town since I first became a hero but I guess it's kind of nice to see nothing changed. Home sweet home, I remember coming to this town a lot before heading out to fight.

The inn made the best meals at the time and even had some nice entertainment. Bards singing all different tales of the lands while people would eat and get drunk.

"Haru you okay?" Mai asks with a bit of concern.

Haru had stopped moving in the middle of the market area, just standing there idle.

"Huh? Yeah I'm okay. Just brings back memories being here." Haru answers while taking a look up at the sky.

I remember bringing Aliza here a long time ago too but she wasn't the type to be around such a joyful town. That's exactly why I wanted to bring her here though, to give her a new environment for once in her life.

We only ever stuck around gloomy towns or villages that didn't really do much with their time, so it was a nice change.

I really do wonder where she is nowadays though, I miss her and it's not something I expected that this place would bring out of me.

"Let's stay at the inn here for the night and then we'll keep on traveling for the kingdom." Haru suggests while leading the way.

Making his way through the crowds with ease towards the inn known as the dragons claw, he could see adventurers still filling the place up. Nothing had really changed in all the years since he last came here.

Inside the inn was filled with people laughing, drinking, and eating the amazing food. Smells of beef, chicken, and various soups went throughout the room.