Stuck with a single dad (episode 3)

Stuck with a single dad 👨‍👦( episode 3) 

Continuation from last scene 

Henry: so its sealed!..

Samuel: hmmm.. sealed? Whay using that word? 

Henry: don't mind me please.. 

So what will you like to eat? I have lot of food stuffs inside the store and fridge 

Just cook anything you want..

Samuel: I'm ok.. I'm not hungry.. 

They were still talking when the baby woke up.. 

Then Samuel reach to carry him immediately.. 

Samuel: awwn.. wakie wakie.. see his mouth.. he said to the baby as he was yawning.. 

Henry: he must be hungry... 

Samuel: yeah... please get me his food

Henry: ok.. he said and left hurriedly 

And came back just few seconds later..

Here is it.. 

Samuel: okay thank you... 

Henry: ur welcome.. do you need anything again? 

Samuel: nothing for now.. any issues? 

Henry: hmmm I just want to go inside and work.. I have so many things to do on my laptop

Samuel: oh you can go please.. if we need anything I'll let you know.. 

Henry: alright thank you bro.. 

Samuel: okay sir..

Henry: before I forget please... can you stop using the sir? Just bro for me.. 

Samuel: are you sure? 

Henry; I'm just like a elder brother to you.. 

Samuel: okay.. its fine bro..

Henry: yeah.. he said and left immediately.. 

Then Samuel continue playing with the baby... 

Scene 2( the following morning, Henry and samuel)

Henry: coming out from his room.. then he saw Samuel doing some stuff on the dining table

What are you doing? He asked

Samuel: good morning sir,.. oh sorry good morning bro

Henry: good morning... 

Samuel: I made breakfast for you.. 

Henry: hahah.. I don't understand you did what? 

Samuel: I made breakfast na.. just tea and pan cakes..

Henry: wow.. you can do all of that too? 

Samuel: yeah sure..

Henry: but sorry that isn't part of your work.. 

Samuel; I know.. but its nothing na.. just sir down and eat ok..

Henry: are you sure about that? Or do you want me to add it to your job.. I can pay you for that separately if its OK by you! 

Samuel: hahahah... you're funny! Dont bother. I'm ok.. 

Henry: hope it won't interfare with your main work.. 

Samuel: it won't.. don't worry your baby is fine

Henry: ok oo.. just put all your attention on the baby please..

Is he still sleeping? 

Samuel: yeah.. we didn't sleep early 

Henry: hahaha how? I don't understand 

What kept you guys awake?

Samuel: we were watching movies and cartoon.. 

Henry: really? Imagine.. so that boy can watch all those things and won't do that when he's with me.. 

Samuel: hahah.. you use to shout at him na.. 

Henry: hmmm not like its always i do shout na.. 

Samuel: don't worry.. I'll help you beg him.. so he can forgive you

Henry: huh? 😒😒 beg my own son? My own bloood ? You must be joking 

Samuel: hahahaha... oya na I won't talk.. let wait and see if he will allow you to even carry him.. 

Henry: so you want to make me jealous now or what? 

Samuel: absolutely not.. 

Henry: hahaha.. then he sat down and sip the tea.. hmmm... nice! Just how I like it.. 

Samuel: really? I did well then

Henry: actually! Let me taste the pan cakes first. 

Then he took a bite.. then took another again.. wow wow wow.. hew did you learn how to do all of this? 

Samuel: hahah my mom!

Henry: i thought as much.. its very nice and fluffy 

Samuel: thank you.. 

Kelvin is awake! 

Henry: you say? 

Samuel: kelvin is awake... 

Henry: how? How did you know? I can't here him cry... 

Samuel: I'm coming... he said and left to the room..

Then came back with kelvin..

Henry: my baby.. my cute bobo.. very cute as me.. 

He said as he stood up to carry the baby.. 

Samuel: Stretching his hands to pass the baby to the dad.. 

The baby refuses.. and turn his eyes away.. 

Henry: hmmm... this is serious 

So I can't carry you again? Eeh kelvin

I'm your dad.. see me.. see my face very well.. its me.. Henry! Your dad.. your papa.. he said in a funny way 

Samuel: leave my baby please.. you're shouting again at him..

Henry: so you're now supporting him abi? 

Samuel: yes oo.. come let eat my love..he said as he sat down with kelvin 

Then Henry sat back on his sit.. 

Samuel: will you eat pan cakes? 

He said looking at the baby.. 

Henry: can he eat that now? Isnt that too solid? 

Samuel: the day you left him With us.. my mom gave him rice and beans and he ate it and even cries for more

Henry: 😳😳😳 you do t mean it.. he ate all of that? Wow! This boy won't stop amazing me.. wait am I sure this boy is my son? 

Samuel: 🤣🤣😭

Henry: are you sure its not yours? 

Samuel: me? Small boy like me.. 

Henry: which small boy? Youre not small now..25 years is not small.. 

At 25 I can't remember how many girls I don fvck!

Samuel: wow.. I see..

Henry: yes na.. what about you? Are you a virgin? 

Samuel: me? Yes.. 

Henry: dey play bro.. just dey play..

See this guy. You virgin? 

Samuel: I'm serious... 

Henry: why? You don't have a dìck? 

Samuel: hahaha I do.. just that o usually don't have time.. and besides I'm not a sexx person.. 

Henry: hmmm you be gày? 

Samuel: eeh? Why would you say that? 

Henry: because its only gày that will feel this comfortable not having sexx with a lady.. I mean you're 25 bro.. that is not a young age.. 

Samuel: I'm not gày! I just do t have time.. 

Henry: hmmm okay what about i carry girl for you.. 

Samuel: huh? No oo please I'm not interested.. carry girl ke? To do what with her

Henry: hmmm you see... I said you be gày bro.. 

Samuel: no please I'm not.. i have never thought about being one before.. I have never looked at a man and find them attractive.. no way.. and I haven't to girls too.. maybe I'm asexual... 

Henry: no.. I'm telling you who you're now.. you are gày... 

Samuel; can we not talk about this again... 

Henry: just be free with me.. ok! Forget the fact that you work for me.. we can mingle as friends ok... so you don't have to act too serious when you're with me..

Samuel: hmmm... okay.

Henry: don't mind me ok.. I just want to be sure you're not gày... 

Samuel: and why do you want to be sure? 

Henry: hmmm... its a long story actually.. 

Samuel: you once practice gày? 

Henry: hmmm... not really.. 

Samuel: so what is it? 

Henry: i once had a friend.. my room mate in school... we became so close that I began to see him as a woman.. 

It wasn't funny then.. because I need to fight that urge.. 

Samuel: did you talk to him about it? 

Henry: talk to him? No oo..

Someone that we use to carry woman and fvck together.. 

Samuel: what? You guys fvck same girls together? 

Henry: yes na... 3some.. 

Samuel: Jesussss.. he said looking shocked.. 

Henry: yeah.. I have high lìbìdo actually.. I love sexx.. very well.. 

There was a time in school I fvck one girl a whole day.. we were just inside the room fvcking... we eat, watch film and fvck.. that was what we were doing for a whole day.. aftrt that day. I stop talking to the girl..

Samuel: omor... things dey happen oo.. 


Henry: yeah.. the girl get big nyash( àss)eeh and it was fvcking good bàñging it.. I cùm tire that day.. omor I can't forget that day.. 

Samuel: that is nice.. you don chop life tire.. 

Henry: yeah you can say that.. I actually did. I stopped all of this since I got lizzy pregnant.. everything changed..

Samuel: ehen talking about here self.. 

Sorry to talk o.. I notice some things aren't going well.. the last time at the mall.. 

Henry: i love lizzy so much! I can't do without her... 

Samuel: hmmm.. 

Henry: i got her pregnant on purpose! 

Samuel : but why? 

Henry: so I won't loose her.. I know once she's pregnant she has no where to go again.. but she didn't know that I did it on purpose.. even though she asked me if she can get rìd of it.. I said no..

Now she said she need to face her career and she got a job in the UK 

Samuel: wow... I understand..she wasn't ready to be a mom.. didn't you propose marriage? 

Henry: i did but she disagreed 

Samuel: yeah.. 

Henry: so back to that my friend.. 

I couldn't tell him about it.. because I mean that is absurd you know.. 

Imagine me telling you now that I feel like bàñging your àss.. how would you see it? Is that normal? 

Samuel: abeg oo... I will leave this house that day.. bang which àss? 

Henry: 🤣🤣🤣 so you see now.. I just kept it to myself.. funny enough the thing became to serious when ever we're having 3some.. 

I will just be looking at his own àss throughout.. and I'll be having the urge to put my odogwu( dick) 

Samuel: this is serious... so how did you do away with the feelings 

Henry: it all happened during our final year... so after school we separated..

He's outside the country now.. but we do communicate sometimes.. 

Samuel: alright.. thank God you guys separated.. who knows what you would have done to someone's son àss..

Henry: 🤣🤣🤣 no bro.. I will definitely control my self.. 

Samuel: hmm okay that is cool.. 

Henry: so back to the first discussion again..

Samuel: what's that? 

Henry: about arranging a girl for you..

I want you to discover the sweetness of pussý 

Samuel: hahaha I'll do that at the right time.. not now.. 

Henry: hmmm... okay oo once you're ready let me know.. then he continue eating 

Samuel: ok.. but I thought sexx is meant be done between two lovers not just a one night thing.. 

Henry: yeah.. its supposed.. but conji ( sex urge) na bàstàrd 

You can't do anything unless you satisfy your urge.. so its a difficult to do bro..

Samuel: okay.. 

Henry: is like you will pay me for this sexx education I'm giving to you oo 

Samuel: you will also pay me for being a listener na.. 

Henry: hahahah funny guy..

He said and laughed then checked the time... omor its getting late oo.. I need to be in the office soon.. 

Samuel: finsih up and go and bath ...

Henry: 🤨🤨🤨 he paused and looked at Samuel in a weird way

Samuel: is anything wrong? Did I say anything bad? 

Henry: no.. no please! You just remind me of my mom.. that is her statement. Exactly the way you said 

Samuel: oh really?.. 

Henry: yes.. 

Okay.. thank you so much.. for the food and for gisting with me this morning.. it been long i had a conversation with someone and laughed this way..

Thank you ok!

Samuel: smiles... 

Henry: lol.. see your cute smile.. 

He said and left the dinning table..

Samuel: continues to smile 😃 after Henry left.... 

Then he stood up and quickly packed the plates and cups that were used.. 

About 20 minutes later Henry came out of his room looking all dressed and cute.. 

Then he called Samuel.... 

Henry: I'm going oo.. where are you guys? Bring my baby let me see him before going.. 

Few minutes later Samuel came out the baby.. 

Samuel: sorry we were bathing.. 

Henry: lol.. you're so funny! Which one is we were bathing.. 

Samuel: yes na.. 

Henry: okay.. I'm done.. and ready to go

Samuel: is that why you disturb our sweet bathing? 

Go na.. we don't need you here.. 

Henry; ahh.. you guys don't need me here? Nawa oo... me that is trying to be a good dad.. and now you're saying this..

Samuel: Mr man.. just go abeg.. abi kelvin? He should go and leave the both of us right? He said while looking at the baby. 

 Then the baby gave a funny gesture while looking at the dad..

Henry: come oo..what are you telling me son at my back? This one he's supporting you too

Samuel: hahahah... we have been talking alot... 

Henry: and what are you guys talking about? 

Samuel: its not your concern.. please go.. bye bye.

Henry: smiled in a sweet way... ok

Please take care of him.. anything he wants please give him.. incase you need to buy anything.. please call the gate man outside ok! 

Samuel: alright bro.. its fine

Henry: let me hug my son before going.. he said and forcefully hug the baby.. 

Should I get anything for you? He asked

Samuel; who arr you talking to? 

Henry: you na.. can the baby talk? 

Samuel: me? No please.. 

Henry: ok..Then left.. 

Immediately he left.. 

Samuel: hmmm why would he wants to buy anything for me? Hmmm abeg o.. 

He said as he entered their room with the baby.. 

Scene 3( Henry at work) 

Some hours aftrr he got to his place of work... he could stop thinking about Samuel and his son.. 

Henry: hmmm why am I missing them this much? Funny enough I was asking that boy should I buy something for him? So weird 😕.. and now I'm still thinking about them and can't wait to get home... hmmn weird feelings indeed.. he said and continue his work... 

Some hours later he was done with work.. then a colleague of his came and met him.. 

Bro please can you help me check this stuff I have been trying to fix it but I can't.. 

Henry: sorry bro... maybe another time.. I need to go home soon.. he said and pack his stuff and left..

Hmmm and when did he start wanting to go home so soon.. the colleague said as he watch him leave.. 

Scene 4( Henry and Samuel at home) 

Henry: hello everyone I'm home!.. he said while holding some leathers containing ice cream and cakes.. 

Then Samuel came out backing kelvin on his back.. 

Henry: wow... you back my baby? Awwwn thank you so much.. he said and reach to look at the baby from the back.. 

Samuel: welcome.. 

Henry: welcome! He said and suddenly gave Samuel a hug... 

Samuel: 😳😳🤨🤨 why is he hugging me? He said in his mind as he remain calm.. 

Henry: quickly noticed a cold attitude from Samuel and immediately came to his senses that he's hugging a boy..

Oh oh oh.. sorry.. sorry! He said as he quickly removed his body.. 

Samuel: smiled in a weird way... its fine! 

Henry: I'm sorry please... I was lost with happiness and eagerness to see you both.. 

Samuel: see us both? Wow..

Henry: yeah.. hmm.. I mean I miss my son.. like I just want to see him

Samue: haha.. its ok.. I gat you bro!

Henry: but is anything wrong if I say I miss you too? 

Samuel: huh? You say?..🤨🤨

Henry: 🤐🤐🤐🤐