
My name is Asher Cole. Just an ordinary doctor working long shifts at a Manhattan hospital, day in and day out. After years of building a career, I found solace in my hobbies—anime and comics. They were my escape from the daily grind, a way to unwind. But I never thought those worlds of fantasy would ever collide with my own reality.

One day, something bizarre happened that changed everything.

I was walking down the street, headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things, when I noticed a speeding truck hurtling towards a woman and her child. The kid was throwing a tantrum, oblivious to the danger, and the mother, struggling to calm him, didn't notice the truck either. Without thinking, I did the only thing that seemed natural in that split second—I grabbed a nearby bike and raced toward them.

Just in time, I reached the pair, grabbing them both and dragging them across the road to safety, narrowly dodging the oncoming vehicle. As we reached the sidewalk, the woman clutched her child, thanking me profusely, but something about the whole ordeal felt… off.

It wasn't the only weird thing happening to me that day. Over and over again, I kept finding myself in strange, life-threatening situations, things you wouldn't expect to happen more than once. Four times. Four freaking times that day, I thought I was going to die.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered to myself as I collapsed onto my bed later that night, exhausted from what felt like an endless day. But the universe wasn't done with me. It wasn't even close.

Later that night, strange noises woke me up, and I found a goddamn portal in the middle of my room. Rubbing my eyes, thinking I had finally lost my mind, I heard something. A voice—no, a whisper—from the other side. And before I could make sense of what was happening, I felt myself being pulled in.

I wasn't in Manhattan anymore.

"Get isekai'd, bitch."

That was the last thing I heard before my life changed forever.


The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and found myself… as a baby. A baby in the arms of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Now, I've lived in New York long enough to know that it's full of beautiful people, but this woman? If she walked down the streets of Manhattan, I swear every single person would bow at her feet. Her beauty was beyond words, ethereal.

But before I could process this surreal situation, reality hit me hard—I was suckling. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, but what else did you expect from a baby? I was hungry, alright? No ulterior motives here, I swear. Besides, this woman is my mother. So, no weird thoughts—seriously!

This strange, beautiful new world had already turned everything upside down, and I had no idea what would happen next. All I knew was that somehow, I was no longer the doctor Asher Cole, but a baby in a world that felt nothing like my own.


Days have passed, and I still don't understand a damn thing about what's happening. The only thing that's crystal clear is that I've definitely been born with a diamond spoon in my mouth. This room I'm in? It's massive, luxurious, and packed with high-end, expensive-looking stuff—like something out of a royal palace. Every detail in this place is arranged perfectly, as if no expense was spared to make it a flawless environment.

And every single day, without fail, a new maid shows up to change my diapers. And yeah, it's as awkward as it sounds. I mean, seriously, I may be a helpless baby right now, but I still have the mind of an adult! What the hell is with this treatment? It's revolting. I get that I can't do anything about it, but come on, it's humiliating to be babied—literally—like this.

As strange and fancy as my surroundings are, I'm still stuck in the body of an infant, completely dependent on others. And that's the part that's driving me nuts.

A full year has passed, and I've finally regained some control. I can babble, even speak a few words now, which is a huge relief. But the real game-changer? My system has arrived. Of course, as a fan of all things fantasy, I know exactly what that means—though I'll have to check it out later. First things first: my mother, Selene, or as the maids call her, "Lady Selene," is taking me outside for the first time.

I've spent this whole year cooped up in a luxurious room fit for a royal, but it's still just a room. Now, I'm finally getting to see the world beyond these walls, and I can't wait to find out what kind of magical world I've been reborn into.

From what I've picked up over time, this place runs on magic. I've seen it firsthand, as even the maids sometimes use magic on me, like when they clean or tend to me. It started when I was about six months old, and though they seem careful not to overdo it around me, it's clear that magic is an everyday thing here. I've also noticed how they use it subtly, like a casual tool for tasks I'd never imagine in my old life. It's both fascinating and mind-bending at the same time.

So here I am, living what feels like the fantasy life I always dreamed of. I've got magic, a system to explore, and an entire magical world waiting for me just beyond these walls. Every day, I feel like I'm in some fantasy novel or RPG—just, you know, as a baby. It's surreal, but I have no complaints. If I had to be reborn anywhere, it might as well be in a world where magic exists, right?

I just hope this isn't a trap, like some twisted wish-fulfillment thing gone wrong. But who knows? I'm about to step outside for the first time. Time to see what this new world really has to offer.