
As my mother, Selene, carried me in her warm arms out of the room, I finally got to see more of this grand place I've been living in. It wasn't just her and me—there were knights, armored and stern, following us down the corridors. These guys looked straight out of a medieval fantasy, but some of them glanced my way with friendly smiles. One even waved at me, which, of course, I couldn't help but giggle at. Well, I mean, who could blame them for noticing me, the beautiful baby of Lady Selene? Heh, not that I'm being vain or anything…

Selene glanced down at me, smiling softly as she heard me giggle. She looked over her shoulder and noticed the knights entertaining me with their goofy expressions. For a moment, they were caught off-guard, quickly shifting back to their usual serious faces, like they hadn't just been making funny faces at a baby.

"Abu... Buuu," I babbled, trying to mimic the knights, but apparently, I didn't find their faces nearly as amusing. Selene chuckled as she turned back to me, playfully narrowing her eyes, pretending to scold the knights with a gentle expression that spoke volumes. She rocked me gently, her warmth and laughter filling the air as we continued our journey.

Even with all the grandeur and the seemingly perfect life I was now living, these moments felt real, like a genuine connection between mother and child. Despite the fact that I was still piecing together the language and the world, I knew one thing for sure: Selene cared deeply for me. And I, a grown man trapped in a baby's body, couldn't help but appreciate this unexpected bond.

Still, I had a whole new world to explore beyond her arms, and I couldn't wait to see what lay ahead.

As my mother carried me through the doors, the knights flanking us pushed them open with ease. The moment I looked outside, the bright sunlight hit my eyes, making me squint. It took a second to adjust, but when I did, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

We had stepped onto a balcony overlooking the most breathtaking garden I'd ever seen. The colors were so vivid, I thought I might be dreaming. We were on the second floor, overlooking a massive garden below, its pathways lined with flowers I couldn't even begin to name, all blooming in every color imaginable. Gentle mists rolled over the edges, giving the entire place an ethereal, otherworldly feel. It was almost too much to take in, like my senses were overloaded by the sheer grandeur of it all.

"Did you like it, Asher?" Selene asked, her voice soft and full of warmth.

Yes, even in this new life, my name is still Asher. A small comfort in this strange world. I looked back at her, managing to form the closest thing to an enthusiastic baby nod. Of course, I liked it—how could I not? But deep down, I was overwhelmed. This was more than just liking—it was awe.

Then I noticed something even more mind-blowing. Raising my eyes further, I saw the sky—two suns. There were two of them, one a bright orange-red, the other a soft lavender hue, both casting light over this incredible world. The mix of colors bathed everything in a surreal glow, as if the sky itself was a masterpiece. It was too much beauty at once, and I found myself almost frozen, staring up at the heavens in disbelief.

As I stood entranced by the sky, I suddenly felt something—someone—gazing at me.

"You should enjoy the view, little one. It won't always be this peaceful."

A deep voice echoed softly in my mind, and before I could make sense of it, my heart skipped a beat. I glanced around, trying to figure out where it came from, but saw nothing. Was it my imagination? Or was someone else watching from beyond those two strange suns?

"What happened?" Selene's voice was filled with concern as she saw me looking around, clearly confused.

Crap! I had to remind myself—I'm still just a baby. I can't exactly explain that I was freaking out because of some mysterious voice in my head. So, I did what any baby would do: I started mumbling gibberish and waved my tiny arms around like it was nothing.

"Ni, no… yiushek… yi aresti," I babbled, doing my best impression of a clueless baby.

Thankfully, that seemed to work. Selene sighed softly, her worry easing as she held me closer, cradling me in her warm embrace. Moments later, a knight approached with something resembling a small chair. They placed it beside her, and she sat down with me nestled in her arms. The knight bowed slightly before stepping back to give us space.

As Selene gently rocked me, I felt her presence calming the strange tension that had built up inside me. The knights resumed their quiet, watchful stance around us, their armor catching the soft light from the garden. For a moment, all the thoughts about mysterious voices and magical worlds faded as I relaxed against my mother, the sweet scent of her hair filling the air.

Before I knew it, the soothing rhythm of her breathing, combined with the gentle warmth of her arms, lulled me into sleep. As I drifted off, the last thing I heard was the distant murmur of the garden, and the world around me melted away into a deep, peaceful slumber.

Whatever mysteries lay ahead, I'd face them later. For now, I was just a baby—safe, warm, and, for a brief moment, at peace.

Selene, despite seeing that Asher was now fully asleep, continued to hum softly. The gentle melody flowed like a soothing breeze, wrapping around the child like a warm blanket. As she rocked him back and forth, her expression was a mixture of fierce protection and tender affection.

The knights surrounding her remained vigilant, their eyes scanning the perimeter, ensuring that no one would disturb this precious moment. They understood the weight of their duty; Selene was not just any mother—she was a warrior of unparalleled strength. And they knew all too well how destructive her wrath could be if someone dared to intrude upon her peace.