
"Now, it is decided that only those who can endure the pain will go through the awakening method described by Asher," James announced, his voice firm as he surveyed the crowd. Everyone nodded in agreement, understanding that without the ability to endure the pain, they could say goodbye to achieving a powerful foundation core.

Soon, the children were selected, and one by one, they underwent the awakening process. A whole day passed in silence as everyone waited, watching carefully as no one dared to speak out of turn.

Arnold Magnus, Asher's grandfather and the Patriarch of the Magnus family, chuckled quietly to himself, deep in thought. "I truly wonder what ability my grandson will awaken," he mused. Inwardly, he thought of the many possibilities. "He must be truly extraordinary. If not his own unique gift, perhaps he'll inherit something from his mother's side—Blood Lightning or something equally powerful."

The Patriarch's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he imagined the future potential of Asher. The rest of the family, though focused on their own goals, couldn't help but glance towards the young prodigy.

Ryder watched his nephew closely, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. He wondered what kind of ability Asher would awaken, knowing that in the Magnus family, abilities were ranked with extreme importance. The ranks were clear, starting from Lesser, the weakest, all the way up to Absolute, the strongest and rarest.

"Lesser, Greater, Grand, Unique, Ultimate, and Absolute," Ryder whispered to himself, mentally going through the ranks. Asher had already displayed an extraordinary method in the awakening process, and the family had great expectations for his future. Would his ability match those expectations?

"If Asher awakens something above 'Unique,'" Ryder thought, "Only then he could live up to his mother's name"

The tension in the hall grew as more and more eyes turned to Asher, each person silently speculating, calculating, and hoping.

"Speaking of her, she isn't even here today," Ryder thought bitterly. His sister, Selene, had grown more emotionally detached ever since her husband sacrificed himself in an ambush. He had shielded her and his entire squad, allowing them to escape. He gave his life so that they could survive.

At the time, Selene hadn't even known she was pregnant with Asher. After her husband's death, she sank into depression until she fainted one day and found out she was Pregnant. The moment she heard the news, her entire demeanor changed. The sweet, bubbly girl Ryder once knew turned into a serious, hardened woman. She started training intensely, even pushing herself when it wasn't safe for her during the pregnancy. By the time she gave birth to Asher, she had reached the level of Title Bestowed.

Her feats in battle earned her the title of Crimson Terror, and after spending only a year with Asher, she left and never returned. "Not even a letter, not even a goodbye," Ryder thought, frustration lacing his inner voice.

Ryder knew she was still out there fighting on the front lines, but he couldn't help but feel she should have come to witness her son's awakening. "She should've been here," he muttered to himself.

Just then, a sudden chill ran down his spine.


He turned his head towards the door, and his eyes widened as he saw a woman with crimson red eyes entering silently. "She's here?" Ryder thought, surprised as he recognized his sister.

Selene didn't bat an eye as she walked to the railing, her gaze locked on Asher, completely ignoring her brother's presence or even any one for that say.

As Selene made her way toward the front, her imposing presence drew the attention of the elders and other key figures gathered in the room. Whispers filled the hall as some of them recognized her immediately—the infamous Crimson Terror. But despite the murmurs, her expression remained unreadable, focused entirely on Asher.

One of the elders, a seasoned warrior who had fought alongside her in the past, took a step forward. "Lady Selene," he greeted cautiously, bowing slightly, "it's been a long time since we've seen you. Will you be staying long?"

Selene didn't respond. Her cold, detached gaze remained locked on her son as if no one else in the room existed.

Another elder, curious and hoping to break the tension, stepped forward as well. "Lady Selene," he began, "we've all heard of your heroic feats. Surely you've come to witness your son's awakening? It's a proud day for any—"

His voice trailed off when he noticed she wasn't listening. Her crimson eyes, glowing with intensity, barely flickered in acknowledgment. It was as if the world around her didn't matter—only Asher did.

Ryder watched the failed attempts to engage her, his bitterness growing. He wanted to say something, to demand why she had stayed away for so long, but he knew it wouldn't matter. Selene had always been stubborn, and in this moment, she was unapproachable. She wasn't the sister he remembered, the one who would laugh and joke with him. That part of her had died the day her husband had.

Several others, unsure how to approach her, exchanged awkward glances. The whispers became more subdued, as everyone realized that Selene wasn't in the mood for pleasantries.

As the tension in the hall thickened, James, who had noticed the growing unease, cleared his throat and addressed the room. "Lady Selene has graced us with her presence on this important day," he announced diplomatically. "Let us continue the awakening ceremony."

Selene gave a slight nod, still refusing to engage anyone else. All eyes turned back to Asher, who was now the center of attention once again. But even amidst the admiration and anticipation for Asher's abilities, the room couldn't shake the weight of the Crimson Terror's silence.

As for Asher he himself had his own gaze went to his mother, the same woman whom he haven't seen for the last four years, his first year with her was very great but after that she was never seen by him.

'So, she wasn't dead' Asher thought, as he looked at her.