Ability II

Asher stood there, staring at his mother, a flood of emotions swirling inside him. After the first year she had stopped visiting, he had come to terms with the idea that she might be dead. Even Emily, who had been his closest confidante, never gave him a straight answer. Every time he asked, she would just say, "She'll come one day." But that day never came—until now.

Seeing Selene there, alive and well, stirred something painful inside him. There was no joy, no sense of reunion. Just hurt.

'Why didn't you come to visit in between?' he thought, his gaze locking onto hers.

Selene, standing at the edge of the balcony, seemed to notice the silent question in her son's eyes. She saw the pain, the confusion, the abandonment he must have felt. For a brief moment, her stoic mask cracked, but only for a fraction of a second. Without a word, she looked away, moving further into the shadows, behind the curtains that hid her from most of the room.

Asher clenched his fists, his chest tightening with emotions he had buried for years. She had returned, but not to explain, not to comfort him—just to watch from a distance, like she had always done.

He couldn't bring himself to care much anymore. The hurt had run too deep for too long.

'Just when I thought, I finally got an family' Asher thought as he looked away too, no longer bothering himself with her.

James didn't notice the tense exchange between Asher and Selene as he focused on guiding the newly awakened kids to the next phase of their journey: Ability Awakening.

"Just enter the Hall of Resonance," he instructed, pointing to the grand hall in the distance. It was a magnificent structure, intricately crafted with countless formations and runes etched into its walls. The hall's only purpose was to activate and resonate with the newly formed cores within each child's body, drawing out their latent abilities.

"The hall is designed to stimulate your core and awaken the unique power sleeping within you," James continued, his voice calm but authoritative. "Once you step inside, the core in your body will begin to interact with the mana, the formation is releasing, and your core will be activated and your ability will emerge."

The kids were in awe as they looked at the grandiose hall, many of them filled with excitement and nervous anticipation. Asher, however, barely glanced at it. His mind was still lingering on his mother's presence, but he knew this was a crucial moment for him. He steeled himself and followed the others, stepping forward with determination.

As each child entered the Hall of Resonance, they felt an intense surge of mana, as if the air itself was alive and pulsating with energy. The formations within the hall glowed, and the sound of magic humming filled the space. One by one, abilities began to emerge—some subtle, others explosive.

Asher knew his moment was coming, and he took a deep breath as he stepped inside.

Asher stood in the Hall of Resonance, feeling the mana surge through his body. The moment he stepped inside, a sharp shock hit his chest as his core roared to life. It began drawing in the surrounding mana, revving up like a powerful engine. His body reacted almost immediately—black-colored lightning crackled around him, arcing through the air with an ominous hum. The hall trembled with the intensity of the energy he was radiating.

'Black Lightning... a very rare and destructive ability,' James thought, observing the scene with growing interest. Other elders exchanged glances, nodding with approval. It was clear that Asher was displaying something extraordinary.

But while the others were focused on his external display of power, Asher was facing a choice within himself.

Suddenly, a system window appeared in his mind.

[ Ability Awakening Detected ]

[ Please select the ability you wish to elevate to the level of cheat ]

Blood Ruler

Black Lightning


Asher's eyes widened as he reviewed the options before him. These weren't just any abilities—they were all incredibly powerful in their own right. But what did it mean by "elevate to the level of cheat"? He had to make a choice, and quickly. The energy inside him was growing, almost as if it were urging him to decide.

'Expand the descriptions,' Asher mentally commanded the system, needing more details before making such a crucial decision.

[ Blood Ruler ]

Control over blood, including your own and others'. You can manipulate blood for various purposes—healing, enhancement, or even domination. At its peak, you could control armies with their blood alone. The more blood spilled, the more powerful you become.

[ Black Lightning ]

A unique and deadly form of elemental lightning, feared for its destructive nature. It can paralyze, destroy, and disrupt all forms of energy. At higher levels, it gains the ability to absorb and feed off of other types of energy, making it nearly unstoppable in battle.

[ Necromancy ]

The power to command the dead. At lower levels, you can raise and control the bodies of the fallen. As you grow stronger, you can summon greater undead creatures, communicate with souls, and even bind powerful entities from the afterlife to serve you.

Asher felt a rush of possibilities overwhelm him. Each ability held incredible potential, and the decision wasn't easy. Blood Ruler offered dominance and control, Black Lightning promised unparalleled destruction, and Necromancy hinted at mastery over life and death itself.

He stared at the choices, knowing whichever path he took could define his future.

Asher's choice was made, he don't know much about other choices but he knew Blood is what everyone has.

The instant he selected Blood Ruler, the black lightning surrounding him shifted. Its dark, destructive hue faded as it turned blood red, crackling with newfound intensity. The bolts no longer resembled mere lightning; they now looked like streams of liquid blood, coursing through the air like veins. The energy around him pulsed with an ominous rhythm, reflecting both the destructive force of lightning and the life-dominating power of blood.