Energy veins II

Asher couldn't help but feel frustrated as he reviewed the Energy Vein Creation Method provided by his family using his Absolute Appraisal. Though the technique claimed to create energy veins throughout the body, it was far from perfect. His keen eyes detected numerous flaws—imperfections that, if followed, would limit him to the Diamond Realm at best, with no hope of ever breaking into the Prismatic Realm.

"Flawed..." Asher muttered to himself. He saw the gaps that no one else did, small but fatal mistakes that would hinder true growth. Rather than simply accepting this, he decided to fix each flaw meticulously using his Absolute Appraisal, refining the method until it was flawless.

After completing his corrections, Asher felt a surge of confidence. He then made his way to the resource shop, ordering everything he needed through his Holodevice. Asher planned to create his own version of the Energy Vein Method, far superior to the one his family had provided. With the necessary ingredients and tools now ordered and en route to his room, he was ready to embark on this path of self-made power.

This was his way forward—he would not settle for limits.

Soon, in just 5 minutes all the resources were delivered to his room directly with a delivery drone, Asher took the stuff as he signed the document on the drone.

Asher quickly began unpacking the contents of the delivery, his mind focused entirely on the task ahead. The resources had arrived swiftly, brought by a drone, and he wasted no time going through the list.

"Star Slime Essence, check," he muttered, placing the glowing jar of viscous starry-blue liquid on the table.

"Earth Essence, check," he continued, holding up a crystalline vial filled with a dense, shimmering brown substance.

"High-grade mana stones, check," he said, inspecting a pouch filled with radiant stones that hummed with pure energy.

Everything he needed was now in front of him. Asher took a deep breath and set the items down carefully. This was it—the moment he'd prepared for. He was about to create something far beyond the flawed techniques passed down in his family, something that would set him apart from even the highest realms of cultivation.

With precision, Asher began combining the materials according to the method he'd perfected with his Absolute Appraisal, confident that each step would lead him closer to his true potential.

Asher laid out the materials and prepared his workspace. He knew this was going to be different from anything his family had ever attempted. His Absolute Appraisal had revealed the shortcomings of traditional energy vein creation methods, and he was ready to correct them.

"Most cultivators create two types of energy veins," Asher muttered to himself, recalling the knowledge he'd gleaned through his studies.

"Inner energy veins, typically used by mages, are specialized to channel mana and magic within the body. They primarily focus on control and precision, guiding mana to form spells and create magical effects," he said, visualizing how these veins wove intricate pathways inside a mage's body. These inner veins were delicate, optimized for manipulating and enhancing internal energy flow but lacked the durability needed for physical combat.

"Then there are the outer energy veins," he continued, shifting his attention. "These are favored by physical cultivators—warriors, who rely on raw strength and endurance. The outer veins are more robust, capable of circulating energy throughout the physical form, reinforcing muscles, bones, and skin for heightened physical abilities." Outer veins were effective in granting explosive power but lacked the intricate control required for complex energy manipulation.

But Asher wasn't aiming for one or the other.

"The perfect energy vein system," he murmured, "is a hybrid—a fusion of inner and outer energy veins, connecting both the internal and external flow of energy directly to the foundation core."

This hybrid energy vein would allow him to balance both magical and physical prowess, giving him versatility few others could match. He envisioned the veins not as separate systems but as one harmonious network that would empower him to channel both raw strength and refined mana through his body simultaneously.

He began with the Star Slime Essence, a crucial element that would allow flexibility within his energy veins. As he poured the glowing substance into the prepared container, it shimmered and expanded, forming the foundation of the hybrid system. The Earth Essence came next, grounding the energy with its stabilizing properties, ensuring the veins would withstand both the physical and magical strain.

Finally, he added the high-grade mana stones, each one releasing bursts of raw energy into the mixture. With the stones, he would imbue his veins with a steady supply of mana, making the flow of energy smooth and continuous.

Asher closed his eyes and started to draw the energy towards himself. The concoction reacted immediately, guided by his Sanguine Supreme ability. The veins inside his body began to shift and expand as his blood-red lightning coursed through him, fusing with the energy from the mixture.

Sweat formed on his brow as he focused, using his Absolute Appraisal to make real-time adjustments, correcting any imbalances before they could even manifest.

The veins snaked through his body, not just inside but lacing through his muscles, bones, and skin, creating that perfect blend—flexible yet strong, internal yet external.

He could feel the difference instantly. His body, now connected directly to his foundation core through both inner and outer energy veins, was brimming with power. The mana flowed effortlessly from the core, spreading through his veins and amplifying both his physical and magical abilities.

A faint smile crossed Asher's face. He had done it—created a flawless, hybrid energy vein system, a foundation that could support him as he climbed to the highest realms of cultivation.


A/N : many are asking if he will kept running after his mother love, well, just know, NO.

No, he will not, future chaps will clear it.