Third Cheat

A/N : Previous chapter is fixed, you can check it out.


Asher took a deep breath as the last pulse of energy settled into his newly crafted hybrid energy system. His entire body felt invigorated, his foundation solidified. Just as he finished, a system message flashed before his eyes.

[First Awakening Complete]

[Host has reached the Iron Realm]

[Host is granted a Cheat Gacha opportunity]

A Cheat Gacha?

"Finally," Asher muttered to himself, feeling a sense of anticipation as he received another opportunity to gain a cheat.

"Hmm, judging by the pattern, it seems my next cheat will come after I reach the second awakening," Asher thought, his blood-red eyes gleaming as he pressed the draw button for the Cheat Gacha.

[Cheat Gacha Spinning…]

The screen displayed a spinning wheel filled with countless prizes—potent abilities, new system functions, and other enticing rewards, some similar to his Absolute Appraisal skill.

Asher watched the wheel spin with growing excitement, wondering what kind of power or tool he might obtain this time. His newly crafted energy vein system had already given him an edge, but this cheat could take his abilities to a whole new level.

The wheel began to slow down, revealing the prizes more clearly. One by one, the sections passed—some containing incredibly overpowered abilities, others strategic tools. Finally, the wheel crawled to a stop, hovering over a few intriguing options.

[Congratulations! Host has received the Cheat: "Universal Energy Vein System"]

Asher raised an eyebrow as he read the message.

**[Universal Energy Vein System: Your energy veins can now harness any kind of mana and even circulate different types of mana together with no backlash for having multiple energies in your body.

All mana-related skills have their power increased by 50%.]**

"Good," Asher nodded, knowing this would be immensely helpful for his future.

"You're finally awake," Emily said, walking in to check on him.

"Hmm, how long was I working on it?" Asher asked, aware that he'd spent quite some time perfecting his energy veins.

"Not too long, but it was enough to worry me. Given your perfect core, why did it take so much time?" She looked him over, her concern obvious.

"I was making my energy veins even better," Asher replied, showing her the materials he had ordered.

Emily frowned slightly. "But with the family method, you could have completed it in just 8 hours. You took close to a whole day."

"I know," Asher admitted. "But I used additional items to maximize the effect."

Emily sighed, shaking her head with a small smile. "You really are a hard worker."

Normally, one doesn't need any extra resources to create energy veins—mana alone is enough to shape them. However, using special resources can improve the quality of the energy veins, making them more specialized or powerful, depending on one's ability.

Like an Necromancy ability awakener can use a necro essence to add during his vein creation to create a vein that amplifies the power of Necromancy.

Though, the power is not much but around 10 to 20% increase so not many use this method.

"Most people just follow the basic method, but you're pushing it further," Emily continued. "You're thinking like someone who's preparing for something much bigger."

Asher just smiled faintly, knowing his goals stretched far beyond the norm. With his new Universal Energy Vein System, the cheat abilities, and the hybrid veins he created, he was already far ahead of most others.

"You should rest," Emily said before leaving Asher to his thoughts.

Asher nodded, lying down on his bed. His eyes grew heavy, and before long, he drifted into a deep sleep.

Several hours later, Asher woke up, feeling refreshed. He stretched lazily, rubbing his eyes before making his way to the hall, where Emily was waiting.

"Where's my food?" he asked, his stomach rumbling. After all the effort he'd put into creating his energy veins, hunger was kicking in hard.

Emily gave him a knowing look. "Your grandfather has been asking for you ever since you awakened. He wants to speak with you as soon as you're ready."

Asher felt a twinge of tension in his chest. His grandfather wasn't one to summon him without reason, and certainly not for idle conversation. Given that it was right after his awakening, the matter had to be important.

"Did he say what it was about?" Asher asked, trying to prepare himself for whatever his grandfather had planned.

Emily smiled slightly. "He said it's about family dinner."

"Family Dinner?" Asher raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by the casual explanation. It wasn't like his grandfather to be so cryptic, yet somehow, that made the situation more unsettling.

"When do I need to leave?" Asher asked.

"Now. It's already sunset," Emily replied, nodding toward the window. Asher glanced outside and saw the sky had darkened. The sun was already dipping below the horizon, casting the world in the soft glow of twilight.

Asher sighed, quickly putting his thoughts in order. Whatever his grandfather wanted to discuss, it was bound to have implications for his future. After all, nothing in his family was ever truly simple.

After a moment Asher returned again, but this time he is fully dressed and ready for tonight.

Emily looked at him with a mixture of sympathy and encouragement. "Don't worry, you'll do fine. He may be tough, but he's always believed in your potential."

Asher sighed. "It's not about him believing in me. I just… don't want to deal with the pressure right now. But I guess I don't have much of a choice."

Emily placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're stronger now, Asher. More than you realize. And whatever he has to say, you can handle it."

He nodded and stood up, brushing himself off. "Alright then, no point in delaying it."

"Good luck," Emily said softly, watching as he made his way to his grandfather's chamber.

Asher stepped out of the house, feeling the crisp air brush against his face as he walked down the stone path. Lined with vibrant flowers, the garden stretched wide around him, meticulously arranged and cared for by the maids under Emily's watchful eye. Each bloom seemed perfectly placed, creating a serene and beautiful environment, though Asher's mind was too preoccupied to fully appreciate it.