Chapter 42

Giovanni POV: 

We had been driving ourselves crazy. I had been stretching every resource I had, calling in every favor. I was trying to keep people safe and protect us but none of it felt like enough. I was working hard to keep on top of him while he was in custody. Somehow our small victory had turned into a triumph, we had to keep the momentum. 

Watching her pace back and forth crouching in on herself as she stared at him, doing what she could but only going so far. I knew I had to get her out of there, it might be for the best too. Instead of sitting ducks, we were on the move, taking any threat out of the city. My men were protecting the house still and watching over any targets we thought Domenico might go after. If people had any brains they would get out of the city until this blew over, but most of them couldn't. Kept barely surviving under the heel of a mad man most of them were still struggling to get by. 

I was taking her back to the coast, perhaps taking my mind off the work would give me some ideas. I had only managed to do some minimal damage, small infractions here and there. No big leads were coming my way. I had a feeling they were on lockdown just as much as we were. 

When we got into the house I saw her breathe a sigh of relief. 

I followed her lead setting myself down, unburdening myself with the challenges we still faced. Perhaps taking just an hour to walk by the beach, it was freezing out, but we could be warm. 

"Keep your coat on," I told her grabbing her hand and leading her out the back door towards the beach. It was a long staircase down and I made sure she didn't slip my mind easing with each step away from our troubles. 

She looped her arm through mine and we made our way up the frozen beach. Snow piles here and there both of us bundled up her scarf crimson blowing in the wind, her cheeks just as red. 

We didn't talk for a moment or two, just enjoying each other's company. "You know he'll be out soon," she finally said. 

A disappointed sigh escaped me if only we could talk about anything else. Though it wouldn't be as important it would be ten times more enjoyable. "Yes, I know," 

She looked away at the houses dotting the cliffside, "Every time we come here I never want to leave," 

"Me either," I stared down at her. Her hair blowing in the wind the tips of her ears red from the cold, and she snuggled closer to me not realizing my infatuation. 

"He'll do something horrible when he's released," she sniffled and I looked down to make sure it was from the cold and not tears. "I'm fine," she laughed, brushing me away, a sadness in her eyes. 

"You know once in my life I will take you here and you will not be sad for a single moment," I promised her. 

How this angel could come from the devil we were hunting I'll never know. She came and blessed my life and when I let her go it'll be the death of me, but at least I'll have had her for a while. 

"I'd love that," she closed her eyes and we kept walking. 

We made our way back eventually and I did have to leave her to do some work but she made herself cozy in the library finding a book and a chair to keep herself content. 

I was surprised she could enjoy reading most numerical people I knew found words to fail them, but she could still escape into their caverns for an hour or two. 

I didn't let my work keep me too long determined to rejoin her and find some comfort. 

As evil as he was he couldn't take this place from us. The blue house on the cliff, with the small town beside us. Hidden in the trees unnoticeable to anyone who passes by. Our secret oasis to hide out from the storm. 

It was selfish but for a moment I wished we could stay here, and let everyone else handle the big bad wolf for a change. 

"Are you hungry?" She looked up at me as I leaned against the doorway of the library. 

I nodded still admiring her form, like a cat all curled up in the chair by the fire, her hair rolling down her shoulders, peace finally reaching her eyes as she moved towards me. 

"Let's make something," she came up to me leading me towards the kitchen. 

A simple meal was all we could manage but we found ourselves moving about the room again. Tracing each other's movements, anticipating each other's needs. Just as it always did we found ourselves smiling and laughing. Nothing seemed so bad when you had someone to share a meal with. 

"We'll get through this," she told me as we ate our Gnocchi. The wine glass by her head her eyes locked on mine with such certainty. 

"How do you know?" I quirked a grin at her prophetic stance. 

"I just do," she mused back. 

Every time we found ourselves in this familiar state it would tempt me to break the vow I had made. We were standing on the edge. This time however I saw her wicked smile and she leaned towards me, practically begging me to jump. 

We were all too close, sitting side by side at the table only a few inches closer and I could cross that line that had been taunting me from the moment I met her. I could have her in my arms, make her mine, and truly take her mind off things. 

I found myself reaching for her any voice of reason dashed on the side of the road. 

"Gio," Luca entered the room in a rush. 

My hand slammed on the table. "Yes?" 

My cousin stopped and turned his head looking between us knowingly. "Unfortunately I have to interrupt," 

Only he could find the time to make a joke in an emergency. 

"Way eat your food," I brushed her hair out her face before getting up and following my cousin. 

"This better be good," I warned him. 

"We've got intel on his bank," Luca told me. 

My eyes lit up, there was no way we were this lucky. If we cut off his money he'd fall flat on his face in no time. You can't buy off a judge if you have nothing in your pockets. 

I turned back over my shoulder she was at the table sipping her wine. 

I thought of her staying that way, never knowing another moment of fear. So I ran out to make it come true, heading blindly into the fire. 

"Take care of her," I told them as we left. 

When I came back she and I could stay in the house all day, I'd make her breakfast to apologize for my absence, and we could pick up where we left off.