Chapter 43

Arianna POV: 

Giovanni left in such a rush, with no goodbye or promise to return. I felt fear seep into my bones thinking of whatever was so dire it pulled him away instantly. If it was that serious I could only picture him covered in blood, punctured full of bullet wounds. 

I crawled up into my bed trying to drink some tea and watch something. Nothing pulled me away from the tales my head my head was spinning. Whether he was gunned down in the street, lit on fire in a car bomb, or tortured for his misdeeds. Each one worse than the last, gruesome and bloody details strangling me from any form of sanity. I spent the night staring at the ceiling wondering what was going on. 

Why hadn't he called me yet 

The hours dragged on and with every passing second, I became increasingly certain that something had gone wrong. I was undone by the time I saw the sun creeping in through my curtains, I decided I might as well go get something to eat. 

I made my way downstairs feeling as lonely as I had since I ran to Giovanni for aid. No Luca shadowing me, no Becca at my side helping me stay distracted from the awful family I had left behind. 

I sat there sighing heavily as I ate some cereal, too laden with my worry to make anything. I'm sure if I tried all I'd manage was some burnt eggs, my mind drifting off to imagine the house exploding with Giovanni inside. 

I abandoned my meal after only a bite and a few minutes of swirling my spoon in the bowl as I scrolled on my phone hoping to get a text or call from him. 

"Miss," One of the men pulled me away from the soggy meal in front of me. 

"Yes?" I felt lightheaded with the anguish of hope and dread mixing in me. 

"Mr. Risci has called for you to return to the city," He explained. 

Confusion lingered for a second before elation hit. Sure it was odd that Giovanni hadn't called for me himself, but he must still be busy then. At least I would see him be closer and less alone. The coziness of the coast had lost its allure while I had been alone, feeling confined without him. 

I widely packed up my bag hopping down the stairs to the car. It was astonishing how quickly I had begun to trust him, and then consider him family. Now here I was spending my nights awake praying for his safe return, like a maiden locked in a tower awaiting her husband's return. 

I blushed slightly, embarrassed I had the gall to think of him like that. Yes, we both knew there was something between us, but I had no right to think of him like that. We were strapped to a sinking ship, not choosing a life together. 

I smiled softly trying to plan a dinner for tonight when I saw him, perhaps I would bake today. It wasn't something I did often but I did enjoy it. I was trying to find the perfect recipe, pushing away thoughts of Giovanni and I old and gray waking in the morning together. 

The car was steadily bringing us back to the city, we passed along the road quickly. I savored the trees rushing by, counting the seconds until I was back where I belonged. 

We rolled to a stop at a sign I looked out the window blissfully until I heard the crunch of metal. We slammed forward and then I was pushed back in my seat at the shock of another car ramming into our front. 

I sat in my seat my ears rang for a moment all I could do was look around me trying to figure out what had just happened. I finally checked my seatbelt trying to get out it took one or two tries but eventually I managed to get free. 

I leaned forward checking the driver's pulse but I couldn't feel it. My door had caved in a little bit so I slid over and I shook the guard in the passenger seat. 

"Miss," He grumbled. "Miss," He opened his door and I got out as well. 

"Come on," He grabbed my arm roughly. 

"Wait, wait my phone," I tried to go back and grab it but instead he yanked me forward. 

"Move!" He took out his gun and pointed it at me. 

"W-what?" I felt my stomach turn. It seems this wasn't a simple accident, my mind went over the crash again one car behind one to the front. No, it wasn't an accident, it was all too intentional. 

He got me onto the road as I moved backward eyes on his gun. The screeching of tires behind me caused me to turn, he took his chance and ran forward grabbing me and pushing the gun into my side. 

My mind raced as the cars pulled up, the old style my father's men tainted our city streets with. One nice town car in the middle of them, and my blood went to ice in my veins. I started struggling against the man and he gripped me tightly. 

"No no princess, time to go back to Daddy," He hissed in my ear. 

"No-NO!" I screamed grabbing at his arm and finally biting down on his wrist. He yowled and pushed me away and I tried to run for it but he grabbed me by the hair slamming me onto the gravel road. 

"Little bitch!" He kicked my stomach and I coughed the air leaving me. I heaved in and out not noticing the sound of footsteps behind us. 

"Here, she's all yours," He announced. 

"Well thank you," I heard my father's voice my hands fisting. I was ready to stand and throw myself at him, kicking the crap out of him. 

"You'll let my family leave then?" My "guard" asked him. 

"Your family can leave," My father benevolently gave the man what he wanted. I looked up at a man Giovanni had trusted to watch over me, it seemed everyone has a price. Then a shot rang out and the man crumpled to the floor and blood pooled out of his mouth. 

I screamed back away. Two pairs of hands grabbed me healing me to my feet I hyperventilated before turning to my father who stared at me head turned sideways in confusion. "Why?" 

He held his arms out as if it was obvious. "He hurt my daughter as if I could let that stand," He came over to me and I stepped back but the men holding me kept me in place. 

"Your little boy was clever, he almost had me," He grinned, he truly held some admiration for Giovanni. "But I knew he wouldn't pass up a good opportunity," 

He had faked whatever it was that had pulled Giovanni away. Leaving me vulnerable, especially with a turncoat guard. We were doomed the second we left the city. 

"He's too on top of it, I seem to have really gotten under his skin," He took pride in his sins. 

The man who held all of my anger, all the hate that had been fueling me for the last couple of months now stood before me, not an ounce of regret. I felt all of the people he had under his foot and before I knew what was doing I hurled a wad of my spit at his face. 

It landed right on his cheek, I hid a grin when I saw the shock on his face. He dabbed the spit before taking his handkerchief and wiping it off a deep chuckle rumbling up from his belly. His men stepped back and looked over at each other with wide eyes. 

I waited for him to strike me, to put a bullet in my head, make me pay for betraying him. Instead, he looked at me with unadulterated pride. 

"This," He smiled. "This is why you'll be the best successor," 

My jaw dropped and the men behind me started dragging me into the car I couldn't form a sentence under the shock of what my after had just said. What kind of psychopathy was he under to believe I would ever take over his mob? Ruining people's lives as he did? He was insane.