Chapter 11: The Call into the Abyss

The icy wind still raged across the polar landscape as Jack, Sarah, and Tom staggered across the icefield after escaping the cave. Their breathing was heavy, a hint of relief evident in their eyes, but the fleeting calm was quickly engulfed by their inner fears. Anna's whereabouts, the mysterious power within the blue light, loomed over them like the sword of Damocles, constantly threatening their survival.

Jack took a deep breath, looking at the white wasteland before them, his heart still filled with unease. Though they had temporarily escaped the cave, the power radiating from the blue runes lingered in his mind. The whispers were like a persistent echo—though faint, they had never truly disappeared. He felt a chill run down his back, as though something unseen was following them.

"What do we do now?" Sarah broke the silence, her voice hoarse and weary, but her gaze remained resolute. She looked at Jack, hoping he had a definite answer.

Jack hesitated for a moment, then raised his head to take in the surrounding environment. They were in the midst of an endless expanse of ice, with nothing but white all around—no landmarks, no sign of any other survivors.

"First, we need to find a safe place to rest," Jack finally spoke, his voice filled with caution and exhaustion. "After that, we need to re-plan and find a way to rescue Anna." He glanced at Tom, who still appeared dazed, seemingly tormented by the lingering whispers.

"But we don't have much time left, Jack," Sarah gritted her teeth, clearly filled with anxiety. "Anna is still in that cave, and the power in that place... I feel like it's only getting stronger."

Jack nodded. He understood Sarah's urgency, but they were in a dire state—especially Tom, whose mental condition was teetering on the edge. Jack knew they had to ensure their own safety before considering their next move.

"We'll head north. Maybe we can find the camp we set up earlier," Jack suggested, trying to stay calm and prevent fear from clouding their judgment.

The three of them began trudging across the icefield. The wind and snow battered against them, as though trying to consume them. Each step they took was a struggle, their bodies exhausted and minds on edge, making every movement seem excruciatingly difficult. Time seemed to slow, each second an endless ordeal.

As they struggled forward, Tom suddenly stopped. His body began to tremble violently, and he clutched his head, his face twisted in pain.

"They're... they're back..." Tom muttered in agony, as if resisting some unseen torment.

"What?" Jack immediately halted, turning to approach Tom, trying to understand what was happening.

"The whispers... they're calling me," Tom's voice trembled uncontrollably. "They don't want us to leave... they... they want us to go back."

Jack felt a surge of intense unease. He looked at Sarah, who wore a similarly grim expression. They had to escape the influence of these whispers quickly, or Tom's mental state would continue to deteriorate.

"Tom, look at me," Jack grabbed Tom's shoulders, shaking him forcefully in an attempt to snap him out of it. "They're just illusions—your fears playing tricks on you. You've got to hold on. We have to get out of here together."

Tom stared at Jack blankly, his gaze fragile. He nodded with effort, seemingly trying to pull himself out of that terrifying state.

"Let's keep moving," Sarah said, supporting Tom on one side, determination in her eyes. "We can't stop."

They continued across the icefield, the cold slowly sapping their body heat. The wind and snow raged more fiercely, as if nature itself was preventing their escape. Jack kept reminding himself not to be swallowed by despair—they still had a chance to survive, still had a chance to save Anna.

Suddenly, Sarah stopped in her tracks, seemingly noticing something. Jack followed her gaze and saw a black dot on the horizon. As the wind and snow lessened slightly, the dot gradually became clearer.

"What is that?" Sarah pointed to the distance, her voice tinged with hope.

Jack squinted, observing carefully. The black dot looked like some sort of man-made structure—perhaps their previous camp or a temporary shelter from another expedition.

"Let's go check it out," Jack said decisively, a glimmer of hope rising within him.

The three quickened their pace, heading towards the dot. As they drew closer, the outline of the structure gradually came into view. It was a small shelter, partially buried by the wind and snow—simple and crude, but exactly what they needed as a refuge.

They finally reached the shelter. Jack pushed open the snow-covered door and led them inside. The shelter was cramped and cold, but compared to the raging wind and snow outside, it was a haven. Jack quickly inspected the interior, finding some leftover supplies and a rudimentary heating device. Although basic, it was enough for them to recover their strength, at least temporarily.

Sarah and Tom followed him inside. Sarah immediately began organizing the supplies, trying to make the most of the limited resources, while Tom slumped against the wall, closing his eyes, attempting to recover from his mental exhaustion.

Jack lit the heating device, the warmth slowly dispelling the cold. He sat down, watching Sarah's busy figure and feeling a slight sense of comfort, though he knew their time was running out.

"Jack," Sarah suddenly spoke, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Do you think... there's still a chance for Anna?"

Jack was silent for a moment, then looked up at Sarah, his eyes filled with complex emotions.

"I don't know, Sarah," he said softly. "But I can't give up on her. Behind those whispers, there's something we can't understand. But I know that if we give up, we might never be able to forgive ourselves."

Sarah nodded, tears welling in her eyes. She took a deep breath, wiped her eyes, and forced herself to stay strong.

"Then we'll rest a bit and figure out how to go back." She said firmly.

Jack looked at Sarah, feeling a surge of strength. Though they were in desperate circumstances, they still had each other and the promise they made to their companion.

In this makeshift shelter, they found a brief respite. But Jack knew their journey was far from over. The whispers still lingered in their ears, the ancient beings still waiting in the darkness. And they would return to that abyss, to face the unknown horrors once again.