Chapter 34: The Whisper of the Abyss

Night fell, and the icy plain seemed even more boundless under the relentless snowstorm, as if the entire world had been swallowed by an endless white. Jack, Sarah, Tom, and Anna forged ahead in the extreme cold, using the faint beam from their flashlights to find their way. They knew that finding the so-called "Heart of the Abyss" was their only way out; no matter what dangers lay ahead, there was no turning back.

The four stumbled along, the ice and snow crunching underfoot, each step feeling like they were treading into an unknown abyss. The runes scattered across the ice emitted a faint blue glow, appearing eerily alive in the darkness of night, as though watching their every move.

"How much further do we have to go?" Tom asked, his voice filled with exhaustion and a tinge of despair. The continuous trek and lack of food had drained almost all his energy, making each step a tremendous effort.

Jack stopped and, using the flashlight, checked the map in his hand. The map had been found at an abandoned expedition camp and marked some critical locations on the ice plain, including the "Heart of the Abyss." Although the map's location details were blurry, they could still roughly determine the direction.

"We're almost there; it should be near the mountain ahead," Jack said quietly, trying to make his voice sound confident to encourage his teammates.

Sarah wiped snowflakes from her face and looked at Anna. Though Anna's condition was still unstable, there was a hint of clarity in her gaze, as if she had an inexplicable, instinctive attraction to that place.

"The Heart of the Abyss..." Anna murmured softly, her voice carrying a dreamlike mystique. "It calls to us; there... lies the answer."

Sarah exchanged a glance with Jack. Despite their doubts about the nature of the "Heart of the Abyss," they knew this was their only hope.

As the night deepened, the temperature continued to drop, and the cold wind cut through them like a blade. They were wrapped in thick winter clothes, but the cold still pierced through, biting into their bodies. Jack led the way, the beam of his flashlight flickering in the snowstorm, and he finally saw a massive shadow in the distance—it was the mountain.

"There, it's the mountain ahead!" Jack turned and shouted to the others, his voice almost drowned out by the wind and snow.

Tom quickened his steps with difficulty, and Sarah supported Anna as they followed Jack. They struggled to reach the foot of the mountain, where Jack raised his flashlight, searching for an entrance. The "Heart of the Abyss" was supposed to be inside this mountain, but the map did not show the exact location of the entrance.

"Let's split up and look for an entrance around here," Jack shouted as he carefully inspected the mountain's surface with his flashlight.

The four spread out, searching the base of the mountain for any possible entrance. The blizzard grew stronger, and visibility was extremely low. Jack wiped snow from his face with his glove, when suddenly, his flashlight caught sight of an unusual indentation—a long, narrow crevice. There was a faint blue light coming from within.

"I found it!" Jack shouted, signaling for the others to come over.

Sarah and Tom helped Anna over to Jack. They looked at the crevice, their hearts filled with apprehension. The blue light from the crevice seemed to welcome them, yet at the same time, emitted a chilling aura.

"Is this... the entrance?" Tom said softly, his voice filled with fear.

Jack nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yes, we have to go in. This might be our only chance."

Sarah glanced at Anna. Though her gaze was still hazy, she did not resist, as if she knew they had to do this. Sarah gently supported Anna and signaled Jack to lead the way.

The four of them entered the narrow crevice one by one. The icy walls made breathing difficult, and the air was thick with dampness. As they descended step by step, the blue light grew brighter, and whispers began echoing in their ears, as if the entire cave was telling them an ancient secret.

They continued down the narrow passage, which gradually opened up. The walls around them were covered in runes, and the blue light flowed among them like the pulse of some kind of life force.

Jack stopped and gazed at the sight before him, filled with a profound sense of awe. These runes, unlike those they had seen before, seemed vibrant, as if they were welcoming their arrival.

"Is this... the 'Heart of the Abyss'?" Sarah asked softly, uncertainty in her eyes.

"Maybe it's some kind of center," Jack replied. "We need to figure out the meaning of these runes; perhaps there's a way here to shut them down."

Just then, Anna suddenly broke free from Sarah's support and walked towards the brightest spot in the cave. Her eyes were vacant, but her steps were resolute, as if being led by an invisible force.

"Anna! What are you doing?" Sarah cried out, trying to grab her, but Anna kept moving forward, stopping in front of a massive rune.

Anna reached out, and the moment she touched the rune, a deep humming sound echoed throughout the cave. The blue light began flowing rapidly between the runes, as if some kind of ritual had been initiated. Jack and Tom rushed over, trying to pull Anna back, but the power of the blue light prevented them from getting close.

"Damn it! We have to find a way to stop this!" Jack shouted, but his voice was drowned out by the hum of the blue light.

Anna stood before the rune, her eyes flickering with complex emotions, as if communicating with an unseen presence. Her lips parted slightly, whispering, "They are waiting... the abyss shall open..."

With her words, the cave began to tremble violently, the blue light growing blindingly bright as if it were about to consume the entire space. Jack and Sarah could only watch helplessly, realizing that they stood on the very edge of the abyss, facing a critical moment of fate.

This chapter leads the four deeper into the mysterious "Heart of the Abyss" within the mountain. Anna's strange actions reveal the deeper power and threat behind the runes. The appearance of the blue light and whispers foreshadow an unknown awakening, bringing the four to face even more severe challenges.