Diary Series: Tavern Butler Service

Entry 1:

Dear Diary,

The men seemed very intrigued by the uniforms from last week, so I thought of making butler uniforms! Everyone will look so much of an eye-candy!

Oh, I was drooling… ANYWAYS!

I was originally only going to make Ion, Alpheratz, and all the male shadow circle put it on, but the ladies, especially Avon, looked dashing on it! Can a woman like another woman? I think I like what I see!

Note: Levi must be interested to write an entry in my journal. He’s been standing behind me as I’m writing this. Oh, won't Levi look nice with the uniform? How should I convince him.

(A scribble of Butler Avon hiding behind the door and the messenger talking to Ion.)

Yours in adventure,


Entry 2:

Dear Diary,

Levi volunteered. I wasn’t aware that he’s interested in serving here in the tavern. Is that why he was watching me so intently as I was writing in my journal yesterday? Had he perhaps run low on money? That sounds almost impossible though…