Chikan Cunjin Police Station, 9:47 AM
I don’t know why, but I had this feeling that we hadn’t been here in a week when we were only here yesterday chasing up the ‘Jack’ lead. I left it out earlier because it was a blur, but all I know is that we got a hard no. We asked if any of the higher ups have any info. Cheng Wei knew it was an alias of a member of The Family, but he knew little beyond that, and he appeared just as frustrated as us even though it was all done via phone. As for Xu Ming, well, he went MIA just after the museum was visited by the now late Joel Swallow. How could they have lost the second in command so easily?
But now we’ve returned, and this time, for sure, we are bound to get some answers, even if we must sink our figurative claws into somebody’s flesh to get them. Maybe my thoughts are too violent. Maybe they are unnecessary, but should I remind you that I care little about what you, the reader, thinks?