A Corpse as Blue as Lapis Lazuli - Chapter 10

Art Garden Hotel, 11:25AM

Jia Hua’s arrival was announced to us when he knocked upon the door to our room.

David opened the door.

“You wanted to see me?” Hua asked.

“You’re Jack, right?” David asked.

“I wouldn’t deny it,” I added. “Xu Ming told us everything.”

Hua shook his head. “Why were you looking for me, and by me, I mean Jack?”

“This note was left at the scene.” David announced and produced the note from earlier.

Hua examined it. “This was left by Xu Ming; I recognise this handwriting anywhere.”

“That’s odd, why did he not write it in Chinese?” I noted.

“His Han handwriting isn’t legible, even to him, that’s why he writes in English, it is just easier for him.” Hua explained.

“This is China, and those symbols are commonplace, I can’t go anywhere without seeing them and so I can agree that those must be hard to place on paper using a pen or a pencil.” David remarked.