Chapter 79: Tension Rising

The next few days passed in a blur of heat and desire, but Luca couldn't shake the feeling that something was shifting between them. Ethan's touch remained as intoxicating as ever, but there was a growing tension in the air. Luca sensed it in the way Ethan's gaze lingered on him, in the way his grip tightened just a bit too much when they were together.

It wasn't just passion—it was something darker, something possessive.

Luca found himself staring at his reflection in the mirror one afternoon, the marks from Ethan's teeth and hands still visible on his skin. A flush rose to his cheeks as he remembered the way Ethan had taken him the night before, the sheer force of his desire leaving Luca breathless.

But it wasn't just desire anymore. Luca could feel the intensity of Ethan's emotions bleeding into their every interaction, like a storm brewing just beneath the surface.

He knew it wasn't sustainable. The heat between them was burning too hot, too fast, and Luca feared that it would consume them both if they weren't careful.

A knock on the bathroom door startled him from his thoughts, and Luca turned to see Ethan leaning against the frame, his dark eyes locked on Luca's reflection. There was something in his gaze that sent a shiver down Luca's spine—a mixture of lust and something else, something deeper.

"You've been in here for a while," Ethan said, his voice low and casual, but Luca could sense the underlying tension.

Luca swallowed, trying to push away the growing unease that had settled in his chest. "Just thinking," he replied, his voice softer than he intended.

Ethan's eyes narrowed slightly as he stepped into the room, closing the distance between them with purposeful strides. He stopped just inches from Luca, his gaze never leaving his face. "About what?" he asked, his tone deceptively calm.

Luca hesitated, his heart racing as Ethan's presence seemed to fill the small bathroom. He wasn't sure how to answer, wasn't sure if he was ready to confront the emotions that had been swirling inside him since that first night.

"Us," Luca finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ethan's eyes darkened, and Luca felt the temperature in the room rise as Ethan's hand slid around his waist, pulling him flush against his chest. "What about us?" Ethan's breath was hot against Luca's ear, sending a shiver down his spine.

Luca bit his lip, his body instinctively responding to Ethan's touch even as his mind raced with uncertainty. "This… it's intense. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up."

Ethan's grip tightened, and Luca gasped as he was spun around, his back pressed against the cool tile of the bathroom wall. Ethan's hands were on either side of him, trapping him in place as Ethan leaned in, his lips brushing against Luca's ear.

"Are you saying you want to stop?" Ethan's voice was dangerously low, his breath sending another wave of heat through Luca's body.

Luca's pulse quickened, his mind spinning as Ethan's presence overwhelmed him. "I'm saying it's… complicated," Luca managed, his voice trembling slightly.

Ethan's eyes blazed with something primal as he leaned in closer, his lips inches from Luca's. "Nothing about this is complicated, Luca. You're mine."

The possessiveness in Ethan's voice sent a thrill of both fear and excitement through Luca, his body trembling under Ethan's intense gaze. Ethan's lips crashed against his, a kiss that was both punishing and claiming, as if he were trying to prove a point.

Luca moaned into the kiss, his body melting into Ethan's as the heat between them flared back to life. Ethan's hands roamed Luca's body with a hunger that bordered on desperation, fingers digging into his skin as if he were afraid Luca might slip away.

But even in the heat of the moment, Luca couldn't shake the feeling that this was spiraling out of control. The fire between them was burning too bright, too fast, and Luca wasn't sure how much longer they could keep it from consuming them both.

End of Chapter 79

To Be Continued...