Chapter 80: A Dangerous Game

The next morning, Luca woke up feeling the weight of Ethan's possessiveness pressing down on him like a heavy blanket. Ethan had fallen asleep beside him, his arm draped across Luca's waist as if he feared losing him in the night. Luca's heart raced as he lay there, staring at the ceiling, his mind spinning with the intensity of everything that had happened.

He wasn't sure how long he could keep playing this dangerous game with Ethan. The way Ethan claimed him, the way he asserted his dominance over Luca's body—it was exhilarating, but it was also suffocating. There was no space to breathe, no room for anything other than Ethan's overwhelming presence.

Luca carefully slid out from under Ethan's arm, trying not to wake him as he got out of bed. He needed space, needed a moment to think. The air in the bedroom felt too thick, too charged with the weight of their emotions. He grabbed his clothes and quietly slipped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

Standing in front of the mirror, Luca ran a hand through his disheveled hair and stared at his reflection. His lips were swollen from Ethan's kisses, his skin marked with the bruises of their passion. The sight sent a surge of mixed emotions through him—desire, yes, but also uncertainty.

He turned on the shower, letting the water run as he stripped off his clothes and stepped inside. The hot water washed over him, soothing his aching muscles, but it did nothing to quiet the storm in his mind. He leaned against the cool tile, letting the steam fill the bathroom as he tried to make sense of everything.

How had things gotten so intense so quickly? Luca wasn't naïve—he knew that their connection had always been fueled by passion, but this… this was different. Ethan's possessiveness, his jealousy, the way he seemed to be claiming Luca as his own—it was intoxicating, but also dangerous.

Luca closed his eyes, the sound of the water drowning out the noise in his head for a moment. Maybe he was overthinking it. Maybe this was just how things were with someone like Ethan. But deep down, Luca knew there was more to it than that. The fire between them was growing, threatening to consume everything in its path.

The bathroom door creaked open, and Luca's eyes snapped open as he turned to see Ethan standing in the doorway. His dark eyes were locked on Luca, and the intensity of his gaze made Luca's heart skip a beat.

"You left," Ethan said, his voice low and filled with an edge of accusation.

Luca swallowed, trying to keep his voice steady. "I just needed a shower," he replied, but even to his own ears, it sounded like an excuse.

Ethan stepped closer, his gaze never wavering as he stripped off his own clothes. The sight of Ethan's bare skin sent a rush of heat through Luca's body, but there was an undercurrent of tension that made the air feel thick.

Without a word, Ethan joined him in the shower, his hands immediately finding Luca's waist as he pulled him closer. The heat of Ethan's body against his was overwhelming, and Luca couldn't help the way his body responded, his breath catching as Ethan's lips brushed against his neck.

"You can't just walk away from me, Luca," Ethan murmured against his skin, his voice a soft warning. "Not when I need you."

Luca's pulse quickened as Ethan's hands slid lower, his touch possessive and demanding. "I wasn't—"

"Don't," Ethan interrupted, his grip tightening slightly. "Don't lie to me."

Luca's breath hitched as Ethan's fingers teased his skin, the sensation sending a shiver down his spine. "Ethan, I—"

But before Luca could finish, Ethan's lips were on his, kissing him with a fierceness that left no room for argument. It was a kiss that was both possessive and desperate, as if Ethan was trying to remind Luca who he belonged to.

And in that moment, as the water poured over them and Ethan's hands roamed his body, Luca couldn't deny the truth. He was lost to Ethan, consumed by the fire that burned between them. But how long could they keep this up before it all went up in flames?

End of Chapter 80

To Be Continued...