Chapter 84: Surrender and Control

Luca's heart raced as he stood over Ethan, the sudden shift in power leaving him breathless. Ethan lay sprawled out beneath him, eyes blazing with an intensity that both excited and terrified Luca. He had asked for control, and now Ethan had handed it over—at least, that's how it seemed.

Ethan's challenge hung in the air, thick with unspoken tension. "Take control," he had said, daring Luca to step up, to push back against the dominance that had always defined their relationship. Luca's body trembled with the weight of that challenge, unsure if he was ready to take the lead.

But he couldn't back down now.

Luca climbed onto the bed, positioning himself above Ethan, their gazes locked. His hands hovered uncertainly before he let them fall to Ethan's chest, feeling the firm muscle beneath his fingertips. The sensation sent a shiver down his spine, and for a moment, the power felt intoxicating.

Ethan didn't move. He simply watched Luca, his body completely still as if waiting to see what Luca would do next. The usual fire in his eyes was tempered, though the intensity hadn't faded. Luca knew Ethan was still in control, even as he lay submissive. It was a test, a game.

Luca leaned down, his breath ghosting over Ethan's lips before he claimed them in a kiss. This time, it was Luca who took the lead—his tongue sliding into Ethan's mouth, tasting him, exploring him with a newfound confidence. Ethan responded, but he didn't dominate the kiss like he usually did. Instead, he allowed Luca to set the pace, his hands remaining flat on the bed.

Luca deepened the kiss, his fingers tracing the lines of Ethan's body. He felt a rush of heat, the control making his heart race even faster. This was different, exhilarating. But even as his body responded, the doubt lingered at the edges of his mind. Was this what he really wanted? Or was he simply trying to prove something to Ethan—and to himself?

Ethan's hands finally moved, but only to grasp Luca's hips, guiding him down until their bodies pressed together. Luca gasped at the sensation, his mind spinning from the sudden closeness. Ethan was hard beneath him, the heat between them intensifying.

"You're doing well," Ethan murmured against Luca's lips, his voice low and teasing. "But I know you want more."

Luca's heart skipped a beat. Ethan's words sent a wave of desire through him, but there was still that underlying sense of uncertainty. He wanted more, yes—but what did "more" mean?

"Are you going to take what's yours?" Ethan's voice was a challenge again, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

Luca hesitated, unsure how to proceed. His body ached with desire, but taking control wasn't as easy as he had imagined. Ethan's presence was overpowering, even in submission.

He leaned down, kissing Ethan's neck, then biting softly as Ethan let out a low groan. The sound sent a surge of confidence through Luca, and he trailed kisses down Ethan's chest, his fingers gripping Ethan's waist harder.

"You can do better than that," Ethan taunted, his breath hitching as Luca's lips moved lower.

Luca's body responded before his mind could catch up. He wasn't just playing along anymore—he was giving in to the need that had been building for so long. His hands roamed freely over Ethan's body, and for the first time, Luca felt like he truly had control, if only for a moment.

But as his lips brushed against the line of Ethan's hip, a thought flashed through Luca's mind—how long would this balance last? How long before Ethan reclaimed the control that was so naturally his?

The thought both thrilled and terrified Luca, but for now, he wasn't ready to let go.

End of Chapter 84

To Be Continued...