Chapter 85: Tempting the Flames

Luca's lips hovered over Ethan's skin, every touch igniting a deeper hunger within him. His fingers trailed down Ethan's abdomen, feeling the way Ethan's muscles tensed beneath his touch. The power was exhilarating, the sensation of control almost intoxicating.

But Luca knew he was walking a fine line. Ethan had given him permission to take control, but that didn't mean Ethan was truly submissive. Luca could feel the tension simmering just beneath the surface, like a beast waiting to be unleashed. Every move he made was being watched, measured.

The heat between them was thick, their breaths ragged as the moments stretched on. Luca let his fingers trace lower, teasing the edge of Ethan's waistband, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt Ethan's body react, a low growl rumbling from deep within him. It was a warning, a reminder that despite the illusion of control, Ethan was always one step away from reclaiming his dominance.

Luca paused, lifting his gaze to meet Ethan's eyes. There was a spark of amusement there, mixed with desire. Ethan's lips curved into a slow, dangerous smile. "What's the matter?" Ethan purred, his voice a low, sensual hum. "Afraid to take what's already yours?"

Luca swallowed, trying to steady his breathing. He wasn't afraid—at least, not of Ethan. But the power dynamic between them was a delicate balance, and Luca wasn't sure how far he could push it before Ethan snapped.

"I'm not afraid," Luca murmured, his voice steady despite the rapid beating of his heart. He leaned in, brushing his lips against Ethan's, a kiss that was soft but filled with intent. He wanted to prove to Ethan, and to himself, that he could handle this—that he could take what he wanted without hesitation.

Ethan's hand suddenly shot up, gripping Luca's wrist, pulling him down until their bodies were flush against each other. The sudden shift in position sent a shock of heat through Luca, his breath catching in his throat. Ethan's lips were on his ear now, his breath hot as he whispered, "Then show me."

Luca's pulse raced as he felt Ethan's fingers tighten around his wrist. The command in Ethan's voice was unmistakable, but Luca wasn't ready to give in just yet. He wanted to push Ethan, to see how far he could take this before the balance tipped back in Ethan's favor.

He pressed his lips against Ethan's neck, biting down just hard enough to elicit a hiss of pleasure from him. Luca's hand moved lower, fingers teasing the waistband of Ethan's pants once again, this time slipping beneath the fabric. Ethan's body tensed, his grip on Luca's wrist tightening as a low growl escaped his lips.

"Luca…" Ethan's voice was a warning now, the edge of control slipping as Luca's fingers brushed against him. The heat between them was unbearable, the tension building with every passing second.

Luca smirked against Ethan's skin, feeling a surge of confidence. He wasn't going to back down—not now. He wanted to push Ethan to the edge, to see just how far he could go before Ethan's control shattered.

But as Luca's fingers explored further, Ethan's hand shot up to grab his chin, forcing their gazes to meet. The look in Ethan's eyes was primal, dark, and filled with a hunger that made Luca's heart skip a beat. "You've played enough," Ethan growled, his voice dripping with dominance.

In an instant, Ethan flipped them, pinning Luca beneath him with a force that left Luca breathless. The illusion of control shattered as Ethan reclaimed his dominance, his body pressing down on Luca's with undeniable power.

"I gave you a chance," Ethan whispered against Luca's lips, his voice dangerous and low. "But now, it's my turn."

Luca's body trembled beneath Ethan, the thrill of being claimed overtaking him as Ethan's lips crashed down on his, the kiss fierce and possessive. Luca's control may have been fleeting, but the fire between them was far from extinguished.

End of Chapter 85

To Be Continued...