Chapter 94: Strained Bonds

Ethan's eyes darkened, his expression turning cold in an instant. The possessiveness that simmered beneath the surface threatened to erupt. Luca could see it, feel it, but he refused to back down. For once, he needed to hold onto whatever was left of himself, even if it meant challenging the man who held his heart.

"You need time?" Ethan's voice was low, laced with disbelief and a dangerous undertone. His fingers tightened around Luca's arm, the pressure unmistakable. "Time for what, Luca? To run away? To distance yourself from me?"

Luca winced, but he met Ethan's gaze, his heart pounding. "No, that's not what I mean," he whispered, his voice trembling despite his efforts to remain strong. "I just need to clear my head. I feel like I'm drowning… and it scares me."

"Drowning?" Ethan's voice rose, an edge of anger creeping in. "You're scared because you're mine, Luca. You're scared because you can't handle what we have. But this is what love looks like—what we look like."

Luca felt his breath hitch. "No, Ethan, this isn't just love. It's consuming me. I feel like I'm disappearing… like I'm losing who I am. I need space to think, to understand this."

Ethan's grip on Luca's arm slackened, though the tension between them remained palpable. "Space? You think space will help you? Luca, what we have isn't something you can just walk away from. I've given you everything—my heart, my soul. And now you want to pull away?" His voice wavered, revealing a rare vulnerability hidden beneath the anger.

Luca's chest tightened at the sight of Ethan's frustration, but he knew he couldn't relent. "I don't want to pull away forever," Luca said softly, struggling to keep his voice steady. "But I need to know that this isn't going to destroy me. I need to know that I still have a part of me that's mine."

Ethan's expression hardened again. His possessive gaze swept over Luca, and for a moment, Luca feared that his request would push Ethan further away—or worse, push him over the edge. But instead of anger, there was something darker in Ethan's eyes, a realization that perhaps Luca's defiance would only intensify his desire to keep him close.

"You want space?" Ethan repeated, his voice now cold and clipped. "Fine. I'll give you time. But don't think for a second that this changes anything between us. You're still mine, Luca, and you always will be. No amount of space will change that."

Luca's heart raced as Ethan pulled away from him, the cold emptiness left in his absence a stark contrast to the warmth they had shared. But Luca needed this. He needed to find some semblance of himself before he lost everything to Ethan's overpowering love.

Ethan stood from the bed, his back rigid as he walked toward the door. "Take all the time you need, but remember this," he said, turning to face Luca one last time. His dark eyes bore into Luca's, filled with a warning. "No matter where you go, no matter what you do, you'll always come back to me. Because there's no escaping what we have."

With that, Ethan left the room, the door closing behind him with a soft click that echoed in the silence. Luca remained motionless, his mind racing. He wanted to believe that time would help him find clarity, but deep down, he knew that no matter how much distance he put between them, Ethan's shadow would always loom over him.

He was trapped. Not just by Ethan's possessiveness, but by his own heart, which still yearned for the man who consumed him so completely.

End of Chapter 94

To Be Continued...