Chapter 93: Trapped by Passion

The early morning light barely seeped through the curtains, casting soft shadows across the room. Luca lay still, his body sore from the night before, his mind replaying every heated moment between him and Ethan. The intensity of their passion was undeniable, but so was the feeling that something within him was slipping away—something vital.

He stared up at the ceiling, heart heavy with conflicted thoughts. He couldn't deny the way Ethan made him feel. Every touch, every kiss, left him breathless, but there was a part of him that felt lost in the overwhelming force of Ethan's obsession. He was drowning in Ethan's love, and no matter how deep their connection went, there was always that nagging feeling that he wasn't truly free.

A soft rustle broke the silence, and Luca turned his head to see Ethan sitting up beside him, his bare chest glistening with the remnants of their shared heat. Ethan's gaze was locked on him, dark and possessive, as if he were watching his prey. It sent a shiver down Luca's spine—equal parts thrill and fear.

"Good morning," Ethan murmured, his voice still thick with sleep, though it carried the same undercurrent of dominance that Luca had come to expect.

Luca's lips parted, but no words came out. He felt Ethan's hand slide across his waist, possessively pulling him closer, trapping him in the warmth of his embrace. Luca's heart raced as Ethan's lips found the tender spot just beneath his ear, planting a kiss there that sent a spark of electricity through him.

"Last night…" Ethan whispered, his breath hot against Luca's skin, "you were mine, and you always will be. Don't ever forget that."

Luca closed his eyes, trying to ignore the tightness in his chest. "Ethan… what if I'm losing myself?" The words slipped out before he could stop them, his voice trembling with the weight of his fear.

Ethan's hand stilled on his waist, and for a moment, there was silence. Then Ethan shifted, moving so that he was above Luca, staring down at him with an intensity that made Luca's pulse quicken. "You're not losing yourself," Ethan said firmly, his hand caressing Luca's face with surprising gentleness. "You're becoming mine. That's all you need to understand."

Luca swallowed hard, his throat dry. There it was again—that possessiveness, that overwhelming need to control. A part of him wanted to surrender to it, to give in completely, but another part of him was screaming for air, for freedom.

"I…" Luca began, but Ethan's lips silenced him, capturing his in a kiss that was both gentle and forceful. Ethan's fingers tangled in Luca's hair, deepening the kiss, and Luca found himself melting into it despite the turmoil in his mind.

As the kiss broke, Ethan's lips brushed against Luca's ear. "Don't think so much, Luca. You and I—this is how it's supposed to be."

Luca felt a surge of helplessness wash over him. How could he argue with that when every fiber of his being craved Ethan's touch? His body betrayed him, leaning into Ethan's warmth, even as his mind screamed for space.

Ethan's hands moved down Luca's body, a silent promise of more, but Luca's chest tightened. He knew that if this kept going, he'd lose the last piece of himself he had left.

"I need… I need some time," Luca whispered, his voice barely audible.

Ethan froze, his dark gaze locking onto Luca's. "Time?" His voice was laced with disbelief, and beneath it, a warning.

Luca's heart pounded in his chest. He knew this wouldn't end well, but he couldn't take it anymore. "I just need to think… to breathe."

Ethan's jaw clenched, and Luca felt the shift in the air between them. "You think you can just walk away from me?"

Luca swallowed the lump in his throat, feeling the storm brewing in Ethan's eyes. He wasn't sure he could answer that question.

End of Chapter 93

To Be Continued...