Chapter 119: The Act Begins

The plan to act as if nothing existed between them started that very day. Luca and Ethan went about their morning routines with a careful distance, exchanging only a few words. Each movement was deliberate, each glance calculated, but there was a simmering tension beneath the surface, threatening to unravel at any moment.

At breakfast, they sat at opposite ends of the table. The space between them seemed more like a chasm than a few feet of polished wood. Luca struggled to keep his expression neutral, though his eyes often wandered to Ethan, catching glimpses of the hurt hidden behind his calm facade.

Ethan stabbed his fork into the food on his plate, barely eating as his appetite dwindled. It wasn't just Darren's shadow looming over them that was suffocating—it was the forced detachment from Luca. Every moment he avoided Luca's gaze felt like a betrayal to his own heart. But for their safety, he knew it had to be done.

The silence stretched, becoming almost unbearable. Finally, Ethan couldn't take it any longer. "Are you still planning to meet with Darren today?" he asked, his voice low, careful to avoid sounding too familiar.

Luca's hand tightened around his glass of water before setting it down. "Yes," he replied shortly. "He wants to discuss some business. Probably looking for ways to remind me who's in control."

Ethan nodded, trying to suppress the pang of worry that settled in his chest. "Just… be careful," he said, the words slipping out before he could stop them. He immediately regretted how genuine his concern sounded, too much like a lover's worry.

Luca's gaze softened, but he quickly masked it with a dismissive shrug. "I'll handle him," he replied gruffly, pushing his chair back and standing. "I have to get going."

Ethan watched him walk away, a part of him yearning to follow. But instead, he stayed rooted in his seat, clutching the edge of the table with white-knuckled tension. This act was harder than he had anticipated, and it was only just beginning.

Later that day, Luca found himself in Darren's office. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and the way Darren's eyes scrutinized him made Luca's skin crawl. Darren was seated behind his desk, a smirk curling his lips as he motioned for Luca to take a seat across from him.

"Luca," Darren greeted, his tone oozing with an unsettling calmness. "I appreciate you coming by. I've been hearing some interesting things lately… rumors about you and my sweet Ethan."

Luca kept his expression blank, leaning back in his chair. "Rumors are just that—rumors," he replied smoothly. "Ethan is your property, not mine. I wouldn't dare overstep my boundaries."

Darren's smirk widened, but his eyes darkened. "Let's hope that's true," he said, his voice lowering to a menacing tone. "Because if I ever find out that you've touched him… well, we wouldn't want things to get messy, would we?"

Luca's jaw clenched at the implication, his mind racing with thoughts of what Darren might do if he ever found out the truth. "You have nothing to worry about," he said, forcing a calmness into his voice. "Ethan means nothing to me."

The lie felt like acid on his tongue, but Luca knew it was the only way to keep Ethan safe for now. As he stared into Darren's cold gaze, he realized just how high the stakes had become—and how dangerous the game they were playing truly was.

End of Chapter 119

To Be Continued...