Chapter 120: The Warning

The meeting with Darren left Luca with a sick feeling in his gut. As he walked out of the office, his fists remained clenched at his sides, struggling to keep his composure. The threat Darren had made wasn't just empty words; it was a declaration of war, and Luca knew it.

Returning to the mansion, Luca felt a heavy weight settle over him. He had to warn Ethan, make sure he understood just how serious things were. But the moment he saw Ethan's face, standing at the entrance, waiting for him with a mix of anxiety and hope, his heart ached.

Their eyes met, and Luca motioned for Ethan to follow him upstairs, his expression giving away nothing of the turmoil inside. As they reached Luca's room, he closed the door behind them, leaning against it for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

Ethan watched him with growing concern, sensing that something was wrong. "What happened?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly. "Did Darren say something?"

Luca's gaze flickered to Ethan, the memory of Darren's threat echoing in his mind. He took a step closer, reaching out to grasp Ethan's wrist gently. "He suspects," Luca said, his tone hushed but tense. "He's heard rumors about us… about you and me."

Ethan's breath hitched, his eyes widening in alarm. "What—what did you tell him?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Does he know?"

Luca shook his head, his grip tightening around Ethan's wrist. "No, he doesn't know. I convinced him there's nothing between us," he replied, though the words tasted bitter. "But he made it clear—if he ever finds out… he won't hesitate to make us pay."

Ethan's body went rigid, his skin paling as the reality of their situation sunk in. The danger was closing in on them, and the idea of Darren's wrath was terrifying. "What are we going to do?" he asked, his voice breaking slightly. "If he suspects anything…"

Luca pulled him closer, cupping Ethan's face with one hand. "We stay careful," he murmured, his thumb brushing against Ethan's cheek. "We keep playing our parts. We act like there's nothing between us." His eyes bore into Ethan's, conveying the seriousness of his words. "We can't let him win."

Ethan nodded, though the fear lingered in his gaze. "I understand," he said, but his voice was laced with a quiet desperation. "But Luca… what if he finds out anyway? What if—"

Before he could finish, Luca's lips crashed against his, swallowing the rest of his words. The kiss was urgent, desperate, a mix of fear and defiance. It was their silent promise to each other, a vow to fight against the odds stacked against them.

Ethan melted into the kiss, his hands fisting in Luca's shirt as he returned the passion with equal fervor. For a moment, it was as if the world outside ceased to exist. But even as their bodies pressed closer, the reality of the danger lurking in the shadows remained, a reminder that their love was as perilous as it was forbidden.

End of Chapter 120

To Be Continued...