Chapter 132: Shattering the Illusion

The heavy silence that followed the playback of the recordings seemed to stretch on forever. Darren's eyes darted around the room, searching for someone—anyone—who would come to his defense. But the faces staring back at him were filled with a mixture of anger, disgust, and, in some cases, a glimmer of relief. The evidence was undeniable, and his once ironclad hold on the school was unraveling before his very eyes.

Luca watched Darren's expression, seeing the fear creeping in beneath the surface. He knew this was a pivotal moment, not just for him and Ethan but for every student who had ever been victimized. "This isn't about revenge," Luca said, his voice firm but calm. "It's about justice. No one deserves to go through what you've put us through."

Darren's hands clenched into fists, his knuckles whitening. "You're all pathetic," he spat out, his voice shaking with a mixture of fury and desperation. "You think this makes you strong? Standing here with your little recordings? You're just a bunch of weaklings hiding behind your phones."

Ethan stepped forward, his eyes locked on Darren's. "Maybe we were weak before, but we've found our strength now," he retorted. "And we're not alone anymore."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, and one by one, students began to speak out against Darren. More stories emerged—instances of blackmail, intimidation, and manipulation that had gone on for far too long. Darren's face grew paler with each account, the weight of his actions sinking in deeper than he had anticipated.

Amid the chaos, a teacher finally stepped in, her voice cutting through the commotion. "That's enough," she said, her tone stern as she approached the group. Ms. Carter had always been a no-nonsense teacher, respected by most, and her arrival seemed to bring the escalating situation to a halt.

"What's going on here?" she asked, looking between Darren and the other students.

Luca took a deep breath before stepping forward. "Ms. Carter, we've been dealing with Darren's bullying for a long time," he explained. "We have proof of his actions, and we're tired of staying silent."

She glanced at Ethan's phone, still displaying the audio files, and then at the crowd of students who had gathered. Her brows furrowed as she listened to some of the accounts being shared. "Bullying is a serious accusation," she said slowly, "and if there's evidence, it will be investigated."

Darren, seizing the opportunity, tried to regain control. "This is all just a setup, Ms. Carter. They're trying to gang up on me because they don't like me. There's no real proof."

But even as he spoke, his voice lacked the conviction it once held. The crowd could see right through his attempts to downplay the situation. The once-untouchable bully was now scrambling for excuses.

Ethan raised his phone, his voice calm but resolute. "We're not making this up, and we're not doing this out of spite. We just want our voices heard."

Ms. Carter sighed, clearly troubled by the situation. "Alright," she said, "everyone who has something to say about this, come to my office after lunch. We'll discuss this matter properly."

The students began to disperse, but the air was charged with a newfound sense of empowerment. For Luca and Ethan, it felt like the beginning of a long-overdue shift. Darren, on the other hand, was left standing alone, his world crumbling around him.

End of Chapter 132

To Be Continued...