Chapter 133: A Long-Awaited Reckoning

The tension in the school hallways hung thick, and whispers followed Darren wherever he walked. What used to be fear-filled stares from his peers had transformed into emboldened gazes. For the first time, Darren felt like an outsider, and the weight of it pressed down on his chest.

Luca and Ethan walked side by side as they headed to Ms. Carter's office. There was an unspoken bond between them now, a shared sense of purpose. Luca could feel his pulse quickening with every step. Standing up to Darren had been liberating, but now came the harder part: seeing it through.

"I can't believe we actually did that," Ethan murmured, glancing at Luca with a mix of disbelief and admiration. "Do you think it'll be enough?"

"It has to be," Luca replied firmly. "If we don't see this through, then what was the point of all of it?" There was a fire in his eyes, a fierce determination that refused to back down.

As they reached Ms. Carter's office, the door was already open, and the line of students waiting to share their experiences with Darren stretched down the hallway. It was a sight that neither Luca nor Ethan had expected—so many had found the courage to speak up.

Inside, Ms. Carter was busy listening to the accounts being given, her pen moving quickly across the notepad as she documented every word. She raised her head when she saw Luca and Ethan approach, gesturing for them to enter. "You two, come in," she said, her voice softer than usual. "Close the door behind you."

They stepped inside, the door clicking shut behind them. The room felt small and confining, the walls seeming to draw closer as Ms. Carter's gaze fixed on them. "I've been hearing a lot of troubling things today," she said, her tone serious. "I need to understand how long this has been going on."

Luca exchanged a look with Ethan before answering. "Since the beginning of last year," he admitted. "At first, it was just little things—taunting, pushing around. But then it escalated. Darren knew how to make us feel isolated, like we didn't have any way out."

Ms. Carter's expression softened as she listened, and she sighed deeply. "And no one thought to come forward sooner?" she asked gently, though there was no judgment in her tone.

"It's not that simple," Ethan replied, his voice steady. "Darren didn't just threaten us. He made sure we didn't trust anyone else. Every time someone tried to stand up to him, they paid the price."

The teacher nodded thoughtfully, her pen tapping lightly against the desk. "Well, I want you both to know that I'm taking this seriously," she assured them. "We'll conduct a thorough investigation, and if these accusations hold up, there will be consequences."

Luca exhaled, the breath he'd been holding finally escaping in a rush. It wasn't over yet, but at least they'd started the process. "Thank you," he said quietly.

As they left the office, a sense of unease settled over them. There was still an undercurrent of uncertainty. What if Darren retaliated? What if this only made things worse? But as they walked past the line of students still waiting to speak, Luca felt a surge of hope. They weren't alone in this anymore.

Meanwhile, Darren stood in a dark corner near the lockers, watching the scene unfold from a distance. His jaw was clenched tight, a storm of emotions raging within him—anger, humiliation, and a fear that gnawed at his insides. For the first time in his life, Darren felt like he was losing control.

And he didn't know what to do about it.

End of Chapter 133

To Be Continued...