Chapter 146: Unraveling the Web

Luca's mind raced as he and Gray moved through the dimly lit park. The revelation that Alyssa's flash drive was bugged left a sour taste in his mouth. He couldn't shake the anger rising within him—had they really been a few steps behind Darren this entire time?

"Gray, we need to get to the bottom of this," Luca muttered, his voice low and tense. "If Alyssa knew about the bug and didn't tell us, then she's been playing both sides."

Gray shook his head, his expression grim. "I'm not so sure she knew. Darren's clever. He might have slipped the tracker onto the flash drive without her even noticing. She's resourceful, but she's not untouchable."

They reached the safehouse's back entrance—a rusted metal door, half-hidden behind a dumpster. Gray slid a key into the lock and twisted it with a soft click. "After you," he murmured, pushing the door open.

The room inside was sparse and cluttered with faded furniture. It smelled of old leather and dust, but it was a fortress compared to the open streets. Luca's eyes darted around as he assessed their surroundings, half-expecting someone to leap from the shadows.

But the room remained silent, save for their own breaths.

Luca sank into an armchair, frustration tightening his chest. "If Alyssa didn't know, then she's still a liability. We don't have time to babysit her while Darren's breathing down our necks."

Gray tossed his jacket over a chair and turned to face Luca. "We need her, whether we like it or not," he replied. "That flash drive contains more than just her escape plan—it's got files on Darren's operations, things we couldn't get any other way. She's been running from him for a reason."

Just then, the faint creak of the front door echoed through the safehouse. Luca shot up from his seat, his pulse quickening. Before he could reach for his weapon, Alyssa stumbled inside, clutching her side.

She looked disheveled, her hair matted and a bruise forming on her cheek. Her breath came out in ragged gasps as she staggered towards them. "They found us," she choked out, collapsing onto the floor.

Gray rushed over to help her, while Luca's suspicion flared. "How did they find us again, Alyssa?" he demanded, his tone sharp. "Did you know the flash drive was bugged?"

Alyssa's eyes widened in shock as she met his gaze. "Bugged?" she echoed, her voice trembling. "I… I didn't know. I swear, I thought I was careful. Darren… he's always a step ahead."

Luca exchanged a glance with Gray. Her reaction seemed genuine, but he wasn't ready to let his guard down just yet. "If you're telling the truth, then Darren's not just a step ahead—he's laying traps everywhere," Luca said, his voice laced with frustration.

Gray placed a hand on Alyssa's shoulder. "We'll figure this out," he assured her. "But for now, we need to make sure Darren doesn't have any more tricks up his sleeve."

Luca's mind spun with questions, but there was no time to dwell on them now. If they were going to survive, they needed to hit back—and hard.

"Get some rest," Gray said, glancing at the bruises on Alyssa's face. "You'll need your strength."

Luca watched as Alyssa settled onto the couch, a mixture of exhaustion and fear etched on her face. He couldn't tell if she was a victim or a pawn in Darren's game, but one thing was certain: they were walking a razor's edge, and one wrong move could shatter everything.

As the night deepened, Luca and Gray began to prepare for their next move. The web around them was tightening, and Darren wasn't the only one who could spin a trap.

End of Chapter 146

To Be Continued…