Chapter 147: Trust Shattered

Luca leaned against the window, the city lights casting a faint glow across his face. Alyssa's presence in the safehouse made him uneasy, but it wasn't just her sudden arrival—it was the fear in her eyes. If she was telling the truth about not knowing the flash drive was bugged, then Darren was more ruthless than they had anticipated.

He glanced over at Gray, who was rummaging through a cabinet for supplies. "Do you really think we can trust her?" Luca whispered, his voice barely audible.

Gray paused, his hand resting on a box of bandages. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford right now," he replied, turning to face Luca. "But if she's lying, we'll find out soon enough."

The tension in the room was thick, suffocating. Luca's mind raced with doubts as he recalled the files they had retrieved from the flash drive. There was one file in particular—a list of names and dates that had seemed unimportant at first glance. But as he thought more about it, something about the pattern clicked into place.

He crossed the room and knelt beside Alyssa, who was slumped on the couch, her eyes half-closed. "Alyssa," he murmured, "this list of names… do you know what they mean?"

Alyssa's eyes fluttered open, a flicker of confusion and realization washing over her. "Those are people Darren has been targeting," she said quietly. "He's been… eliminating anyone who gets in his way."

Gray's grip tightened on the bandages. "You're saying he's already killed some of these people?" His voice carried a hint of anger.

She nodded, her expression haunted. "It's worse than that. He doesn't just kill them. He… uses them. To get what he wants."

The room fell silent as Luca absorbed Alyssa's words. If Darren's reach extended this far, it wasn't just about taking down a rival—it was a carefully orchestrated game of manipulation. Luca couldn't help but wonder how many others were caught in the crossfire, unknowingly serving as pawns in Darren's twisted schemes.

"I don't like where this is heading," Gray murmured, meeting Luca's gaze. "We need to take him down, and we need to do it fast."

Before anyone could respond, a sudden vibration echoed from Alyssa's pocket. She pulled out a phone, her face draining of color as she read the message. "He knows I'm here," she whispered, her voice cracking. "He said… there's no use in hiding."

A wave of anger surged through Luca. It was too convenient—Darren's timing, Alyssa's arrival, the bugged flash drive. It all felt like a trap, as if Darren was taunting them, pushing them to make a desperate move. But he wasn't going to play by Darren's rules.

"If he's coming, we need to be ready," Luca said, grabbing a knife from the table. His jaw tightened as he glanced at Alyssa. "And if this is a setup, you'd better hope we survive to see who's really pulling the strings."

The night was far from over, and the line between friend and foe was beginning to blur. As Luca, Gray, and Alyssa prepared for Darren's next move, the only certainty was that trust would be tested—and blood would be spilled.

End of Chapter 147

To Be Continued…