Chapter 148: Desperate Plans

The safehouse was plunged into a tense silence, only broken by the steady ticking of the wall clock. Luca's pulse raced as he weighed their options. Darren was closing in, and they had precious little time. He glanced over at Gray, who was already arming himself with a pistol, his face hardened with determination.

"We need a plan, and we need it now," Gray said sharply, shoving the gun into a holster at his side. "We can't stay here. If Darren knows Alyssa is with us, he'll come with everything he's got."

Luca nodded, his mind spinning with possibilities. "Agreed. But running isn't going to solve anything. We need to hit back." His eyes shifted to Alyssa, who sat rigidly on the couch. "If you're going to be useful, you need to tell us everything you know—right now."

Alyssa's gaze darted nervously between Luca and Gray, her hands trembling as she clutched the phone. "I… I don't know all the details," she stammered. "But Darren has safehouses of his own, scattered throughout the city. He never stays in one place for too long, always moving."

Luca's eyes narrowed as a thought formed. "And where's his next move? There has to be a pattern."

She hesitated, a look of uncertainty crossing her features. "There is… a warehouse," she said slowly. "Near the docks. He's used it before for... special operations."

Gray scoffed, shaking his head. "It's not much to go on, but it's the best lead we have."

Suddenly, Luca's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen—an anonymous message. His blood ran cold as he read the text: "I see you. Time's ticking, Luca."

Luca clenched his jaw, his grip tightening around the knife in his hand. Darren was toying with them, but they wouldn't play the victim in his twisted game. "He's taunting us," Luca muttered. "We can't wait for him to strike first."

Gray's eyes met his. "You're right. We need to draw him out. If we can lure him to the docks, we'll have the advantage."

Alyssa's face paled at the suggestion. "Are you crazy? He'll be expecting that. He'll have backup."

"That's why we need to make it look like we're desperate," Gray replied. "We'll set a trap. Make him think he's walking into an easy kill."

The urgency of the situation left little room for argument. They had to act, and they had to do it now. Gray and Luca gathered what weapons they could find, stuffing them into a duffel bag as Alyssa kept watch by the window. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, the weight of the unknown pressing down on them.

As they prepared to leave, Luca caught Alyssa's gaze, his expression firm. "You stay close, and you follow our lead. If you're lying about any of this…"

"I'm not," she interrupted, her voice trembling. "I just want Darren to pay."

"Good," Luca replied, turning towards the door. "Then let's make him pay."

With every step they took towards the unknown, Luca and Gray knew the risk was rising. Darren's web of deception was tightening, and the question was no longer if they would face him, but when—and who would come out alive.

End of Chapter 148

To Be Continued…