Chapter 151: A Desperate Bargain

Alyssa's bold declaration hung in the air, echoing against the dark walls of the warehouse. Darren's grin twisted with amusement, his gaze sliding from Alyssa to Mark and then back to Luca and Gray. The tension thickened, leaving no room for error.

"You," Darren chuckled, "think you're worth a trade?" He turned his head, eyeing Luca. "What do you say, Luca? Should I make the swap?"

Luca's mind raced. Alyssa had always been unpredictable, but offering herself to Darren didn't seem like part of any plan they had discussed. It was reckless—yet there was a glint in her eye that made him hesitate. Was there more to this than he was seeing?

Before he could speak, Gray stepped forward. "We're not trading Alyssa for anyone," he barked, his grip on his weapon tightening. "If you think—"

"Shut up, Gray," Alyssa snapped, cutting him off. "You're out of your depth here." Her eyes burned with a mix of defiance and desperation. "Darren," she continued, her voice lower and steadier, "you know I'm more valuable than any hostage. You and I have unfinished business."

Darren's interest seemed to peak at her words. "Ah, yes. That little incident a few years back." His grin widened. "I've been waiting for the day you'd come crawling back, Alyssa."

Mark's breaths were ragged as he struggled against his captor's grip. "Don't do it, Alyssa!" he gasped out. "He's playing you."

But Alyssa ignored him, keeping her gaze fixed on Darren. "If I go with you," she said, her voice cold and steady, "you let Mark go. No tricks."

Darren appeared to ponder the proposition, his hand resting casually on the hilt of the knife strapped to his side. "And what guarantee do I have that you won't just double-cross me the moment we're out of here?"

Alyssa smirked, a dangerous glint in her eye. "You don't," she admitted. "But we both know you're dying for a challenge." She took a step closer. "Besides, I'm unarmed. It's not like I can take on all your men single-handedly, right?"

Luca watched the exchange, his heart pounding in his chest. This was spiraling out of control, and every instinct told him not to let Alyssa walk into Darren's trap. But intervening now could cost them everything.

Alyssa's gaze flickered toward him for a split second—a signal, perhaps. Her lips parted ever so slightly, as if to say, "Trust me."

Darren finally nodded, signaling to his men. "Release him," he ordered, his eyes locked on Alyssa. "But if you try anything, sweetheart, I won't hesitate to cut you down."

As Mark stumbled free, Luca and Gray rushed to his side, quickly assessing his condition. Alyssa took a deep breath and stepped toward Darren, the weight of her choice sinking in. She had bought them time—but at what cost?

Just as Alyssa reached Darren's side, she whispered something too low for anyone else to hear. Darren's expression shifted from triumph to surprise.

"What did you just say?" Darren growled, his eyes narrowing.

Alyssa's lips curved into a dangerous smile. "I said... 'checkmate.'"

To be continued...