Chapter 152: The Trap Unveiled

The moment hung heavy in the air as Alyssa's word echoed in Darren's ears. He stared at her with a mix of curiosity and irritation, trying to decipher the meaning behind her cryptic statement. Alyssa stood inches away from him, her eyes defiant and unyielding.

"What kind of game are you playing?" Darren snapped, his fingers tightening around her wrist.

Alyssa didn't flinch. "The kind that ends with you losing," she said calmly. Then, without breaking eye contact, she pressed something cold and metallic into Darren's side. The moment he glanced down, his face twisted in realization—Alyssa had just planted a small explosive device on his belt.

Darren's eyes widened, but before he could react, Alyssa was already moving. She slammed her elbow into his gut, breaking free from his grip, and darted backward. "Now!" she shouted to Luca and Gray.

Luca didn't hesitate. He and Gray sprang into action, rushing forward to cover Alyssa's retreat. Darren's men, momentarily caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, scrambled to catch up, but chaos erupted. The explosive device Alyssa had slipped onto Darren wasn't designed to detonate—at least not right away. Instead, it emitted a piercing high-frequency noise that disoriented everyone in the immediate vicinity.

The sound rattled through the warehouse, causing several of Darren's men to stagger, clutching their heads. Alyssa took the opportunity to grab one of their weapons, swinging it expertly to knock the nearest guard unconscious. Gray lunged forward, kicking another thug to the ground, while Luca deftly disarmed a third.

Darren, regaining his senses, growled in fury. "Enough of this!" he bellowed, grabbing Alyssa by the hair and yanking her toward him. She gasped, struggling to regain her balance as he tightened his grip.

"You think this little stunt is going to save you?" Darren sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "I've dealt with far worse than you."

Alyssa gritted her teeth, glaring up at him. "You're right," she admitted, the corner of her mouth curling into a smirk. "But they haven't."

With that, she tilted her head, signaling toward Luca and Gray. In perfect synchronization, they threw smoke bombs across the warehouse floor, filling the air with a thick, suffocating cloud. Darren released Alyssa, covering his mouth and nose as the smoke spread rapidly.

Amidst the confusion, Mark—who had been watching helplessly from the sidelines—finally found his strength. He dashed toward Alyssa, grabbing her arm. "Come on!" he urged. "We need to get out of here now!"

The three of them raced toward the exit, with Gray bringing up the rear. Darren's voice echoed angrily from within the smoke, his shouts growing fainter as they burst through the warehouse doors and into the cold night air.

Alyssa's chest heaved with exertion as she glanced back at the darkened building. She wasn't sure how much time they had bought themselves, but for now, they were free.

Luca's voice broke through the silence. "What the hell were you thinking back there?" he demanded, his face a mixture of relief and anger. "You could have gotten yourself killed!"

Alyssa shot him a tired yet triumphant grin. "Sometimes, you have to take a risk," she said. "Besides, I knew you guys had my back."

As they caught their breath, the reality of what they had just escaped sank in. Darren wasn't defeated yet—far from it. But for the first time, Alyssa felt a glimmer of hope.

The fight wasn't over. It was only just beginning.

To be continued...